The first offline event of IEEE and WIE clubs of the academic year 2021-2022 was catalogued as “ Trendy Talk”. The event was held on 05.09.2021 between 4:00 pm to 4:45 pm. The session was a technical step up with Samsung and was organized by Mr.P.J.Harshavardhan of III EEE A. The session made the students to polish up with already existing technology and to track the necessitate of new gadgets. The impact of modern technology in our routine and their appropriate usage were covered . Many students from various department also marked their presence by quoting numerous brand new gadgets of Samsung. The quality and the service rendered by the Samsung were depicted.  The talk assisted the student to grasp a vital technical knowledge in the developing streams of Samsung and was really informative to all. The event had a feedback session and the importance of IEEE membership was conveyed. The event terminated successfully with the help of all Office Bearers. The event was guided by our branch counsellor Dr.C.Kalyana Sundaram M.E,P.hd., Assistant Professor , Department of ECE