2019 Assembly Language for Beginners Workshop

The Assembly Language for Beginners Workshop 2019

On the 20th of April 2019, IEEE Student Branch University Putra Malaysia (IEEESB UPM) held
an “Assembly Language for Beginners“ Workshop which had been participated by 18 students
from University Putra Malaysia (UPM) from different departments and faculties.Students from
different departments joined this workshop as it was open to all to gain extra knowledge
regarding assembly language. The workshop and tutorial provided was given by Prof. Madya Dr.
Wan Zuha b. Wan Hasan and lab session regarding application of the assembly language was
given by Mr. Divakaran a/l Santhosam.

The objective of “Assembly Language for Beginners“ Workshop was to encourage the
participants to explore more on machine language instructions, give a chance to learn low-level
programming language for microprocessors and other programmable devices without strict
monitoring. The impact of the program is to increase understanding about programming among
students in achieving a goal that has been set and build the students’ confidence in
programming.This workshop was also beneficial towards students as they can use the knowledge
they got in their final year projects.

The registration of participants started at 8.30am. The participants arrived at the
Microprocessor Laboratory (Block D2.1) at 8:30am.Breakfast was served for the participants
after registration. After registration, the participants were given an introduction session. After
that, the workshop started. The participants learned basic assembly language and were able to
use the theory of the assembly language to create complete program.Around 12:00pm,certificates
were distributed to the students.

In conclusion, the program ran smoothly, and the participants were able to apply the
knowledge received for future project or future use and can face real world problems that would
require them to use assembly language to solve.

2019 Android Studio Workshop

On the 23rd of March 2019, IEEE Student Branch University Putra Malaysia (IEEESB UPM) held an “Android Application Development Workshop” which had been participated by 17 students from University Putra Malaysia (UPM) from different departments and faculties. As students who participated came from different departments and faculties, the workshop is open to anyone who is interested to join the workshop to gain extra knowledge regarding android application development. The workshop and tutorial provided is given by the Gieption Sdn Bhd officer, Voon Yoon Nam, and supervised by Dr Hafiz Rashidi Ramli.

The objective of participants in the Android Application Development Workshop is to encourage the students to gain knowledge in how to use Android Studio to build an application and to learn the Java programming language. The impact of the program is to learn about Java and Android Studio, build a simple Android application and convert their ideas into real applications. This workshop is also beneficial towards the society as nowadays they use the mobile app in their daily life to assist them with their daily schedules.

The participants arrived at the microprocessor laboratory (Block D2.1) at 9:00am. The participants were required to download the “Android Studio” software beforehand as they will be using the software to develop android application and it save time as well. The participants were served a breakfast after registering. After registering session, the participants were given an introduction of the speaker and an introduction regarding the android application as it can be concluded that nowadays the society use it a lot to aid their daily activities. The participants also learned the basics of Java programming language, designing the layout of the application, writing code for a simple application and installing the APK in android electronic device. After that, around 11:50am to 12:00pm, there is a Q&A session and certificate-giving ceremony to the instructor.

In conclusion, the program ran smoothly, and the participants were able to apply the knowledge received for future project or future use and can face real world problems that would require them to use programming language to solve.

2019 CV Writing Workshop

Objectives of the event

The main purpose of this particular event is to help participants to create effective resume and
improve the one that they already have, expose students to LinkedIn and learn different types
of formats for resume and CV.

Details of the event

The event was held on the 17th of March 2019 at the Seminary Hall of Engineering
Faculty, UPM from 9.45am to 1.30pm. Mrs. Hanie Razaif-Bohlender who is top 43 inspirational
LinkedIn icons in Malaysia and also known as doctor career was the instructor for this
workshop and successfully instructed thirteen participants. The participants came from various
background of studies. Seven of them are first year students and two of them are from second
year, third year and post graduate student each .Firstly, the event was started off by a simple
introduction about CV and resume. Next, she briefed us on different types of format for CV and
resume for different purpose. Then, the instructor helped participants to create free LinkedIn
account and link the CV with the account. Participants showed their attention to instructor by
giving responds to all instructor’s questions. Mrs. Hanie shared some good tips for interview
and her experiences as interviewer. Generally, this event has truly enabled the participant to
write an effective CV for their future and they able to avoid simple mistakes that always be
done by fresh graduate and interns in applying for jobs and internship.

