2019 Send & Win
For the year 2019, IEEE-PES Student Branch Chapter Malaysia held the 2019 SEND & WIN Competition to encourage PES Student Branch to document all the executed activities. IEEE-PES UNITEN Student Branch managed to win the first place, following with IEEE-PES UiTM SB and IEEE-PES UPM SB in the second and third place respectively. IEEE-PES UNITEN... Read more
2020 PES High Performing Student Branch Chapter Program (HPSBCP)
In 2020, IEEE-PES UNITEN Student Branch took part in 2020 PES High Performing Student Branch Chapter Program (HPSBCP). 2020 PES HPSBCP was divided into regional categories. The Malaysia Section is in the IEEE Region 10 (Asia and Pacific). From the 62 entries, Universiti Tenaga Nasional ranked 35th among the regional student branches and the... Read more
IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award 2020
In 2020, Universiti Tenaga Nasional received the IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award 2020 for an exemplary performance as an active IEEE Student Branch. IEEE UNITEN SB were active in conducting technical programs and activities while providing professional networking opportunities to enhance knowledges in many field and building critical skills among IEEE members.