IEEE is the world’s largest technical and professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology, standards, and professional and educational activities.


An IEEE Student Branch (SB) is a vital and dynamic student-led organization affiliated with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), one of the world’s largest professional organizations dedicated to advancing technology and innovation. IEEE SBs are typically established within universities and educational institutions, serving as hubs for students interested in electrical engineering, computer science, and related fields. These branches offer a wide range of activities, including technical seminars, workshops, hackathons, and networking events, to foster academic and professional growth. IEEE SBs provide students with opportunities to collaborate on research projects, gain exposure to industry trends, and connect with experienced professionals, all while promoting a passion for technology and innovation among the next generation of engineers and scientists.

What are we: Student Branch at Digital University Kerala

Since its establishment on 26th February,2022 , the student branch of IEEE at the Digital University Kerala, Trivandrum, has been dedicated to fostering awareness among aspiring engineers about the latest technological innovations. Over nearly in two years, we have been actively engaged in promoting technological advancement and professional development. 


The core purpose of the IEEE student branch is to bridge the gap between students and industry professionals to achieve comprehensive knowledge and gain insights into the respective industry to prepare and develop students for ultimate evolution.


IEEE Student Branch aims to inspire and empower students to contribute society through innovation and excellence in their industries and the global technical community.

” Curate Responsible Digital World” 



Meet and connect with people from all over the world who are inclined to your field of interest


Members gain huge exposure by being an active volunteer in the IEEE Community


A professional IEEE mailID with ieee.org extension which gives you additional 30Gb storage

Travel Grant

IEEE offers travel grants for conference and paper presentation assistance


IEEE provides various Scholarships to its members apart from travel grants


Free entry to the largest annual international programming competitions 

Are you ready to join IEEE ?

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