2019 “Design Thinking: For Transformation of Ideas” Workshop

Objectives of the event

The main purpose of this particular event is to enhance the IEEE student’s capability of the
utilizing the Design Thinking for their future IEEE projects. Moreover, to nurture the practice
of ideate mode, define mode, ideate mode, prototype mode and test mode which would
ensure a smooth flow in a project building as well as to learn about project management.

Details of the event

The event was held on the 24 th of February 2019 at the Seminary Hall of Engineering
Faculty, UPM from 3pm to 6pm. Mr. Brien Lee Meng Siong was the trainer for this
workshop and successfully trained us eleven IEEE members. Firstly, the event was started off
by a simple ice breaking session of introducing ourselves.Next,he briefed us on the types of
Design Thinking which consists of five essential elements (Empathize, Define, Ideate,
Prototype and Test).Then,the trainer divided the eleven of us into three different groups and
were given a case study.From the case study we had role plays to understand individuals from
different age groups and their perspectives.This enabled us to empathize and understand how
to come up with a solution that would not be biased towards one party.One of the definitive
solution method was the fishbone technique with really helps us to brain storm from the
various problems we face to branch out the relatable solutions that can be utilized.There were
Q&A questions and a Kahoot Session done to also test us on our understanding and every
correct answers and the top three rankers of the Kahoot Session were rewarded with
chocolates.Generally,this event has truly enabled the participant to engage in a
comprehensive session to have a clearer understanding on the effectiveness of brainstorming
and to understand further on Design Thinking.

2018 IEEE Paintball Friendly Match

On the 17th of November 2018, a Paintball match was held at Cyberjaya Paintball Park, Cyberjaya. The purpose of the event was to encourage participation from different student branches for IEEE related events and to provide a networking space for IEEE members to share ideas on future collaboration opportunities and develop solutions to overcome problems faced by each particular student branch. A total of 16 participants for this event consists of IEEE members from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) and University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC).

The event began at 10AM with a short introduction to the purpose of the event and ice breaking session to be acquainted with IEEE members from other universities. The paintball session lasted for 2 hours, comprising of 2 modes of gameplay: Last Man Standing and Zombie, in 2 types of fields which are Speedball and Forest-Bunker field. Safety precautions were made by the marshals to ensure the safety of the players. The main protective equipments are the vest and face mask. Markers are filled with pellets that can be shot at other players.

After the paintball session, a networking and brainstorming session was held. Individual student branches had the opportunity to promote their own programs as well as to seek out for collaborative oppurtunies with other student branches to organise high-impact events. The types of programs that were discussed during the session were either technical, social or humanitarian in nature. Most student branches are in the process of organising boot camps that aim to educate undergraduate students with specific engineering skills such as communication, programming and semiconductor design. Other student branches were planning competitions to garner interest of students to develop solutions for current local issues such as “Methods to overcome Palm Oil Waste Products”.  The networking and brainstorming session ended at 1PM which also marks the end of the event. The event was successful in fulfilling its objective of providing oppurtunies for collaboration and cooperation between IEEE student branches in Malaysia.

Participants gathered at Cyberjaya Paintball Park

Speedball Field

Networking and Brainstorming Session


2018 Membership Drive

Objectives of the event

The main purpose of we opening the booth is to promote the advantage of being a part of IEEE member for students. Next, we want to expose the students with the professional bodies of electrical and electronic engineering and acknowledge them with the important skill which has high marketing value.


