Cian O’Mathuna – MagIC Research, Making Magnetics Disappear [Gift of the Gab #3]
Our next ‘Gift of the Gab’ talk is on 14th of March at 7pm via Teams, where Prof. Cian Ó Mathúna will present “MagIC Research – Making Magnetics Disappear”.
His talk will cover the magnetics on silicon story, 27 years of research in the dark to deliver overnight success among other topics.
About Prof. Cian Ó Mathúna:
Cian O’Mathuna is currently Head of the MicroNano Systems Centre at Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Ireland and a Research Professor at UCC School of Engineering.
His research is focused on the convergence of microelectronics and microsystems to “make and power smart things for the future 1 trillion sensor economy”.
He is co-founder of Irish industry-academic research clusters in surface mount technology (Smart Group Ireland), wireless sensor networks (WiSEN) and power electronics (PEIG). In 2010, he was an Irish Government appointee on the National Innovation Task Force Implementation Group.
Prof. Ó Mathúna’s research, over two decades, into the miniaturisation and integration of magnetics-on-silicon, has played a key role in disruptive developments in integrated power management for applications in portable electronics and high-performance computing. Using semiconductor processing of thin-film magnetics, Ó Mathúna’s team have made bulky power magnetic components disappear onto silicon chips.
In 2008, Prof. Ó Mathúna founded the International Workshop on Power Supply on Chip (PwrSoC) which has become the highly influential flagship workshop for the IEEE Power Electronics Society and the US-based Power Sources Manufacturers Association (PSMA).
Through his leadership in PwrSoC, and his extensive collaborations with world-leading industry players, in Europe, USA and Asia, Ó Mathúna has had a significant influence on the emergence of a global supply-chain that can deliver high-volume production of magnetics-on-silicon for use in commercial product.
In 2013, Cian was elevated to IEEE Fellow with the citation “for leadership in the development of power supply using micromagnetics on silicon”. This year, 2021, Prof. Ó Mathúna’s contribution was recognised by the IEEE Power Electronics Society with the inaugural Technical Achievement Award for Integration and Miniaturisation of Switching Power Converters.
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