On 11th September 2023, the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering associated with the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society SEC Student Branch Chapter conducted an Inaugural Program for its SEC Student Branch….

On 27th September 2023, Sri Sairam Engineering College IEEE SB Chapter organize National Conclave on Humanitarian Technologies. As a part of this conclave the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering associated with the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society SEC student branch chapter organized a session on Deep insight on involving technology adding value to human capital – insight to drones

On 28th September, 2023 the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in associated with IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society SEC Student Branch Chapter conducted an IEEE Membership Drive and awareness program

On 04th October 2023, the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in associated with IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society SEC Student Branch conducted a placement talk on understanding the job market


On 27th November, 2023, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society SEC SB, IEEE Communication Society SEC SB and IEEE Electromagnetic Compatability Society SEC SB conducts an 5 days value added course on IOT Robotics.

     Begins with the Basics of electronics and IOT. Then, Mr. Palaniappan sir explained the design with the help of Tinker CAD and the coding related to LED light, battery and diode.

       On the second day, explained other components NPN, PNP transistor, H Bridge, Ultrasonic sensor, LDR, IOT architecture, Codes and MQTTX.

       On the third day, Mr. Balajee Sir, explained Basic structure, features, LM358 Opamp, ultrasonic sensor connection, soil moisture sensor connection and codings respective to the sensors.

      On the fourth day and fifth day, the students executed what they learned for the past days and implement it in a practical manner.


     On 18th November 2023, the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering associated with the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society SEC Student Branch Chapter and IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society SEC Student Branch Chapter conducted a Tech Talk on Microwave Filter Design.

     Dr S Brindha, IEEE SB counselor, Sri Sairam Engineering College, gave a welcome address. Then, Dr V Lingasamy, Manager Research and Development, Rakuten Mobile Inc., Bangalore gave a talk on Microwave filter design.

    Then we had a doubt clearing session with the students.