IEEE is the world’s largest professional technical society dedicated to promoting technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity


The IEEE, an association dedicated to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity, is the world’s largest technical professional society. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electric, electronic and computing fields and related areas of science and technology underlying modern civilization.


The main objective of the IEEE is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.


To be essential for the world technical community and for technical professionals everywhere, and have worldwide recognition for their contributions to technology and technical professionals in improving world conditions

Student Branch

The IEEE UERJ Student Branch is the representative entity of the IEEE at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Founded in 2004, its mission is to disseminate the identity of IEEE within the university, contribute to the technological-scientific development of the academic community and add value to the professional training of its members. 
Among its activities are the promotion of technical events, realization of projects (academic, technical and humanitarian), courses, training, workshops and external activities.


A Chapter is a technical subunit of a region or geographic council. The Chapters are responsible for technical activities and projects in a given field, which their Society represents. They also train their volunteers and work together with the Branch to hold events.
The Branch includes chapters of the Robotic and Automation Society (RAS), Power and Energy Society & Industry Applications Society (PES & IAS), Computer Society (CS) and the affinity groups Women in Engineering (WiE) and Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT).

IEEE Power and Energy Society & IEEE Industry Applications Society

The Power and Energy Society is the oldest IEEE society that covers research and development in the safe, sustainable and economic use of electricity.

IEEE Robotics and
Automation Society

The Society of Robotics and Automation supports development in the fields of robotics and automation, including the advancement of theory and practice.


IEEE Computer Society

The Computer Society is the main source of information, inspiration and collaboration in the areas of Science and Computer Engineering.

Affinity groups

The main objective is the union and collaboration of members who have a common ideal. The development of projects and activities related to the theme of the Affinity Group is an excellent way to fulfill the purposes of the IEEE.

IEEE Women in Engineering

WIE – Women in Engineering – is an affinity group of IEEE, one of the largest international professional organizations dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists and inspiring girls around the world to pursue their engineering careers.


IEEE Special Interest Group on
Humanitarian Technology

IEEE SIGHT is a global network of groups that identify and address local problems by applying their technical skills and partnering with local communities.


How to participate

You being a member or volunteer can participate in IEEE and its activities!

     As a volunteer, you will be able to perform various operations of your student branch and participate in events held by other branches.

     For you to be a member of the IEEE, i.e. to be part of the global IEEE, it is necessary to pay an annual fee and thus have access to digital and printed material such as magazines, articles, conference videos, in addition to having contact with professionals in the field and technical discussions, discounts on technical congresses, possibility to apply for assistance in external events and projects.

Advantages of being a Member

  • Networking with IEEE professionals and technical discussions

  • You will be associated with the world’s largest professional organization

  • Discounts on events and technical congresses

  • Email with domain + 30GB on Drive

  • Possibility to apply for assistance in external events and projects

  • Access to publications and magazines (IEEE Spectrum; IEEE Potentials)

  • Scholarships, contests and prizes

  • IEEE products (; Education Partners Program; IEEE XploreDigital Library; IEEE JobSite; IEEE Mentoring Connection; myIEEE)

Social media


UERJ – R. São Francisco Xavier, 524. Bloco E, Sala 5015 – Maracanã, Rio de Janeiro – RJ, 20550-900

IEEE UERJ Student Branch