2017 Feed The Hunger: Kitchen In Calais Talk

IEEE Student Branch Universiti Putra Malaysia (IEEESB UPM) with collaboration with IEEE Women in Engineering Affinity Group Universiti Putra Malaysia (WIE AG UPM) had successfully organized the FEED THE HUNGER: KITCHEN IN CALAIS TALK on the February 20th, 2017 as one of the humanitarian activities of this club. The half-day event was participated by 30 students and lecturers from Faculty of Engineering, UPM.

The event was organised to share expertise and experience of the founder of Kitchen in Calais (KiC); Mr. Jamal, his wife, Mrs. Sofinee and their son, Ahmad Seif; in doing their humanitarian project in Calais Jungle for about 1 year and a half. This program involves sharing session along with answering questions from the participants who joined. Among the points highlighted by the speakers are their experiences and stories that captured their heart and the importance of humanity awareness to the world. They also bring along one of their volunteers that have involved with them for about 3 months. Thus, through the FEED THE HUNGER: KITCHEN IN CALAIS TALK program, this wealth of experience and expertise can be shared among the participants can help strengthen relationships between them.

            The first session of the program started at 10.00 a.m with sharing session from Mr. Jamal until 11.00 a.m. Then the program stop for a break. Each participants reveived a packed breakfast of ‘nasi lemak’ and mineral water. The program continued again with sharing session from Mrs. Sofinee about the awareness of the humanitarian projects. Then, the program then continued with sharing from their 14-years old son, Ahmad Seif and their volunteer, Mr. Raqib. At 1.30 p.m, the program ended with presentation of appreciation gifts as well as group photos.

            Positive feedbacks were obtained from all the participants where they were satisfied with the organization of the event in terms of food, venue and and the sharing session. Some improvements were suggested on the time for the program as it was clash with students’ lecture class.

IEEE SB UPM and WIE AG UPM would like to thank all the committees of FEED THE HUNGER: KITCHEN IN CALAIS TALK for helping to make this event successful. Also, thank you to all participants of Faculty of Engineering, UPM for joining the event.


More photos: https://www.facebook.com/UPM.IEEESB

Posted in 2017.