Details of the event

We opened the booth for two days at 24th and 25th of September 2018. The booth opening is located at the foyer faculty of engineering UPM. It is opened from 10am to 4pm for each day. The committees in charge basically were from the second year and third year students of electrical and electronics course. Total committees involved in the program were 13 students. The second year students were in charged to manage the booth in the morning session and the evening session was taken by the third year students. Marketing kits were given to all the groups. All members used the kit to promote IEEE and its benefits to all engineering students in the venue mentioned above. We did sell bracelets and electronic stuff during the event to collect funds for the program. Free drinks and IEEE button batch were distributed during the event to attract more students to come by. The button batches were sponsored by the previous event that has extra of them. The drinks were bought at the supermarket by the committees. The targeted group to join IEEE were all undergraduate students from all departments especially bachelor of electrical and electronics engineering UPM. By the end of the event, we managed to attract four students to join the IEEE club.

2018 EE Games

IEEE SB Universiti Putra Malaysia, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, UPM has successfully conducted their annual EE Games event in 2018.

The event had 161 participants from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, UPM, as well as a special guest, Dr. Hafiz Rashidi b Harun @ Ramli. The participants included first year students and as such they were introduced to IEEE by the IEEE SB UPM President, Gorakanage Amesh Eromal Gomes.

The event took place over the span of two consecutive days:

The first day had an ice-breaking session between the seniors and juniors as well as an array of ‘Station Games’ to have the participants interact with each other in ways that they don’t usually do daily. Next, we had a tournament-styled bracket matches for badminton and futsal, played between the girls and boys respectively.

The second day featured dodgeball matches. Lastly, a dinner session was held with all the participants. A handful of the participants also performed on stage during the dinner. The night ended with a certificate giving ceremony and group photos.

The event has successfully given the new first year students an opportunity to meet and get to know their seniors, and vice-versa. We sincerely hope that this will spark more interactions between students segregated by yearly batches.

IEEE SB UPM would like to thank the second year students of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, UPM for their voluntary effort and support to make this event possible.

Ice-breaking Session




Group photo of participants of EE Games 2018

2019 Industrial Visit to Stesen Janakuasa Sultan Aazlan Shah, Manjung

On the 11th of April 2019, an Industrial visit was participated by 3 lecturers (Prof Madya Dr. Jasnorita binti Jasni, Prof. Madya Dr. Norhafiz bin Azia and Dr. Mohd Nazim bin Mohtar), 1 technician and 26 students in their final year from the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia.

The main objective of this industrial visit is to gain exposure and industrial knowledge on the current trends and technologies applied in the operation of a coal-fired power plant.

The participants arrived at the power plant at 10:00 am by bus. We were greeted by the staff of TNB Manjung Coal Dispatch Centre (MCDC) and were allowed to view posters of the construction and modelling of the electrical equipment used in the power plant. A brief overview of the plant and a safety briefing was given during the beginning of the briefing. Then, an informal lecture style class was given to explain the specifications and designs applied in the operation of the power plant.

The size of TNB Manjung cover 293 hectars of reclaimed land, which is an island away from the mainland of Manjung. There are 5 Power Plants in TNB Manjung, of which 3 have a maximum capacity of 700MW (Manjung 1,2 and 3) and 2 have a maximum capacity of 1000MW (Manjung 4 and 5) giving a maximum generating capacity of 4100MW. The nominal power generated is 3100MW. Manjung 4 and 5 operate independently so that an alternative source of power is available during contingency periods.

A tour was given of the simulation room that is used to train engineers that will operate the power plants. The simulation room contains the main display panel that displays all the parameter in the power plant. Then, a bus tour was provided around TNB Manjung to see the various components of the power plant. A token of appreciation was presented to the staff of TNB Manjung by Prof Madya Dr. Jasnorita binti Jasni on behalf of the UPM Engineering Department. In conclusion, the objective for this industrial visit was achieved as most of the students were able to give good explanations of the various components used in the coal-fired power plant.

2017 Site Visit To 33KV Substation & Main Switch Board (MSB)

Students for subject EEE3306 Electrical Wiring Design had visited to the 33kv Substation at UPM and Main Switch Board (MSB) at Faculty of Engineering on 1 November 2017. The visit was participated by 15 students and one lecturer and there were four staffs from Development Office and Asset Management to guide the students during the visit.

The visit was organised so that students can gain knowledge and idea through the activities at the substation. Furthermore, students can get experience and see on how the substation works in real life. In addition, the visit also establish friendship among the students and the lecturer and help them improve their communication skill.

