IEEE Student Branch Universiti Putra Malaysia (IEEESB UPM) with collaboration of CREST R&D Talent Development and IEEE Malaysia Section successfully organized the The Great Lab Mini Workshop on the April 22th, 2017. The one-day event was participated by 65 students from UPM, USM, UTM, IIUM and UNITEN. Ten students from Faculty of Engineering (Final year bachelor and Postgraduate students) had been assigned as mentors where each mentor was assigned to a specific group to guide them on how to solve the challenge.
The event was organized to give exposure to the students on aspect of The Great Lab (TGL) Industry Challenge problem statement and pitching session. It is also organized to give students some ideas on how to create a proposal, guidelines one proposal, and guide on presentation skills. The event also aimed to provide the opportunity to improve/rework on the proposals based on the panel’s feedback and encourages the students to take up The Great Lab Challenge as part of students’ design or final year or postgraduate projects.
Mrs. Haziati, representative from the CREST, starts the first session of the workshop with a briefing to the mentors. At the same time, all the participants arrived at the venue. The participants of the program were briefed on the TGL and then they were grouped into 10 groups. The program continued with group discussion to prepare a proposal to solve the given challenge with the support from the mentors.
Then, the program continue with pitching session in front of judging panels coming from Intel, ON Semiconductor, Tech Brain and MyDuino. At the end of the program, a closing ceremony was held where appreciation gifts were given to the winners and also all the participants and mentors. The program ends with a group photo session.
Positive feedbacks were obtained from all the participants about the event and they were also satisfied with the organization of the event in terms of food, venue and the sharing session. Some improvements were suggested on the time for the program as it was clash with students’ lecture class.
IEEE SB UPM and CREST R&D Talent Development would like to thank all the committees of THE GREAT LAB MINI WORKSHOP for helping to make this event successful. Also, thank you to all participants from UPM, USM, UTM, IIUM and UNITEN for joining the workshop.
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