Title: Modeling and Mitigation of RF Desensitization for Wireless Devices.
Prof. Chulsoon Hwang, Department of Electrical and Computer Science Engineering, University of Missouri, USA.
Date:  19th May 2023.
Time: 11:00 AM IST.

Abstract of the Talk:

Wireless connection is the cornerstone for the internet of things (IoTs), a network allowing distant devices and sensors to communicate wirelessly with each other. Although a long radio range is essential for the connectivity and portability of wireless devices, designers are finding that digital circuits within the same system often create sufficient electromagnetic interference (EMI) that decreases receivers’ sensitivity; thereby, degrading the radio range – called RF desensitization, also known as RF desense. Dr. Hwang has been working with many cutting-edge companies such as Apple, Amazon, Meta, Google, etc. to tackle the RF desense problem. This talk will introduce electromagnetic (EM) frameworks to analyze, model, and mitigate the noise radiation from digital circuits and its coupling to on-board radio frequency (RF) antennas developed from industry-cooperative projects. The topics include 1) noise source reconstruction, 2) coupling path visualization, 3) interference mitigation method, and 4) noise-immune antenna design. The proposed approaches have been adopted for real products and could successfully achieve improvements.

Short bio of the Speaker: 

Chulsoon Hwang is with the EMC Laboratory at Missouri S&T. He received his Ph.D. degree from KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea in 2012. From 2012 to 2015, he was with Samsung Electronics as a Senior Engineer. In 2015, he joined the Missouri S&T where he is currently an associate professor. He has authored or co-authored 150+ IEEE journal/conference papers. His research area includes RF desense, signal/power integrity, electromagnetics, and machine learning.

Dr. Hwang was a recipient of the AP-EMC Young Scientist Award, the Google Faculty Research Award, and Missouri S&T’s Faculty Research Award. He was a co-recipient of seven Best Paper/Best Student Paper Awards from various conferences including the IEEE EMC+SIPI, the AP-EMC, and the DesignCon.