The students assembled at Faculty of Engineering at 9.45 am. Then, they depart from the faculty at 10.00 am and arrived at the substation around 10.15 am. The visit at the substation took around one hour. After that, they moved to the MSB at Faculty of Engineering. At this site, the visit took around half an hour because it is small compare to the substation. The visit was ended around 12.30 pm.

All the students of EEE3306 Electrical Wiring Design would like to thank all the staffs of Development Office and Asset Management for helping to make this visit successful. Also, thank you to all the students for participating this visit.

2017 IEEE Women in Engineering International Leadership Summit (WIE ILS)

IEEE WIE Malaysia Section successfully hosted the 2017 IEEE WIE International Leadership Summit (WIE ILS) held at the Berjaya Times Square Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 18-19 September 2017. The summit was officiated by Tan Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, Advisor, Women Entrepreneurs and Professional Development, Prime Minister Department. 4 students from IEEESB UPM have volunteered as publicity team and runners where they are responsible in promoting the event, updating the social medias and help out during the event.

WIE ILS was attended by 129 participants, including international participants from Germany, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Hong Kong, India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and United States. With the theme, “Empower, Aspire to Inspire”, the summit was designed to inspire attendees through keynote speeches and invited sessions from prominent women figures. The program was divided into four track which are leadership, empowerment, inspiration and entrepreneurship.

During the summit, five keynote speeches were delivered by Prof. Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, 2017 IEEE-WIE Global Chair, Datin Paduka Ir. Dr. Siti Hamizah Tapsir, Director General, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia, Professor Datin Paduka Dr. Aini Ideris, Vice-Chancellor, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Professor Dato’ Dr. Noraini Idris, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research & Innovation), Sultan Idris Education University (UPSI) and Professor Dr Azni Zain Ahmed, Assistant Vice Chancellor from Universiti Teknologi MARA.

In addition, there were also five invited speakers who shared their experiences to inspire the participants. On the 2nd day, participants were engaged with 16 track speakers from Malaysia, Bangladesh, China, India, Pakistan and Iraq. Encouraging feedback from participants was obtained after the summit and overall rating for the event is 8.9 out of 10. The summit was also received good coverage from the local newspaper.

IEEE SB UPM and WIE AG UPM would like to thank all the committees of IEEE WIE ILS for giving the opportunity to join and help in organizing such an inspiring and amazing event.


2017 Minggu Perkasa Putra

Minggu Perkasa Putra was successfully conducted on 7th September 2017 organized by Bahagian Hal Ehwal Pelajar UPM, in collaboration with PEMAJU and IEEESB UPM. This program was held between the lecturers and new students of Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program intake 2017/2018.

The objective of this Minggu Perkasa Putra program is to introduce the new students to the Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering program offered in Universiti Putra Malaysia by providing information and resources that will allow students to make appropriate academic plans and healthy social choices. This program was held with the help from the lecturers of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering UPM to create a welcoming environment that builds a sense of community among the incoming class and in order to connect the new students to faculty, staff and their colleague.

This one-day program was started with du’a’ recitation by Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohammad Lutfi b. Othman and then greetings from the Head of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Amran b. Mohd. Radzi. This followed by the talk from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Samsul Bahari b. Mohd. Noor regarding career prospect in the electrical and electronic engineering field.

After group photo session, a talk from the Academic Coordinators of the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Dr. Nashiren Farzilah bt. Mailah and Dr. Ribhan Zafira bt. Abdul Rahman was held to help the new students begin to define their educational purpose. Minggu Perkasa Putra is ended with lunch provided by the PEMAJU.

In conclusion, this program is important in order to strengthen the bonds between the lecturers and students in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering UPM.


2017 Petronas Talk

IEEE Student Branch Universiti Putra Malaysia (IEEESB UPM) had successfully organized the PETRONAS TALK on 19th September, 2017 for 3 hours held at Dewan Taklimat, Tower Block of Engineering Faculty, UPM. The event was participated by 49 students, lecturers and staffs from Faculty of Engineering. The talk was given by Tn Haji M Zainol Bin M Zain, the Head Petchem Operations for Pengerang Refinery & Petchem Corporation (PRPC) Sdn. Bhd. discussing about The Future of Our Mobility and How It Impacts Our Ecosystem .


