IEEE Computer Society (CS)
Is a professional society focusing on the field of computer science, computer engineering, and related technology. Founded in 1946, it is considered one of the oldest and largest sub-societies of the IEEE.The IEEE Computer Society aims to promote knowledge, innovation, and development in the field of computer and information technology. The association works to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, developers and students to exchange knowledge, experiences and communicate in the field of computing .
ieee.cs.yu announces to you Computer Society YU, in cooperation with holding an introductory workshop on the Artificial Intelligence Olympiad (STEAM Center).This will be on Tuesday, 2/5 at 08:00pm, and it will be online. All details for joining and participating will be clarified with Engineer Muhammad Abu Hatab.
The Computer Society Yarmouk University Student Chapter announces to the Artificial Intelligence Tools and Investment in Future Management Tools workshop presented by the Internationally certified trainer Eman Haddad
The Computer Society student chapter Yarmouk University, in collaboration with the Computergy team, announces our specialized event in Computer Engineering and Internet of Things, “Bridging The Gap.” We will cover essential fundamentals that computer engineering and IoT students, as well as enthusiasts in these fields, should know to ensure a correct path and a distinguished future.The event will take place at the Hajawi College of Technological Engineering – Wisam Bishnaq Hall, on November 23rd, at 12:30 PM.
Announcing to you the short training for members of the ieee.cs.yu computer community at Yarmouk University at the beginning of the holiday between the two semesters (C), which will cover the basics necessary to learn in the programming language (Problem) to begin using it in solving programming problems (+), knowing that Seats are limited because there are some face-to-face lectures to train and follow up on members
(IEEE) announces to you the Computer Society at Yarmouk University ieee.cs.yu
(IEEE) announced its cooperation with the computer community at Balqa University (CS YU CS (BAU)) and Ctrlroot to provide a course (CGP – Cybersecurity Graduate Program).
It is one of the emerging companies in the field of cybersecurity in Jordan, which specializes in providing security services to many companies to protect their systems, data and information from unauthorized access, destruction or change.
The course consists of 9 topics, the details of which will be discussed and the topics explained Network Management , Network simulation and emulation programs, Virtualization Programs , Wireless Networks , Encryption Tools, Network Security ,Introduction to Big tendencies in IT
The Computer Society at Yarmouk University announces to you that ieee.cs.yu will hold the “Guide to Utilizing LinkedIn” workshop, which will be presented to you by one of our distinguished technical team members, Mahasen Al-Tamimi, and will provide you with detailed information about creating a professional account on the platform and effective strategies for sharing your knowledge and experiences with others. (Linkedin) others and find the right opportunities for you.
The Computer Society Yarmouk University student chapter represented by the Chairman Qusi Mashriqi, participated in the IEEE Computer Society SYP Congress 2023! that was held at University Tenaga Nasional Putrajaya Campus, Malaysia during the period 2-4 October 10. Our chairman was the only participant from Jordan
students, young The congress aimed to connect professionals, experts in the fields of engineering and computer science from various countries, and provide a unique opportunity for exchanging experiences and knowledge among students, learning from technical experts and industry leaders, and expanding the participants’ horizons. Included more than 10 technical workshops, covering artificial intelligence, and over 20 panel discussions in various fields including leadership, volunteering, different programs of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and keeping up with technology.
On the occasion of IEEE DAY, we announce to you that we will hold a workshop to communicate and exchange experiences with many student branches around the world!
Our goal is to create a collaborative experience where we can share our knowledge and experiences at IEEE and build stronger relationships. Share this special experience with us today from 10 pm to 11:30 pm Jordan time!
Announcing our first collaboration with the ieee.cs.yu Robotics and Automation Society at Yarmouk University .To hold the Treasure Hunt competition, which is for RAS and CS members, on Wednesday 3/15 at 2:45
The Computer Society Yarmouk University Student Chapter is pleased to announce to you that we will host Dr. Thomas Coughlin in a Live Webinar on October 24 at 6 PM (+3 GMT) on Google Meet tell us from his extensive experience about IEEE as our professional home and the unique volunteer opportunities it offers.
