A simple guide to Overleaf

What is LaTex?

LaTeX (/ˈlɑːtɛx/ LAH-tekh) is a markup language designed for writing scientific, technical, or mathematical documents. LaTeX is widely used in academia and research communities for several reasons:

  1. High-quality typesetting: LaTeX produces documents with high-quality typesetting that is ideal for scientific and technical papers. It has excellent support for mathematical symbols and equations.
  2. Consistency: LaTeX provides a consistent and standardized way of formatting documents, which is particularly useful for large documents such as theses or research papers. It also allows for easy referencing and cross-referencing of sections, figures, and equations.
  3. Open-source: LaTeX is an open-source software, which means that it is free to use and can be modified and distributed by anyone.
  4. Collaboration: LaTeX allows multiple authors to collaborate on a single document using version control systems like Git, which is especially useful for large projects with multiple contributors.

Overall, LaTeX’s ability to produce high-quality, consistent, and customizable documents makes it a popular choice among scientists and researchers for preparing technical and scientific papers.

Learn LaTex in 30 minutes Here!

What is Overleaf?

Overleaf is an online LaTeX editor that allows users to write, collaborate on, and publish LaTeX documents from any device with an Internet connection. It provides an easy-to-use interface and a real-time collaboration feature that enables multiple authors to collaborate on a document simultaneously. Overleaf includes a vast collection of templates, examples, and tools to help users create high-quality documents in LaTeX, such as academic papers, reports, presentations, and posters. Overleaf also offers integrated publishing services that allow users to share their work with the world, including direct submission to several academic publishers. Overall, Overleaf is a powerful and user-friendly tool that makes LaTeX accessible to users of all skill levels. Free accounts are available with basic features.

Example of Overleaf Template

A career in engineering & technology is waiting for you – Post in Italian

La IEEE Student Branch dell’Università di Cagliari ambisce a creare un legame tra il mondo della ricerca scientifica e gli studenti. In particolare, promuove le attività scientifiche in cui gli studenti di Lauree Triennali e Magistrali possono collaborare con studenti di dottorato e migliorare le loro capacità in diverse aree dell’Ingegneria.

Alcune delle attività promosse dall’IEEE Student Branch di Cagliari riguardano: presentazione di Poster, Open Labs e Seminari. 

Queste attività coinvolgono settori dell’ingegneria come:

– Elettronica Digitale/Analogica 🎚
– Computer Security 💻
– Artificial Intelligence 🤖 
– Misure Elettriche and Elettroniche 🔋, 
– Elettromagnetismo 📡 

e tanti altri argomenti ❗❗❗

Per ulteriori informazioni ℹ https://lnkd.in/dmf97CSw

Potete contattarci via email 📧 ieee.casb@gmail.com

o farci visita in 📌 Via Castelfidardo, 1, Cagliari (IT)

Fundamentals and Applications of Magnetic Nanoparticle Hyperthermia for Cancer Treatment Seminar

The IEEE Student Branch of the University of Cagliari, in collaboration with the IEEE Nanotechnology Council, is organising the seminar “Fundamentals and Applications of Magnetic Nanoparticle Hyperthermia for Cancer Treatment”.

The speaker, Dr. Matteo Bruno Lodi will present this exciting topic on the 19th of May at 16.30 in the  IAI_1F (ex I) Aula of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Cagliari.

Registration 👉👉👉 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/biglietti-applicazioni-dellipertermia-oncologica-con-nanoparticelle-magnetiche-336543329157


Hyperthermia with magnetic nanoparticles is a cancer therapy globally accepted as the least invasive possible. This innovative treatment aims to exploit the interaction between nanostructures and an externally applied time-varying magnetic field to generate heat that can be harnessed to carry out the therapy. If nanoparticles are injected and delivered into a tumour, this heat can be harnessed to give rise to specific cell-scale biological effects, such as apoptosis or necrosis. This short seminar will describe the biological and physical principles of the therapy, presenting some recent applications.

The seminar will be in Italian and is meant for students in bachelor and master courses in engineering.

The slides of the event are available here: