Joining an IEEE Student Branch gives you a community of peers, and a connection to faculty and industry professionals who drive innovation in countless technical fields. IEEE is meant to be your professional home, a place that remains stable during your entire career no matter the path you choose. A place where you can grow your skills and your network worldwide.

Being involved in  student branch activities is a great opportunity to accelerate your career while putting together fun events.

Joining the ISEP Student Branch

  1. Go to the IEEE website
  2. Register using FUTURE50 discount code and get 50% off
  3. Add membership to any society for free
  4. Don’t forget to set Institut Sup Electronique de Paris as your University
  5. It’s all done congrats you will be added to the Teams and start to receive IEEE news really soon

We recruit

ISEP student is currently recruiting. We are looking for:

  1. A webmaster (WordPress technology)
  2. A social media manager

To apply for one of these positions, send us an e-mail at