2016 IEEE Region 10 Student. Young Professional. Women in Engineering. Life Member Congress

2016 IEEE Region 10 Student. Young Professional. Women in Engineering. Life Member Congress (SYWLC) was held in Bangalore, India on 25th to 27th of August. The congress has brought together more than 250 participants representing students, lecturers, engineers and practitioners from all over Asia Pacific region. This congress also been done in conjunction of Region 10 50th Anniversary Celebration.

2 participants from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) participated the congress and won the IEEE Regional Exemplary Student Branch Award. From almost 1,300 student branches, around 50 of them in their nominations and only 5 student branches were being awarded. Besides UPM, there were also University Vishveswarayya College of Engineering Bangalore (Bangalore Section), College of Engineering Chengannur (Kerala Section), Taxila Univ Of Engineering And Tech (Islamabad Section) and The University of Melbourne (Victorian Section).

This congress that was held for the 4th time aims to increase network collaborations among members and to expose Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) members to various types of programs created under the IEEE for the benefit of all members. The programs are such as  IEEE vTools training, IEEE Collabratec, building career through IEEE and IEEE Xtreme. In addition, congress participants are given the motivation and are encouraged to engage more actively in IEEE and get the fullest benefits from these activities.

Among the activities held during the congress was the award ceremony night where IEEE acknowledges the hard work of the volunteers of IEEE and multicultural night where all countries participated in this congress opened a booth and promote their country’s culture, food and lifestyle. Malaysia section has been awarded first place for the best stall during the multicultural night. During the day, the participants are given talks regarding engineering and IEEE world.

In conclusion, this program will not only enhance the participants’ network collaborations, it even improve their communication skills, experiencing cultural exchanges between countries, exposing participants to the importance of IEEE programs to the world as well as enhancing the knowledge of participants, especially in the implementation of a program.


2016 School Program

“Smart Home Development Using Arduino”  was the theme selected for school program this year at introduced on the 25 April 2016 at the International Modern Arabic School (IMAS), Putrajaya. This workshop was attended by 59 students and facilitated by 10 students from Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical and Electronics), UPM. IEEE Student Branch UPM and IMAS jointly organized the event.

The aim of the program is to introduce the concept of smart home to the secondary school students and promote UPM as a place to study after leaving the school. During the program, participants were exposed to engineering thinking skills, teamwork and leadership skills. The learning techniques used during the workshop is learning by doing.

The workshop begins with opening remarks from Assoc. Prof. Dr. Wan Zuha Wan Hasan, the Head, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering. Then the students were briefed on the physical view and functions of each component on the Arduino Uno board followed by demonstration of smart home system applications. During this demonstration, each facilitator was given a booth to showcase their project.

The school students were divided into groups, where each group spent about 15 minutes at each booth. During this time, the facilitators demonstrated the project and explained the interesting facts about their project to the students. Then, the groups move to other booth, and keeps rotating until all groups had visited all booth and demonstrated them.

At the end of the workshop, each group will choose a booth and dissemble all components on the board and then try to re-build the system by following the schematic diagram shown in posters and under the supervision from the facilitators.

At the end, the program was conducted successfully, where all the students were excited because they have learnt something new. Some students even requested from us to send them the details of the components we used during the workshop, as they are interested to build their own smart home system at home. The name of components, codes of the system, schematics diagram of the projects were given to the schools as a token of appreciation from IEEE SB UPM.

We appreciate the IMAS School’s administration for cooperation and financial support in making this workshop a successful event.


2016 IEEE SB UPM : Arduino Hands on Workshop 3.0: Be an expert!

IEEE SB Universiti Putra Malaysia, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, UPM was successfully conducted an Arduino Hands on Workshop 3.0 for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

The workshop was participated by 2 instructors and 30 students from Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia. The workshop was divided into two sessions which were about the Introduction to Arduino and Labview-Microcontroller Data Acquisition. Introduction to Arduino session was conducted by Ashen Gomes while the Labview-Microcontroller Data Acquisition session was conducted by Lau Karn Jye.

