Title: Body-centric Electromagnetic Solutions for Wearable Technologies and Nano-scale Communication/Sensing Applications in Healthcare.

Presenter: Dr. Akram Alomainy, Deputy Dean for Postgraduate Research in the Faculty of Science and Engineering,  Queen Mary University of London, UK.

Date: 8th June 2023.

Time: 3:30 PM IST.


Joining Link

Platform: Google Meet (Online)

Joining Link: meet.google.com/yqh-qhty-odh


Abstract of the Talk:

With the advent of commercial products, such as Apple iWatch and Samsung Galaxy Gear, body-centric communication has increasingly garnered the public attention and smoothly translated state-of-the-art research work into reality. However, challenges still remains and these are often fundamental physical hurdles that need to be further explored and investigated to come up with efficient and scalable solutions applicable to many fields and areas. This becomes an important research area when you look at the scale or rather the multiple scales it needs to work at from body-size or larger networks to the nano-scale where there have been lots of interest recently on how to get nano-devices inside tissues and even inside intelligent materials around us. The talk will present recent development in the area of antennas, RF devices and electromagnetic solutions for applications such as healthcare and biomedical engineering wit the application of textile and flexible substrates in realising those advanced concepts.

Short bio of the Speaker:

Deputy Dean for Postgraduate Research in the Faculty of Science and Engineering, Head of the Antennas and Electromagnetics Research Group and Reader in Antennas & Applied EM. Associate Editor for IEEE AWPL and IEEE J-ERM. Lead of Wearable Technology and Creativity Research. Research portfolio ranging from the basics of antennas and electromagnetism to novel applications in telerobotics, cognitive radio, wearable electronics, nano-scale networks, healthcare and bioenigneering. Member of the Centre for Intelligent Sensing and Institute of Bioengineering. Over 450 publications in leading journals and international conferences (10000+ citations and H-index of 49). Recipient of the 2011 British Science Festival Isambard Kingdom Brunel Award, recipient of the QMUL Education Excellence Award 2019, participant at ‘I’m a Scientist! Get me out of here’ March 2012 and TEDx 2012 Speaker. Chartered Engineer, College member of EPSRC, Senior member of IEEE and member of IET.


We look forward to seeing you there!