Around the year 1880, the United States was overcome with technological advances such as nation-wide connection through telegraph cables, usage of arc lights in many cities, and a growth in the number of businesses fabricating tech. In the wake of this revolution and the exorbitant growth in electrical activity, the Franklin Institute decided to patron an International Electrical Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1884. The exhibition served as a catalyst for the creation of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE), a precursor of the current Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Two giant local organizations, the Society of Wireless and Telegraph Engineers and the Wireless Institute, joined together to form an international society of scientists and engineers involved in the development of wireless communication, the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE). From its conception, the AIEE and the IRE shared common members and interests, which led to their fusion in 1963 into a single organization: IEEE. Over four decades have passed size its creation, and IEEE continues to expand into different branches such as informatics and other technologies of growing relevance, adjusting to the technological needs of its members. IEEE has been dedicated to helping over 320,000 professionals and students in Engineering to develop their potential in the field of electrical and electronic engineering, as well as informatics, making it worthy of its motto: “Networking the World”.


Promote technological innovation, increase the capability and quality of our members’ careers, promote the benefitting of our community.


Promote the free exchange of technical information, so our members can progress in their careers and society can understand the importance of Electrical, Electronic, and Computational Engineering in daily life.