IEEE stands for the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE is the world’s biggest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. The main aim of the IEEE is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humankind. The vision of IEEE is to essential the global technical community and technical professionals everywhere, and be universally recognized for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals in improving global conditions.
IEEE is divided into local sections in geographical areas, Chapters comprised of local members. Societies and technical councils that compose technical divisions. Student branches at colleges and universities around the world.

The IEEE Education Society was founded in 1957 and is one of the oldest technical societies in IEEE. It is a worldwide society of professionals dedicated to ensuring high-quality education in science and engineering. Our members engage students each day, research and propose new theories in learning science, and innovate classroom practice.
Our Objective
The IEEE Education Society is an international organization that promotes, advances, and disseminates state-of-the-art scientific information and resources related to the Society’s field of interest and provides professional development opportunities for academic and industry professionals.
Field of Interest
The theory and practice of education and educational technology involved in the effective delivery of domain knowledge of all fields within the scope of interest of IEEE.
Global Impact
The Society supports local educators through in-person workshops hosted by its worldwide chapters. It keeps its members current through well-regarded publications and international conference events. It provides online continuing education in the form of topical webcasts and MOOCs. Finally, its world-renowned team of distinguished lecturers speaks about the globally diverse facets of engineering education through electronic and face-to-face presentation.
A world in which engineers and scientists are respected for their exemplary ethical behavior and the IEEE and its Ethics & Member Conduct Committee are recognized as a major drive in this regard.
The Ethics and Member Conduct Committee advises the IEEE Board of Directors on ethics policy and concerns as well as fostering awareness on ethical issues and promoting ethical behavior amongst individuals and organizations working within the IEEE fields of interest.