Latest Past Events

Scientific Day:

ISEP 10 rue de Vanves, Issy-les-Moulineaux

Following the success of the second edition, ISEP’s IEEE student branch is partnering with IEEE France Section, IEEE Young Professionals, and ISEP to organize its third edition of the Scientific Day! This event aims to promote research and bring together, under the banner of IEEE, undergraduate and Ph.D. students, young researchers and engineers. The 2024 edition will comprise multiple sessions dedicated to the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Communication System. Each session will be divided into two parts: a keynote lecture delivered by a distinguished researcher, followed by multiple presentations from Ph.D. students coming from different backgrounds. In addition, a poster session by young researchers and a Women in Engineering session will be held during the day. For more information about Scientific Day, click here.

Panic Night

ISEP 10 rue de Vanves, Issy-les-Moulineaux

Panic Night is BACK ! Like each year, IEEE partners up with the school's associations Garage ISEP and Junior ISEP to organize what we call a Panic Night. Engineering students can come and spend the whole evening at the school to work on their school project (APP, Java, TIPE, Web development etc.) with help from Garage students, Junior ISEP's tech, and IEEE PhD students. Some food and drinks will be provided during the evening to motivate and keep everyone efficient. If you wish to participate, registration will be mandatory ! We're hoping to see you there ! For more information on general Panic Nights, click here.

SiliconDays Hackathon

IEEE will be taking part in the SiliconDays hackathon organized by Garage ISEP at ISEP during March! What does it consist in? A hackathon is an event in which a large number of people meet to engage in collaborative computer programming. This year's theme is "Tech for Good", and will be accompagnied by innovative companies that will allow students to gain knowledge on innovative and responsible technologies. The participation to the SiliconDay hackathon requires to pass the preselection steps happening during February! Don't forget to sign up right away if you wish to participate!

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