2016 Site Visit to Sultan Yussuf Jor Power Generation Station

On 10th November 2016, a group of final year students from Electric and Electronic department participated in a site-visit to Sultan Yussuf Power Generation Station at Cameron Highlands, Pahang.

This event was participated by a total of 43 participants which were consisted of 40 students and accompanied by 3 lecturers which is headed by Dr Norhafiz bin Azis, lecturer for EEE 4307 Electrical Power Generation and Utilisation.

The main aim of the site-visit trip is to expose and integrate the real concept of power generation especially involving renewable source of energy. Besides that, this visit is seen as the best possible way for the students to experience the real-time working environment at power generation station.

The participants arrived at the power station at 9.00 a.m by bus. Initially, the students were gathered at the Jor Excellence Centre (JEP). All safety precautions and information was delivered by Encik Nazif and Encik Azman. It was stressed that the safety of each participants remains the most important aspect to be protected for the site-visit.

The site-visit was started by using the vans in order to reach the power house. It was a once in a life time opportunity ride because it is located 500 meter underground. At the power house, all the working equipments such as transformer, diesel generator, and turbine were shown to the participants.

The power station generates its supply from water (hydro) and transferred via penstock. The penstock is then divided into four different sections and transferred directly to others four horizontal turbines and its respective generators. Next, the 11kV produced by each four generators will be step-up to 132kV and transferred to the consumer. At the power house, there are several crucial protection systems such as firefighting and air cooling system.

The diesel generator is located near the turbine is used as the auxiliary system. It requires only 5 minutes to start the generator back to its normal conditions if there is any interruption. The power station also equipped itself with a scheduled of every minor and major inspection. Every month, there will be minor inspection whereas the major overhaul will be conducted every 4 years. This marks the end of our tour inside the power house.

The students were then returned back to the Jor Excellence Center. In the afternoon, a short Q&A session was held. Then, Encik Nazif was presented with a small token of appreciation from Dr. Norhafiz on behalf of UPM department.

In conclusion, the objective for this site-visit had been achieved as most of the students gives positives responds and understand more on the fundamental operations of the hydro power station.


Posted in 2016.