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Tech Innovation 2024

IEEE Technical University of Kenya Student Branch invites you to their annual Tech Innovation Conference. Where we learn, connect and network.



Here are the Ongoing Programs and Activities

Membership campaigns

We continue to organize membership campaigns in these months, which will be both online and in person. This will be an integration of both; technical sessions, distinguished lectures, professional sessions and workshops.

Student Branch support

The Technical University of Kenya administration supports the Student Branch with funds for our major activities. This is a successful program with increases more requests than we can handle.

Graduating Student Members welcome to Kenya Section

We rely on IEEE Kenya Section to welcome recent graduates into the Section as voting members and possible new volunteers. We strongly believe that such a personal contact at the Section level is very important for retention.

Student Professional Activities

Though with limited funds, IEEE TUK tend to support all workshops on Leadership skills and Project management, which are successfully organized throughout the academic year, and are intended by both IEEE and non-IEEE Student Members.

Travel grants for students at IEEE Technical Conferences

We intend our student members to receive funds and help needy students to attend IEEE technical conferences. Students attending IEEE technical events or conferences may receive a travel grant to the conference from sponsors or well-wishers.

Teacher In-Service Program (TISP)

The Teacher In-Service Program (TISP) enables IEEE Volunteers to share their technical expertise and demonstrate the application of engineering concepts to support the teaching and learning of science, mathematics, and technology disciplines. IEEE offers training workshops for its members on how to facilitate in-service programs for local teachers to help them introduce hands-on engineering lessons to their students. These lesson plans are aligned with education standards and can easily be used in the classroom.

Student Activities on Section and Cross-Section level

Student Activities on Section and Cross-Section level

Student Booth in Technical Conferences

We shall have engineering festivals and technical conferences with students in participation that will take place at Technical University of Kenya on July. This gives the opportunity for the students to showcase their innovations, experiences and skills, students do help in the organization of these events as they have the necessary experience and skills.


Here is a walk through some of our past events.

IEEE Global

Here are the Ongoing Global Programs and Activities. Click on individual titles to view more

IEEE Young Professionals is the group of IEEE members and volunteers who have graduated from their first professional degree within the past 15 years. It is an international community, whose members are interested in elevating their professional image, expanding their global network, connecting with peers locally and giving back to their community. Since it encompasses all members from recent university graduates to experienced professionals and entrepreneurs, the group is highly diverse in what it has to offer. To join the IEEE Young Professionals community, you need to be an IEEE member

IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) is one of the largest international professional organizations dedicated to promoting women engineers and scientists and inspiring girls around the world to follow their academic interests to a career in engineering.

Technology is evolving rapidly, and technical professionals need to keep their skills up-to-date in order to help their organizations stay competitive. Additionally, many engineers need continuing education units (CEUs) and professional development hours (PDHs) to maintain their engineering licenses. With many engineers seeking training programs that offer these credits, IEEE can help you provide these benefits to your professionals through the IEEE Certificates Program.

IEEE sponsors more than 1,900 annual conferences and events worldwide, curating cutting-edge content for all of the technical fields of interest within IEEE. Attend conferences, share and discuss innovation and interact with your community.

As the world's largest technical professional organization, IEEE offers a number of ways to get involved with technical and local communities. These communities are active participants in research and authorship, conferences, and important conversations about today's most relevant technical topics locally and globally.

With an active portfolio of nearly 1,300 standards and projects under development, IEEE is a leading developer of industry standards in a broad range of technologies that drive the functionality, capabilities, and interoperability of a wide range of products and services, transforming how people live, work, and communicate.

IEEE provides a wide range of quality publications that make the exchange of technical knowledge and information possible among technology professionals. This essential content, categorized below, is delivered through the IEEE Xplore® Digital Library.

IEEE “Life” status is automatically bestowed based on age and years of membership. IEEE Life membership (LM) is proof of a strong sustained commitment to the profession.

The IEEE Life Members Fund (LMF) of the IEEE Foundation supports IEEE activities of interests to LMs, potential engineers, and engineering students.

subscribe for updates.

Our publicity team sends out bi-monthly email to all students and graduate students in Technical University of Kenya. The email contains announcements on upcoming deadlines, programs and awards as well as any news and benefits relevant to the target

Don’t get left out!


TUK Student Branch of IEEE

IEEE is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.