The main objective of this workshop is to get a deepe understanding about Arduino board and Labview-Microcontroller Data Acquisition software to all students. At the beginning of the Introduction to Arduino session, the students were introduced to basic electronic components such as breadboard, jump wire, resistors, light emitting diode (LED), light dependent resistor (LDR), switch, potentiometer and Arduino board. There are three different projects in this session conducted by Ashen Gomes by using Arduino board which are byte LED on, string LED on, and analogue to digital conversion (ADC). Lastly students were assigned to complete the mini project about comparator that was given by the instructor.

After that, the Labview-Microcontroller Data Acquisition session was started after lunch break. This session’s contents includes the introduction of Labview programming, Labview data type conversion, Arduino Serial data in one dimensional array presentation, Labview Serial communication setup, and Labview data for external application. The instructor explained details about the step to create and simulate the Labview program.

The workshop has successfully provided a platform for the students to learn and experience the benefit of using Arduino board and also Labview software for future purposes. Other than that, this workshop is also an opportunity for final year students of UPM to learn the process of programming by using Arduino and Labview for their final year projects.

EEE SB UPM would like to thank Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, committees of IEEE SB UPM and all participants from Universiti Putra Malaysia for supporting this event.


2016 IEEE Membership Drive

IEEE SB Universiti Putra Malaysia, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, UPM has been successfully conducted IEEE Membership Drive for undergraduate students whose currently taking Bachelor of Electric & Electronic Engineering. This program had been held on 21 Mac 2016 at Seminar Room 2, Faculty of Engineering.

The objective of this event is to fill up the student with the current knowledge and skills to boost up their marketability. The main objective of this event is to expose the student on the benefits of becoming an IEEE member especially after graduate. Other than that, it is one of the ways for the students to interact and communicate with professional bodies from department.

The IEEE Membership Drive 2016 was participated by almost 30 participants came from second year and third year student. The speaker for this event was Dr Noor Ain Kamsani, the advisor of IEEE student branch UPM. The speaker managed to open the minds of participants to find out more details about the benefits of joining IEEE student branch. After the session, the participants are given the opportunity to ask more questions about IEEE. The refreshments were provided to participants and speaker sponsored by IEEESB UPM at the end of the seminar. Token of appreciation also be given to those who participate.

The IEEE Membership Drive 2016 has successfully provided some knowledge about the current situation in jobs opportunity and how becoming an IEEE member can help the students after the graduation. It is hoped that the exposure will attract the students to be an IEEE member.



2016 Asasi Education Fair

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) organised the annual Asasi Education Fair 2016 on 2nd March 2016 at Dewan Besar PKKSSAAS this year. The education fair was participated by all the faculties in UPM including Faculty of Engineering and the faculty has invited student clubs to also participate in the event. IEEE Student Branch of UPM participated by setting up a booth to promote Electrical & Electronic Engineering to the public.

The objective of the education fair is to expose the academic programmes offered in UPM to high school, STPM, matriculation and foundation students. This one-day event was participated by all faculties by exhibiting materials at their booth to attract the students to drop by and learn more about the programme. The faculty representatives were also presented and briefed the visitors about the academic programmes being offered.

For engineering faculty’s booth, each department’s club has their own booth including IEEESB UPM. IEEESB UPM to share information about electrical and electronic engineering for instance, the details on the minimum qualifications required and also provides knowledge in choosing their desired programmes. Besides that, the visitors were also being briefed about student club activities and achievements. One of the attractions at IEEESB booth was the demonstration of Freescale Car which was programmed by EE students for a Freescale Cup competition.

In conclusion, the education fair is one of the important mechanisms in promoting UPM to the community especially to the school leavers and matriculation graduates to further their studies in UPM.


2016 IEEESB UPM Team Building

IEEESB UPM 2016 Team Building was successfully conducted on 11th-12th January 2016. This two days team building was done to prepare, plan and discuss the activities that will be executed in 2016.

The objectives of this team building are to plan for the 2016 activities and to get each committee to know each other. This is because the new committee was formed at the end of November 2015 and after that students were occupied with preparation for final examination. Hence, the team building was done after the final examination ended.

