2015 IEEE Malaysia Section Student Congress

The IEEE Malaysia student congress 2015 was organized and hosted by IEEE Student Branch Universiti Putra Malaysia (IEEESB UPM) at the faculty of engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia. The line of event was designed to train and motivate the branch members with the aim of introducing them to the world of IEEE and to boost the student activities in the section. It was specially focus on interaction and collaboration among student branches to increase effective networking.

The event mainly consists of 3 major sessions. Namely, the invited guest speeches session, final year undergraduate project exhibition and award ceremony and Networking and Collaborative session. Invited guest speeches session had 7 speeches. The session with final year undergraduate project exhibition and award ceremony was done with 32 posters under 13 different tracks. Each track was sponsored by an IEEE chapter. Awards were given for 30 winners.

The session we had for Networking and collaboration, we were able to use the time among all the participants where the participation was nearly 100 and from 14 different student branches. The main aim of this session was to motivate the branch members to boost their activities and to focus on interaction and collaboration among student branches in increasing the networking among them. For the achievement of the aim, we made the session to be done in groups where each group should consist of the members of other student branches and was given the task of writing a brief proposal together and the best proposal was chosen from the groups.


Posted in 2015.