Branch’s Achievements
Recent Awards
Outstanding Student Branch of the Year

Exemplary SPS Student branch award |IEEE SPS SB Chapter Conclave 2024

Best student volunteer award - Dharma |IEEE SPS SB Chapter Conclave 2024

Highest Performing SPS Student Branch Award - 2024

Dr. R Manju Sri receivedd the award for WIE Affinity Group of the Year, WIE Hyderabad Section from Region 10!

Exemplary Student Branch awarded by IEEE Hyderabad Section in the year 2021

Sanctioned $1000 for New Chapter Initiative funding for Nanotechnology Council.

IEEE WiE Inspiring Member of the Year in the year 2023 to Dr. Y. Padma Sai

IEEE India Council Award Outstanding Volunteer of the Year in the year 2023 to Dr.V. Priyanka Brahmaiah

Awarded 2021 R10 Women in Engineering Outstanding Student Branch Affinity Group

India Council 2021 awarded Outstanding WIE Volunteer to Dr. Y. Padma Sai

Sanctioned $3000 for conducting IEEE SPS Hybrid Seasonal School on Recent advances in Artificial Intelligence for Signal Processing

Sanctioned $3000 for conducting IEEE SPS Summer School 2020 on Internet of Things for Biomedical and Healthcare Applications

Outstanding Branch Counselor Award to Dr.Y. Padma Sai for the Year 2019-2020 awarded by IEEE Hyderabad Section

Vibrant Student Award for the year 2018-2019 awarded by IEEE Hyderabad Section

Best Branch Counselor award for the year 2000-2001

Emerging Student Branch Award for the year 1999-2000 Awarded by IEEE Hyderabad Section
Member’s Achievements

Member’s Recognition
Student Network Members
Veda Mouktika Boddanapalli was chosen as the
Student Network Member, for SAC Hyderabad.
Student Network Members
Rushik Sai and Surabhi Seetha
were chosen as the
Student Network Members , for SAC Hyderabad.
Student Network Representative
Rushik Sai and Sai Kamal were chosen as the
Student Network Members, for SAC Hyderabad.
Webinar and Training Lead for SAC Hyderabad
Sai Kamal is chosen as the
Lead for Webinar And Training Team In Student Activity
Committee, Hyderabad Section.
Richard E. Merwin Scholarship
Prasad is a proud recipient of
Richard E. Merwin Scholarship of 2020 Fall Cycle.
Richard E. Merwin Scholarship
Tharun Kumar is a proud recipient of
Richard E. Merwin Scholarship of 2020 Spring Cycle.
GHCI Scholar
Saadia Hassan was awarded with the
Grace Hopper Conference India Student Scholarship 2020
First Prize at SolveIEEEit
Pratyusha and her team bagged the
First Prize in SolveIEEEit Humanitarian Competition at
PES Global Student Congress.
PES Day WIP Ambassador
Pratyusha was selected as the WIP Ambassador for
PES Day Celebrations 2020.
Student Network Representative
Kamal was selected as the SN Member of IEEE Hyderabad
Section for the year 2020
Sub Editor | India Council Newsletter
Rajeshwari was appointed as the
Sub-Editor of the India Council Newsletter(ICNL) in
PES Day R10 Ambassadors
Pratyusha, Sai Kamal and Rajeshwari Reddy were selected
as the Region 10 Ambassadors for PES Day 2020
PES Day India Ambassadors
Sai Kamal and Rajeshwari Reddy were chosen as the
India Ambassadors for PES Day 2020.
PES Day Chapter Ambassadors
Rajeshwari Reddy was selected as the
Chapter Ambassador for PES Day 2020
PES Day Student Branch Ambassadors
Rajeshwari Reddy and Sai Kamal were selected as the
Student Branch Ambassadors for PES Day 2020.
Xtreme Ambassadors
Prasad and Rajeshwari Reddy were selected as the
Xtreme Ambassadors for the year 2020.
Chakravarthy Srinivas was selected as
IEEE day Ambassador for the year 2019.
PES Zero Hunger Day Amabassador
Sai Kamal, Rajeshwari and Tharun Kumar were selected as
PES Zero Hunger Day Ambassadors IEEE PES
Best Volunteer Award for Xtrinia 1.0
Ram Pentapati was awarded with the
Best Publicity Volunteer Award during Xtrinia 1.0 in
Best Publicity Volunteer for AHCSSC'19
Ankitha Gudla was awarded with the
Best Publicity Volunteer Award for AHCSSC'19.
Madc Ambassadors
Tharun Kumar and Yashwanth Guduru were selected as the
MadC Ambassadors for the year 2018.