The team building was attended by the elected executive committees of IEEESB UPM for 2016 session. The executive committees are, Fatimah (chair), Faris (vice chair 1), Azman (vice chair 2), Ain (Secretary 1), Mariam (Secretary 2), Aleeya (Treasurer), Sukri Chia, Syed, Khai Chein, Syahmi, Nisa, Madihah, Abdulrahman, Izziani and Shaun.

On the first day, the executive committees were briefed on the preparation of proposals and reports according to UPM and also IEEE formats. In the evening, brainstorming was performed to come up with activities for year 2016. Each committee was assigned to at least one activity. On the next day, the preparation of activity proposals for BHEP were conducted. Proposals and budgeting were discussed for each activities were carried out in the evening. From the presentation, a lot of improvement, suggestions and discussions among the committees were done thus achieved the objectives of the program.

In conclusion, this team building is important in order to plan for IEEESB UPM activities accordingly and it is hope that all the activities planned will be carried out smoothly.


2015 EE Games


EE GAMES 2015 are the activities planned and carried out by members of the association IEEESB Universiti Putra Malaysia as one of the annual activities of this club. It is intended that the association members can share expertise and experience of individuals as well as a strong bonding among the new students and current students in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering.



2015 IEEE PES Invited Talk: Current Perspective of the Renewable Energy Development in Malaysia and Smart Grid Concept

This seminar is was organized by the „IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter‟ and the „IEEE Student Branch Universiti Putra Malaysia‟ and took place in the well-equipped Seminar Room 2 of Faculty of Engineering in Universiti Putra Malaysia on 6th November 2015 from 9.00 am until 11.00 am.

The refreshments were provided to participants and speaker sponsored by „IEEE PES Malaysia Chapter‟ at the end of the seminar. The speaker managed to open the minds of participants to find out more details about renewable energy in a casual environment.

About 61 participants came from undergraduate students, 5 participants from postgraduate students and 9 participants from lecturers of different departments in Faculty of Engineering in Universiti Putra Malaysia. The speaker came from excellent background and experiences and presented the audience with different practical experiences, insight and views. It gave a good impression and understanding of the current perspective of renewable energy in Malaysia and the smart grid concept with a great explanation.

The positive feedback from the participants indicated that the seminar has run smoothly as well as increased knowledge among participants.

2015 Programming Workshop

The programming Workshop was started with introductory presentations by program director Mr. Ong Wee Chiek. He introduced about operation of IEEEXtreme 9.0 which is a global programming challenge. He also explained about rules and regulations of the competition. He illustrated the situation during competition and shared his previous experience of involvement.

The workshop is then proceeded with short lecture on programming language conducted by Dr. Noor Ain Kamsani. She explained about HackerRank platform used in IEEEXtreme competition. Participants were asked to sign up at HackerRank website. She demonstrated solving of sample problems provided on the platform. During the session, participants were able to experience real-time problem solving during the programming competition. The participants had discussions between them in understanding the problems. They were briefed about scoring criteria of the competition. They also learnt about programming skills required in order to score. Through this workshop, IEEESB UPM aims to achieve higher ranking in IEEEXtreme 9.0.

2015 Summer School on IC Design & Test

IEEESB Universiti Putra Malaysia, Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, UPM and IEEE Circuit & System Society (CASS) Malaysia Chapter, have successfully conducted a Summer School for undergraduate and postgraduate students during the semester break between 1st July and 1st September 2015. The Summer School was divided into 2 events, which there are a 2-month program and a 1-day program. The 2-month program was participated by 5 lecturers, 3 facilitators and 10 2nd year undergraduate students from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). 2 of the students were from Computer System and Communication Engineering Department and others were from Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department. The 1-day program was held on 26th August 2015. This program was participated by 3 invited speakers from industry which are Intelligent Circuit Engineering, MIMOS and Teradyne; and 31 participants which consist of engineers from Silterra, undergraduate students, postgraduate students, and lecturers from UPM as well as other universities.

2015 IEEE Malaysia Section Student Congress

The IEEE Malaysia student congress 2015 was organized and hosted by IEEE Student Branch Universiti Putra Malaysia (IEEESB UPM) at the faculty of engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia. The line of event was designed to train and motivate the branch members with the aim of introducing them to the world of IEEE and to boost the student activities in the section. It was specially focus on interaction and collaboration among student branches to increase effective networking.