Tom Coughlin, is the 2023 IEEE President-Elect and an IEEE Life Fellow, Past-President of IEEE-USA, Past Director of IEEE Region 6, Past Chair of the Santa Clara Valley IEEE Section, and Past Chair of the Consultants Network of Silicon Valley. He is also active with the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) and the Society of Motion Pictures and Television Engineers (SMPTE).
He is the president of Coughlin Associates, a digital storage analyst and business and technology consultant. He has more than 40 years in the data storage industry with engineering and senior management positions at several companies.
Dr. Coughlin has many publications and six patents. He is also the author of Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics: The Essential Guide, which is now in its second edition with Springer. Tom is a regular storage and memory contributor for Forbes.com and media and entertainment organizations. Coughlin Associates consults and publishes books and market and technology reports, including The Media and Entertainment Storage Report and an Emerging Memory Report, and puts on digital storage-oriented events.
Announces to you the Internet of Things workshop, which will be presented by IEEE RAS engineer in cooperation with (Things) Nawras Bani Yassin, in which we will learn about this field and apply what we learn at noon at 14:30 p.m. on Tuesday. Leadership and Innovation Center At Al-Hijjawi College of Engineering Technology
The computer society Yarmouk University student chapter announces that a short course on the Linux operating system will be held over three days (Sunday/Tuesday/Thursday) from 11/5 to 11/9 at 1:30 PM at the Leadership and Innovation Center (H.G 426) Al-Hijjawi College.
It will be a practical course through which we will learn about the most famous concepts related to the Linux operating system and how we can install it and deal with it through the command screen and how we can automate commands on the system. It is a very practical course, so be sure to bring your laptop with you, note. This course will be an introduction to upcoming courses in multiple field.
The Computer Society Yarmouk University student chapter represented by the Chairman Qusi Mashriqi and the Vice Chair Yara Shalabi, participated in the North African Students and Young Professionals conference 2023 (NASYP) that was held in Cairo, Egypt, during the period 24-27 August. Many students, engineers and experts from several countries participated in the conference,where Numerous training workshops and panel discussions were held in various technical fields
The computer community at Yarmouk University, in cooperation with ieee.cs.yu, announces the initiative of 10,000 Arab artificial intelligence developers, Electropi with 10, which is an initiative at the level of the Arab world that aims to educate and graduate thousands of Arab developers who are experts in the field of artificial intelligence, through a free, integrated, applied, interactive training path.
By the end of this initiative it will be achieved
As a Certified Machine Learning Engineer, a certified artificial intelligence title.
– Create a professional machine learning profile.
– Willingness to work in real jobs.
– Participation in a hackathon.
-Research, develop a project and publish a research paper with your team. Get a job opportunity if you are distinguished.
Initiative features:
-A free, integrated, applied, interactive training course, priced at $15
-One thousand Egyptian pounds.
– Forming a team with the most efficient developers to solve corporate problems and enhance the profile with real projects.
-Join competitions such as the 2023 sustainability hackathon.
– Around the clock follow-up and guidance to solve all problems.
– Live lectures to develop the technical and non-technical aspects of job market qualification.
– Publish a research paper on behalf of the team.
– The presence of entrepreneurial incubators and accelerators to contain emerging companies that will be formed during the initiative.
– There is a golden coupon with a discount of up to 95% on the Camp and Fatah platform All educational tracks and courses.
-There are paid and unpaid job opportunities provided by companies, and there is also an employment forum to increase the percentage of jobs available to graduates.
The computer community at Yarmouk University announces to you ieee.cs.yu presented by Raghad Al-Shawaheen, a UX/UI Design experience designer who held a user workshop and front-end designer at Wajeez Company and a website developer who is passionate about her field to achieve her vision of building electronic products that combine good design and an integrated user experience that achieves goals. Work and produce using modern technology and using analysis tools that support artificial
The Computer Society Branch announces that it will hold a training course, Jordan Shield, Yarmouk University, in cooperation with a 30-hour training session at the mentioned dates, in the Python programming language, as shown in the attached image.
