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This website is under the supervision of IEEE FAST NUCES Student-Branch Peshawar. IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of the human race. It operates on national, regional and international level. IEEE has a widespread circle of more than 419,000 members in over 160 countries all with one goal, to make the future a better place by bringing about evolutionary innovations. IEEE provides a voice for engineering, computing, and technology information around the globe.
IEEE is led by a diverse body of members. The general body which includes the Chair, Vice-chair and various heads for a specific branch is democratically elected. Under them are the volunteers, who as time passes are promoted to superior positions within the branch. All the members work harmoniously for the smooth operation of events.
IEEE offers many benefits to its members due to which, each passing year the number of registrations received has exponentially increased. In today’s times contacts are essential to having a successful career. IEEE aids in this by building a web of networks with unparalleled professionals around the globe. If you’re a student, IEEE offers valuable scholarships and award programs to the best institutions. Along with many other facilities; for an IEEE member, it offers 1000+ authentic recent research papers which is extremely precious for students about to submit their FYPs.
Being a member of a 140-year-old society is an immense honor. You will be walking in the footsteps of technological tycoons such as Alexander Graham Bell. IEEE will open numerous doors for you to have prosperous career. We hope to help our fellow Engineers and Computer Scientists pursue their dreams to infinity and beyond!