About the UCC IEEE Student Branch
The IEEE organization takes care of its student associations and supports their initiatives and it dedicates a more specific website for our Region 8 Student Activities.
The student branch is open to all UCC IEEE members.
The UCC IEEE Student Branch (SB) aims to organize:
- Conferences and seminars on selected topics
- Technical talks
- Networking events
- Industry visits to local companies
- Participation in IEEE events and competitions
- Social events for students.
Anyone can participate in events organised by the UCC SB. IEEE members will receive an appropriate discount to any events that must be paid for. Non-members will pay the full fee.
Read our constitution.
Our Mission
- to provide undergraduate and graduate students who have an interest in the Electrical and Electronics or related engineering professions with opportunities for educational, technical and professional development
- to provide an informal environment where students can meet with other students and professionals to build their professional network and create meaningful connections.
- to further the academic interests and the learning, with a variety of events of high quality and relevance for all who are interested
- to encourage students to be proactive and take the responsibility, promoting the process of creating, developing, integrating, sharing, and applying knowledge on technologies and sciences.
Ana Claudia Ferreira
Marco Cavaliere
Hellebore Fass
Rose Marie Delaney
Daragh Crowley
Manish Srivastava
Committee Member