The talk was organised as the innovation and advancement in technologies has sparked important dialogues about future evolution of transportation and mobility.  Companies are changing their way of developing and building vehicles by reducing vehicle weight and powered by alternative energy such as electric to reduce its running cost.  These vehicles are literally maintenance free.  Further breakthrough in technology will soon make driverless car become a reality. Rapid advances in communications technologies coupled with evolution of transportation could result in the emergency of a new ecosystem of personal mobility.  And this will become a new lifestyle of future generation where it will alter current industry structures, business models and customer value propositions.


Therefore, Tn Haji M Zainol was giving us a bit of glance on how things will work in the future. He was asking us and giving us the opportunity to think ahead of time before future evolution happened. This 3 hours event was divided into two sessions which are talk session and Q&A session. Positive feedbacks can be seen by the audiences during the Q&A session as they asked so many questions. Furthermore, the speaker also seems very satisfy with the response given by the audiences. Later on, photo session was held to capture the memories continued with the tea.


IEEE SB UPM would like to thank all the committees of PETRONAS TALK and other volunteers from the students itself for supporting this event.


2017 National Science Challenge

Three Form Four students from SMK Subang Utama in Subang Jaya, will represent Selangor at the semi-finals for the national-level Science Challenge next month.

Kayshev Varman Surenddren, Beh Jia Hao and Shanjuktha Shreyaa Sugumar will compete against other teams from 15 schools from around the country after they came out tops in the National Science Challenge 2017 Selangor-level competition held at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) here.

The team beat four other schools in the competition.

The participants were required to answer questions prepared by panels from various universities nationwide.

The semi-finals to be held at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, the students were required to conduct a science experiment.

The National Science Challenge (NSC) Grand Prize winner will have the opportunity to go for a Study Visit to Stockholm, Sweden and witness the prestigious Nobel Prize Award Ceremony held each year on 10 December.

While, the finalists will get to attend the Sakura Exchange Programme for one week in Japan.

2017 IEEE Australia & New Zealand Student Young Professionals Congress “ANZSCON”

ANZSCON 2017 congress was held at University of Technology Sydney, Australia on 10th & 11th August 2017. The participants will be exposed to developing engineering and entrepreneur thinking skills, develop a network with colleagues from region 10.

This Congress targeted IEEE members and Young professionals from region 10 and was facilitated by IEEE members of Australia and New Zealand.

The talks at the congress included the benefits and introduction of becoming an IEEE member and the transition of Student to Young Professional member.

An insight into IEEE Sight was given to the participants including how to create the special interest group in a SB, the events being run on sight around the world as well as how to generate capital for the group.

A briefing about IEEE Xtreme was given by Mr. Prashanth Mohan, program chair of IEEE xtreme. Which included Rules and regulations of the program as well as how to register for it and a discussion on how to improve the program.

The congress included breakout sessions and panel discussions as well as a interactive session between participants about on going events at their SB and how to improve the SB.

At the end, the congress was a great experience for the participants. The congress gave me the chance to meet the IEEE president, the Region 10 director and the WIE global chair.

2017 “Raspberry Pi for Beginners” Workshop


“Raspberry Pi for Beginners” Workshop helped  the participants to develop their foundation in using a Rasberry pi 3 board, develop the engineering thinking skills, teamwork and leadership skills as the students were working in teams,  exploring the Rasberry pi kit and basic electrical components.  It gave the participants a chance to apply the fundamentals of electronics in an interesting way, which led to the participants being developed a game with the knowledge they obtained from the workshop under the supervision of our university student demonstrators with the main intention of using the “Learn by Doing” method as the technique.

Thus, the main aim of the workshop was to help the participants in understanding the concept of Raspberry Pi and develop the engineering thinking skills, teamwork and leadership skills necessary, as the students will be working in teams, exploring the Raspberry Pi kit and basic electrical components. Further, it provided an opportunity to apply fundamentals of electronics in an interesting outside of the lecture room paradigm. Thus, providing a space for participants to improve their creativity, test their knowledge and put their theories to test.

