Empowering Engineering Excellence🔌🌐 Join us for an incredible journey of innovation, knowledge, professional development, and networking.

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  • Network with other technology professionals
  • Establish a professional profile highlighting your accomplishments
  • Join and participate in discussions on various technical interests
  • Create a group to share and collaborate on projects
  • Discover IEEE events and activities throughout the world

Welcome Message from Dr. Zaid Al-Bataineh, IEEE Counselor, Yarmouk University Student Branch

Dear IEEE Yarmouk University Student Branch Community,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the IEEE Student Branch at Yarmouk University. As your branch counselor, I am thrilled to support our vibrant community of future engineers and innovators. Our branch provides a unique platform for students to connect, collaborate, and explore the forefront of engineering, technology, and innovation.

Through IEEE, we aim to foster professional growth, technical knowledge, and leadership skills among our members. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment where students can access valuable resources, participate in workshops, engage in research projects, and network with professionals in their field.

This academic year, we look forward to enhancing our presence on campus through exciting events, hands-on experiences, and new opportunities for involvement. We are also committed to encouraging participation in IEEE’s global community, where students can gain insights from industry leaders, join technical societies, and compete in worldwide challenges.

Join us in making the most of what IEEE offers! Together, we will not only advance our knowledge but also shape the future of technology.

Chapter Members

Dr.Zaid Albataineh
Ali Jowahreh
Afnan Alsaqer
Wanas Al-Omari
Areej Hawari
Raghad Alshare
Jana Aljarrah
Jood Abu Dalu

Join IEEE YU SB Today!

Join the International Electrical and Electronics Engineering Society (IEEE) branch at YU University today and immerse yourself in the world of innovation and technological advancements. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with fellow students in the field, exchange knowledge and experiences. Get ready to participate in exciting workshops, captivating lectures, and thrilling technical competitions. By joining IEEE YU SB, you’ll gain the chance for professional and personal growth, and develop your skills in areas such as electrical engineering, electronics, and information technology. Make your academic journey more exciting and join IEEE YU SB today!

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