The event mainly consists of 3 major sessions. Namely, the invited guest speeches session, final year undergraduate project exhibition and award ceremony and Networking and Collaborative session. Invited guest speeches session had 7 speeches. The session with final year undergraduate project exhibition and award ceremony was done with 32 posters under 13 different tracks. Each track was sponsored by an IEEE chapter. Awards were given for 30 winners.

The session we had for Networking and collaboration, we were able to use the time among all the participants where the participation was nearly 100 and from 14 different student branches. The main aim of this session was to motivate the branch members to boost their activities and to focus on interaction and collaboration among student branches in increasing the networking among them. For the achievement of the aim, we made the session to be done in groups where each group should consist of the members of other student branches and was given the task of writing a brief proposal together and the best proposal was chosen from the groups.


2015 IEEE Region 10 Student Congress

IEEE Region 10 Student. Young Professional. Women in Engineering Congress (SYWC) 2015 was held in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The congress has brought together 250 participants representing students, lecturers, engineers and practitioners from all over Asia Pacific region. A total of 3 participants from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) have joined the congress and won second place in the Best Poster Presentation. For this category, the first place and third is from Bangladesh and Indonesia.

This congress that was held for the 3rd time aims to increase network collaborations among members and to expose Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) members to various types of programs created under the IEEE for the benefit of all members. The programs are such as SIGHT, Collabrotec, IEEE Academic and IEEE Xtreme. In addition, congress participants are given the motivation and are encouraged to engage more actively in IEEE and get the fullest benefits from these activities.

Among the activities held during the congress was the award ceremony night where IEEE acknowledges the hardwork of the volunteers of IEEE and multicultural night where all countries participated in this congress opened a booth and promotes their country‟s culture, food and lifestyle. During the day, the participants are given talks regarding engineering and IEEE world.

This program will not only enhance the participants’ network collaborations, it even improve their communication skills, experiencing cultural exchanges between countries, exposing participants to the importance of IEEE programs to the world as well as enhancing the knowledge of participants, especially in the implementation of a program.


2015 IEEE Membership Drive

IEEE Membership Drive is an annual program of IEEESB club. It involves IEEESB club advisor and students from department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia. IEEE Membership Drive. The objective of the program is to provide exposure and benefits to students who sign up as a member of IEEE. IEEE also establishes friendship among young people who have passion and interest to socialize with each other to share ideas that can help in engineering careers in the future. Students with professional background as well as expose students to the informal learning.


2015 Arduino Workshop School Program with SMK Seri Indah

This workshop is to help the participants to explore the Arduino kit, giving participants the opportunity to apply concepts of basic electronic theory in an interesting way and without strict monitoring. Indirectly, this method will give space to the mind of the participants to get as many creative ideas that they can, through their daily tasks, test their theories and learning.

Arduino workshop is targeted to students of SMK Seri Indah, Seri Kembangan, Selangor and guided by 17 students of a Bachelor and a Master’s student of the Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM). The workshop was held for half a day. In addition, the sample program to be downloaded to Arduino kit is also prepared with a simple explanation of each code is given, so the participants able to understand program code thus help participants to focus on training and how to use the kit.

The effectiveness of this workshop was evaluated by a questionnaire given before and after the training session. The participants were asked to fill out a form to distinguish and to test the understanding of the participants before and after the program. Learning techniques used during this workshop is learning by doing.

Arduino Workshop School Program with SMK Seri Indah

2015 Arduino 2.0: From Zero to Hero

Arduino 2.0: From zero to hero, hands on workshop is a new program of IEEESB club . It involves some students from Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Science, Universiti Putra Malaysia. The workshop was conducted with the objective which is to introduce an electronic component of Arduino to UPM students. Arduino is an electronic kit or an electronic circuit board in which contain a type of AVR microcontroller chips from Atmel Company or ATMEGA. The software on the chip is capable to design or created ourselves with our own creativity. The workshop is also an opportunity for final year students of UPM to learn the process of programming by using Arduino for final year project.