IEEE TUK SB INNOVATION WEEK & INDUSTRY SYMPOSIUM Happening from 23rd - 27th October 2023




IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity, right here at the Technical University of Kenya.

To be the leading provider of scientific, emerging technological trends and engineering information by remaining dedicated to serving the university through expanding communities of technical professionals in supporting the development and dissemination of research with the aim to advance technology for humanity. Focusing on maintaining IEEE as a more transparent, diverse and inclusive organization, our effort will ensure Technical University of Kenya’s readiness and significant role in leading the next technological and industrial revolution.
It provides student members with a networking opportunity to meet and learn to share their interests, future professions and ideas. In addition to improving their soft and hard skills.


Seminars with guest speakers, who are professionals working in various fields, enable students to enhance their knowledge outside the classroom. Joint seminars let students meet and talk with other interested students. Student Professional Awareness Conferences (S-PACs) help increase awareness of professional issues such as ethics, continuing education, and communication skills.

The Student Professional Awareness Venture (S-PAVe) program gives teams of IEEE Student members the opportunity to develop project proposals to increase professional awareness and receive funding to implement their projects.


You Get To:


Get access to the published content in journals as well as the content from several hundred annual conferences sponsored by the IEEE.


Get to participate in the Ongoing Programs and Activities on matters Electrical and Electronics Engineering in Kenya and all over the world


Connect with professionals working in various fields in our events and seminars. It is time to enhance your knowledge outside the classroom.

Message from the current IEEE TUK Chair

Greetings! Welcome to our vibrant and dynamic community. As a Student Branch, we aim to foster learning, collaboration, and growth among our members.
We believe in the power of knowledge to shape the future. We provide opportunities to enhance your technical skills, explore emerging trends, and connect with like-minded individuals passionate about technology. Our carefully designed technical events expose you to the latest advancements in your field. Renowned experts and industry professionals share insights and experiences, helping you stay ahead in the rapidly evolving technological landscape.
These events also offer networking opportunities for exciting prospects.
Access valuable resources like research papers, publications, and online courses to expand your knowledge, conduct cutting-edge research, and stay updated on the latest trends. Participate in prestigious competitions, conferences, and symposiums to showcase your skills globally. Engage actively with us, utilize the opportunities we provide, and contribute to the growth and success of our community.
And in the words of Prof. Jean-Luc Gaudiot: “By leveraging the collective expertise and passion of our global community, IEEE empowers individuals to transform ideas into impactful solutions that address the worlds greatest challenges”
I extend gratitude to the IEEE TUK Student Branch Advisory Committee, Executive Committee, and volunteers. Their dedication creates an environment where ideas flourish and dreams become reality.

Message from the former IEEE TUK Chair

“My advice for the new graduates is to follow your heart, to pursue what you really want to do. You are young and have nothing to lose, dare to take risks and not be afraid of failure. No reward will come without risk, to do so in addition to technical skills, you also need to grow your soft skills such as leadership and continue to network with your peers and mentors.

IEEE is your professional home, your entire career and can support you through your entire professional lifecycle. IEEE provides not just technological tools but also a new way of thinking and knowledge for the world to consider that you can use throughout your life.” Stephen Okwiri, Chair IEEE TUK. 




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Our publicity team sends out bi-monthly email to all students and graduate students in Technical University of Kenya. The email contains announcements on upcoming deadlines, programs and awards as well as any news and benefits relevant to the target audience. Don’t get left out!

IEEE TUK Student Branch

IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.