The workshop was organized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Student Branch Universiti Putra Malaysia (IEEESB UPM) and Department of Electrical and Electronics, Faculty of Engineering, UPM.

This workshop was targeted to Novice Electronics enthusiasts from 1st and 2nd year students of Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics), UPM. There were 8 participants and it was conducted as a two day program on 15th and 16th of April 2017, at Microelectronics lab, Faculty of Engineering, UPM. The workshop was ended with a one on one session with Mr. Manoj Kumar, who is one of the most prominent young innovators in Malaysia.

All participants were given a software copy of all teaching material which contained all the modules which we taught at the workshop.  A simple explanation of each code was also given to reduce the trouble in understanding the program code, thus, helped participants to focus on training and how to use the kit.

Hence, a beginner course was conducted where programming in python language was taught for the utilization of the Raspberry Pi and many projects were undertaken by the participants to use Raspberry Pi in different aspects.

The workshop contained the Introduction to UPM and IEEESB UPM, Introduction to Raspberry pi, and introduction to Linux operating system and Python Language. Further, it also had a project competition and concluded with a certificate awarding and a photo session.

At the end of the workshop, as the result, the participants were able to learn and explore microcontroller technology especially Raspberry Pi board and to apply the knowledge obtained to develop creatively. At the same time, the workshop helped to expose the participants to IEEE and IEEESB UPM, to develop teamwork and leadership skills and critical thinking skills of participants.

As an impact of the workshop, it was seen that the participants had an increase in capability of attempting the knowledge they got in their Final year Projects.

The workshop budget contained an income portions as well as the expenditure portion.  The income was received in the form of Registration Fee from the participants. The expenditure of the workshop was covered partly by the department of Electrical and electronic, IEEE Student Branch UPM and the revenue earned from the registration. The workshop Income and Expenditure sheet is given in the Annex 1.

The main business model of this workshop was the future expansion and therefore, it did not generate any profit as an outcome. The total revenue was spent on the honorariums for the instructors of the workshop.

Further, the greatest obstacle of such workshop is the high capital investment that required for the RPI board, Ethernet cables, SD cards etc. However, this expense is considered as the capital investment of this workshop. Once this capital investment is made, the costs of conducting similar workshops are minimal. Thus, it gave the opportunity for us to achieve the target we had in the main business model of the workshop as all earnings generated from future workshops will be considered as the profit.

On the other hand, investing in the Raspberry Pi boards can also lead to collaborations between universities and institutions. Most IEEE Student Branches lack the financial strength to make the capital investment for a Raspberry Pi workshop. Therefore, due the capital investment made in the proposed workshop, in the future, we are able to offer our equipment as well as our resource personal to other IEEE student Branches, universities and institutions to conduct Raspberry Pi workshops. Such collaborations can bring profits as well as recognition to IEEESB UPM and Faculty of Engineering UPM.

A special thanks goes to the Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd. Amran b. Mohd. Radzi for funding the Raspberry Pi workshop and the councilor of IEEESB UPM, Dr. Noor Ain Bt. Kamsani, for her unwavering support to make the event a success.




2017 IEEE Malaysia Student Branch Leadership Camp


The IEEE Malaysia Student Branch Leadership Camp 2017 was successfully organized by IEEE Malaysia Section and IEEE Student Branch Universiti Putra Malaysia (IEEESB UPM) at Executive Lounge, Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia on 11st March 2017.

The event was participated by student branch leaders from 21 students branch (APU, Curtin Sarawak, Monash University, Nilai University, UIAM, UKM, UM, UniMAP, UMS, MMU, UPM, USM, UTeM, UTM, UTP, UNITEN, UTHM, UTAR, UUM, UNMC,  and UiTM).

The invited guests and speaker were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammad Faizal Ahmad Fauzi, Dr. Noor Ain Kamsani and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fawnizu Azmadi Hussin from IEEE Malaysia Section; Ng Pin Jian, IEEE Malaysia SAC 2016, Saaveethya Sivakumar Arvind Rajan and Kong Sheng How from IEEE R10 SAC 2017 and Gorakanage Ashen Indimal Gomes, IEEE Malaysia Student Representative 2016.

