Garcia-Varanasi Award
The Garcia-Varanasi Award was created to recognize highly distinguished individuals who have shown sustained, exceptional dedication and service to IEEE and UNT over an extended period of time. His/her contribution must have made a positive impact and lasting impression on IEEE and UNT. The recipient of the Garcia-Varanasi Award is selected by the previous recipients of the award and is not limited to undergraduates, graduates, teaching assistants, and professors. Due to the rigorous selection process, the award is not given every year but as deemed befitting by the previous Garcia-Varanasi Award recipients. It is considered the highest honor bestowed by the IEEE UNT Student Branch.
This award is named after our Founding Dean of Engineering, Dr. Oscar Garcia, and Founding Chair of the Electrical Engineering Department, Dr. Murali Varanasi, who have given years of dedication and service to IEEE, HKN, and UNT.

Hayley Kim

Dr. Oscar N. Garcia

Dr. Murali Varanasi

Arthur Depoian II