Women in STEM 2023

On the 13th of March, we hosted our annual ‘Women in STEM’ panel discussion. As in previous years, the aim was to facilitate a conversation on the current status and future perspectives for Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine disciplines. The roundtable format proved an effective means of achieving that aim, with the insightful contributions from our four guest speakers, coming from diverse fields and with unique professional experiences.

Our speakers were:

– Dr Reshma Rao, Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow in the Department of Materials at Imperial

– Rimshah Javed, Business Development Manager at Arenko

– Yasmin Baba, CPO and Co-founder at Amilis

– Prof Mustafa F. Ozbilgin, Chair in Organisational Behaviour at Brunel Business School

The panel was moderated by Emilie d’Olne, our IEEE SB Vice-Chair and final-year PhD student in the EEE Department. The conversation touched upon various topics, prompting each speaker to share some thought-provoking ideas and revealing examples. The full discussion is available to watch below!