The line of event was design to enhance leadership in IEEE Malaysia Section Student Branches and to provide training and share experiences in the running of IEEE Student Branches. It was also focus on interaction and collaboration among student branches to increase networking.

On the afternoon session, the winner for 2017 IEEE Malaysia Student Activity Committee were announced where Abdulrahman Taha from IEEESB UPM is selected for IEEE Malaysia Section Student Representative (SSR), Shum Kar Yen from IEEESB USM is selected for WIE Student Network (WSN) meanwhile Kong Sheng How from IEEESB Curtin Sarawak, Abdulraqeb Alhammadi from IEESB MMU and Ng Jiann Jia from IEESB USM are selected for Student Activity Committee (SAC).

On evening session, each SB presented on their planned activity and budget which is including SB Website link, SB Facebook link, plan for activities for 2017 (technical, non-technical, budget for each activities and others) for 5 minutes per each student branch.

After the presentation, SB travelling grant is given for all SBs except for MMU, UTAR, UKM, Monash, UTeM, UTHM and Nilai University. The last session for IEEE Malaysia Student Branch Leadership Camp 2017 was the certificate giving ceremony for SB counselors and chairs for 2016 session and the participants.



More photos:   https://www.facebook.com/UPM.IEEESB

2017 Technical Visit to Agensi Nuklear Malaysia

On the 26th of April 2017, the technical visit was participated by 2 lecturers (Dr. Ribhan Zafira bt. Abdul Rahman and Dr. Hafiz Rashidi Harun b. Ramli) and 49 students who are undertaking course: Control System in the department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia.

The main aim for the technical visit is to expose and broaden the concept of control systems in real life applications; such as, the control system of a nuclear reactor.

The participants arrived at the nuclear agency at 2.00 p.m. by bus. We were greeted by the staff of the agency and were allowed to view posters of recent researches and developments in the aspect of power generation and bi-product development from nuclear energy. We were also able to view models of nuclear reactors used to generate electricity for the consumer. The participants were soon gathered into the conference hall to view their corporate video to understand briefly the operation of the nuclear reactor.

The technical-visit continued by using the bus provided to reach a nearby nuclear reactor used for research purposes. At the nuclear reactor, safety measures were taken so that the participants would not harm themselves during the course of the technical visit. The on-site engineers were assigned to provide explanations as to the operation of the nuclear reactor, especially to the control system used which is our main focus on the technical visit. Later, a short Q&A session was held. Then, Encik Suhaimi, Head of Agensi Nuklear Malaysia  was presented with a small token of appreciation from Dr. Ribhan on behalf of UPM Engineering department

In conclusion, the objective for this site-visit was achieved as most of the  students were able to give good explanations of the control systems used in the nuclear reactor.



2017 The Great Lab Mini Workshop

IEEE Student Branch Universiti Putra Malaysia (IEEESB UPM) with collaboration of CREST R&D Talent Development and IEEE Malaysia Section successfully organized the The Great Lab Mini Workshop on the April 22th, 2017. The one-day event was participated by 65 students from UPM, USM, UTM, IIUM and UNITEN. Ten students from Faculty of Engineering (Final year bachelor and Postgraduate students) had been assigned as mentors where each mentor was assigned to a specific group to guide them on how to solve the challenge.

The event was organized to give exposure to the students on aspect of The Great Lab (TGL) Industry Challenge problem statement and pitching session. It is also organized to give students some ideas on how to create a proposal, guidelines one proposal, and guide on presentation skills. The event also aimed to provide the opportunity to improve/rework on the proposals based on the panel’s feedback and encourages the students to take up The Great Lab Challenge as part of students’ design or final year or postgraduate projects.

            Mrs. Haziati, representative from the CREST, starts the first session of the workshop with a briefing to the mentors. At the same time, all the participants arrived at the venue. The participants of the program were briefed on the TGL and then they were grouped into 10 groups. The program continued with group discussion to prepare a proposal to solve the given challenge with the support from the mentors.

