Launching Pojok Sehat Mobile App by KKN Team I Undip

[Semarang, 14/02/2024] PTM (Penyakit Tidak Menular) are medical conditions or illnesses that cannot be transmitted from one individual to another. Non-communicable diseases are a health concern both nationally and globally at present. The development of non-communicable diseases is generally slow and requires a lengthy duration.

Preventable and modifiable factors cause most PTM. PTM can be reduced by controlling their risk factors, such as reducing salt, sugar, and fat intake, increasing physical activity, ensuring adequate rest, and undergoing regular check-ups that can be conducted at Integrated Health Posts (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat Terpadu / Posyandu) and Community Health Posts (Pos Binaan Terpadu / Posbindu).

Posbindu stands for Pusat Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga (Family Empowerment and Welfare Center). In general, Posbindu is an integrated health and family empowerment service aimed at providing primary health care and improving family well-being at the local community level. Posbindu can serve as the frontline in reducing PTM prevalence in the community as it can detect risk factors early on.

Similarly, the Posbindu in the village of Pojok, Tawangsari, Sukoharjo, operates similarly. Several volunteer housewives have become cadres for both Posyandu and Posbindu with the primary goal of making the village of Pojok a healthy village. Posbindu and Posyandu in the village of Pojok are effective ways of addressing PTM as they reach all age groups, from adolescents to adults and the elderly.

However, the Posbindu in the village of Pojok could be further optimized through digitization. The current manual data collection process during Posbindu activities in the village of Pojok hinders the optimal functioning of what should be a consultation and health check venue. Through digitization, Posbindu activities can be well-documented, with participant data being efficiently gathered in a database. Moreover, with digitization, the consultation process at Posbindu can be enhanced with health recommendations tailored to each participant’s condition.

Based on that case, the students of the Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Team 1 from Diponegoro University in the village of Pojok, as a form of community service, aim to implement the digitization process of Posbindu activities through the creation of the “Pojok Sehat” mobile app.

Product demo on how to use Pojok Sehat app by KKN Team I Undip

What features does Pojok Sehat have?

The Pojok Sehat has a primary function, which is to optimize Posbindu activities in the village of Pojok, Tawangsari, Sukoharjo. Optimization is necessary due to the significant potential of Posbindu activities, but the current manual data input process involves writing on paper. The features of the Pojok Sehat include:

  1. The main feature of the Pojok Sehat is the digitalization of data input. This feature involves gathering health data from Posbindu participants and storing it in a database. Users can input data through forms within the application. The transition to digital recording simplifies the process for Posbindu cadres in consolidating existing data.
  2. Another feature is the consultation recommendation, where data entered through forms in the application can be further optimized. The application performs Body Mass Index (BMI) calculations to determine the participant’s obesity level and assesses the risk of hypertension based on inputted systolic and diastolic blood pressure values. Additionally, the application calculates the risk of cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  3. Information Features, another feature that is also available in the app is education to overcome and prevent the risk of PTM for Posbindu participants.

“This app really helps us because we no longer have to write down the data for each participant one by one,” said Mrs. Pur as head of the Posbindu cadre in Pojok Village, Tawangsari, Sukoharjo. It is hoped that this application can help Posbindu’s activities in fighting PTM in Pojok Village.

Picture of KKN Team I Undip and kader Posbindu Pojok Village