IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer Program by Prof. Julio Romero Aguero

The IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Student Chapter is delighted to announce that we will be hosting Prof. Julio Romero Aguero to give a seminar as part of the IEEE PES Distinguished Lecturer Program (DLP) on Friday 26th May at 16:00. We are pleased to invite you all to join us there.

This event will take place in Room 611, EEE Building (6th floor) with limited capacity. Registration is required to attend this event. Please register via Eventbrite:

Note that there are in-person and virtual attendance options, so please be sure to check that you have selected your preferred mode of attendance.

Following the seminar, snacks and drinks will be provided.

Seminar Overview: Grid Modernization and Smart Distribution Systems – this presentation will provide an overview of grid modernization activities and smart distribution systems, and discuss objectives, trends, modern equipment, technologies, leading industry practices, solutions and methodologies used by the electric power industry to modernize distribution grids and facilitate the adoption of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and electric transportation. This presentation will bring together all these aspects in a cohesive and holistic description to help understand this rapidly evolving and increasingly complex area.

Speaker Bio: Dr. Julio Romero Agüero is Vice President, Strategy & Business Innovation at Quanta Technology. He has 27 years of experience, he provides leadership to Quanta Technology in the areas of technology and business strategy, innovation, grid modernization, distribution systems planning, reliability, resiliency, and integration of distributed energy resources and emerging technologies. He has developed solutions in these areas for electric utilities and regulatory boards in the USA, Canada, Latin America, the Caribbean and Asia.

He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE PES, and currently serves as Vice President, Chapters and Membership in the IEEE PES Governing Board. He has served as Chair of the 2020 and 2021 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference – North America (ISGT – NA), Chair of the IEEE Distribution Subcommittee, Chair of the IEEE Working Group on Distributed Resources Integration, Editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, and Editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. He is an Adjunct Professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

We look forward to seeing you there.