Then, the program continue with pitching session in front of judging panels coming from Intel, ON Semiconductor, Tech Brain and MyDuino. At the end of the program, a closing ceremony was held where appreciation gifts were given to the winners and also all the participants and mentors.  The program ends with a group photo session.

            Positive feedbacks were obtained from all the participants about the event and they were also satisfied with the organization of the event in terms of food, venue and the sharing session. Some improvements were suggested on the time for the program as it was clash with students’ lecture class.

IEEE SB UPM and CREST R&D Talent Development would like to thank all the committees of THE GREAT LAB MINI WORKSHOP for helping to make this event successful. Also, thank you to all participants from UPM, USM, UTM, IIUM and UNITEN for joining the workshop.



More photos: https://www.facebook.com/UPM.IEEESB

2016 IEEE Region 10 Internship & Skills Development

IEEE Malaysia Section and IEEE Student Branch Universiti Putra Malaysia (IEEESB UPM) successfully organized the IEEE Region 10 Internship & Skills Development at Selangor Human Resource Development Centre (SHRDC) on the May 28th, 2016. The one-day event was participated by 24 IEEE Student/Postgraduate Members coming from 7 Student Branches out of 21 Student Branches registered under IEEE Malaysia Section.

The event was designed to provide opportunities for students to acquire interpersonal skills from industry experts and gain knowledge on the required technical skills needed to work in computer & information technologies or electrical & electronics field. Besides that, it also provides an opportunity for students to get exposure on international internship. The program was designed in three stages, which were data collection from industry and students prior to the event, gap analysis of the collected data and recommendation to the students on the field of work or type of trainings needed. At the end of this event, we aim to match the students with the recommended industry partners for internships.

Several speakers were invited to the event and they were Dr. Susthitha Menon, Chair of Student Activities Malaysia Section; Dr. Abdul Rahim Ahmad, IEEE Malaysia Section Committee; Dr. Norazmi Alias, Senior Vice President of CREST; Hajjah Mahuran Saro, Head of Critical Skill Monitoring Committee of TalentCorp; Dr. Anang Hudaya, Chair of IEEE Young Professionals Malaysia; Mr. Adrian Sie, IEEE PES Malaysia Section Committee, Mr. Anas Hasbullah, ex-intern at Paygate Co Ltd, Seoul, Korea and Ms. Esther Ling, IEEE YP R10/Malaysia. Besides that, there were also online speakers invited through Skype. They were Dr Preeti Bajaj, Subcommittee Lead for Internships & Skills Development for IEEE R10 Adhoc-Committee 2016; Charmain Williams and Parshva Bavishi from IEEE HQ and Dr Archana Shrivastava from GH Raisoni College of Engineering.

            In the evening, “Hands-on Session on IEEE ResumeLab and IEEE Collabratec” and “Career Interview Session” for the participants were conducted in a parallel session. This was to provide an opportunity for the participants to write an effective resume and to experience a career interview session. An open discussion between the evaluators and the participants was conducted at the end of the evening session. Some of the feedback given was on English communication skill, how to make resume stand out from the rest and how to ace the interview session. Also, the participants were advised to show their passion and confidence while attending the interview questions.

            Feedback forms were distributed during the event. Positive feedbacks were obtained from all the participants where they were satisfied with the organization of the event in terms of food, venue and volunteers. Some improvement were suggested on the time for each talk need to be lengthen as they feel that the information given are very useful and hence need to be elaborated further. The evaluators also think that the interview session should be done in a longer period of time.

IEEE SB UPM would like to thank IEEE Malaysia Section, IEEE Region 10 Adhoc Committee on Entrepreneurship, Internship & Innovation for their technical support, IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter, IEEE Computer Society Malaysia Chapter, CREST and SHRDC for their sponsorship during the event and volunteers from Universiti Putra Malaysia for supporting this event.  Also thank you to all participants of IEEE Region 10 Student Internship & Skills Development for joining the event.



More photos: https://www.facebook.com/UPM.IEEESB