The course includes the basics of the Python programming language and advanced topics such as:
-Pycharm Tips and Tricks
-Python Oop(object oriented programming)
-Python Turtle
-Game Development with Python and OOP
-Reading and Writing to CSV
-Introduction to Pands Framework
-Creating Desktop GUI Apps with Tkinter
-Error Handling and exceptions
-Working with JSONS
-Local Persistence
-Sending Parameters with the Request
-Sending SMS and Email With Python and SMTP
-Browser Automation with Selenium Web Driver
workshop on “Power BI Essentials: Introduction to Data Transformation & Visualization”!Led by Eng. Dina, a Senior Consultant at PWC with over 4 years of experience, dive into the basics of transforming raw data into meaningful insights using Power BI. Learn to craft compelling visualizations that effectively communicate your findings.
The IEEE Computer Society Yarmouk University announces to you the holding of a Mastering Networks workshop presented by Ahmed Abu Khait, a network and security engineering student at Jordan University of Science and Technology who holds a CCNA and Network+ certificate, also he is a Network Penetration Tester and has previously presented a number of workshops and courses in the field of network security and cybersecurity!
In this workshop, we will explain the definition of networks, the main terms in the field, types of networks, forms of network connection, devices used in the network, and a detailed explanation of each layer in the network and network protocols.
Speakology Hub
The Computer Society at Yarmouk University is delighted to announce its collaboration with the “Speakology Hub” team, This partnership aims to enrich students’ English language proficiency through the implementation of inventive and engaging learning approaches.
Jordan Shield
IEEE We are pleased to announce to you the partnership between ieee.cs.yu Computer Society at Yarmouk University and Jordan Shield. The Jordan Shield Foundation is considered a pioneer in the field of cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, and includes an elite group of distinguished engineers the field. In cooperation with them, many distinguished courses and workshops will be offered
Electro Pi
The IEEE computer society Yarmouk University Student Chapter announces a partnership with Electro Pi, a company specialized in the field of artificial intelligence that aims to use artificial intelligence techniques to reduce costs, improve production, predict results before they happen, analyze data, and make decisions Based on different forms of data, from simple tables to more complex Data like images, words and sounds.This partnership comes within the framework of developing the technical and professional level of members at Yarmouk University in the field of artificial intelligence and providing the training and necessary resources to advance in this field
The IEEE Computer Society Yarmouk University Student Chapter is pleased to announces our partnership with the AIESEC in Jordan – Irbid local Committee, which is an international non-profit organization that aims to develop and empower youth leadership capabilities and enhance social communication through its various programs in volunteerism and global cultural exchange. The partnership included agreement on a large number of axes that will support both parties in developing their members and achieving their goals through workshops, programs and joint work, which we will inform you about during the coming year.
Infinite team
the Infinite Team, which is a youth team founded in 2019, which aims to increase youth’s active participation in social, environmental, and charitable work, and includes in its ranks hundreds of volunteers from various Jordanian universitie
Among the charitable volunteer initiatives that the computer society at Yarmouk University will participate in this year is the “People for People” initiative, which is held annually in Ramadan and aims to provide the basic food needs of needy families. Thanks to God Almighty, more than 287 parcels were distributed throughout the city of Irbid. Al-Aghwar in its third consecutive edition.
Jordan Entrepreneurship Competition (JEC)
IEEE Computer Society Yarmouk University Student Chapter is pleased to announce a partnership with the Jordan Entrepreneurship Competition (JEC), which is a national competition targeting entrepreneurial minds from all Jordanian university students, where participants will have the opportunity to compete at the national level and the winning teams will receive valuable prizes
JobStack_ MEA’s Software Industry Summit is coming to you on November 16 – 18 Virtually
where techies gather to:
• Network with peers and professionals
• Attend talks, workshops, and circles on the latest tech trends and challenges.
• Connect with tech gurus from across the MEA region.
• Explore exciting job opportunities in the tech sector.
Three days of innovation, workshops, talks, and much more. Live and virtual which guarantees the opportunity for anyone to attend sessions, workshops, panels, and talks no matter where they are located.
Chapter team