The IEEE Student Branch is hosting an exciting event on Nuclear Fusion research and development on Tuesday 7th March at 16:00

We are pleased to invite you all to join us there.

Fusion has long been vaunted as a near-limitless source of clean power, but its proponents seem to have permanently fixed it at 30 years in the future.

With recent experimental breakthroughs in the US where excess energy was released by a fusion reaction for the first time, a natural question to raise is whether this really is a significant step forward or perhaps a false dawn.

A pair of experts will enlighten us on this question, alongside giving an overview of recent developments and possible future directions of the different approaches to fusion in order to overcome the huge challenges involved in creating sustainable fusion power.

Our speakers include:

Prof. Zulfikar NajmudinProfessor of Plasma Physics at Imperial College, London, and Deputy Director of the John-Adams Institute. Prof. Najmudin’s research involves inertial confinement fusion, laser-plasma interactions, and magnetized plasmas.

Dr. Yasmin AndrewPhysics Student Liaison Officer at Imperial College, London, and Fellow of the Institute of Physics. Dr. Andrew is working on tokamak fusion including at JET and MAST-U.

This event will take place in Room 611EEE Building (6th floor). Each speaker will give a presentation of their insights and work within the field, including current challenges and their expectations for the future of fusion, before a discussion and an opportunity for a Q&A.

To confirm your attendance, please fill in our registration form:

Places are limited so please register (~30 seconds) to avoid disappointment! We look forward to seeing you there.

IEEE Power & Energy Society Student Chapter at Imperial College London

It is our pleasure to announce that we have recently formed the IEEE Power & Energy (PES) Student Chapter at Imperial. It is the first IEEE Society on campus and our aim will be to:

Enhance the research experience, professional opportunities, and collaborations for the Power and Energy Community at Imperial College London.

We plan to achieve the above by bringing high-quality technical events and professional opportunities from IEEE and industry, while also promoting diversity and equal opportunities in power and energy engineering.

The founding Committee consists of three doctoral researchers in the CAP Group: Stefan Borozan, Sai Pavan Polisetty, and Malek Alduhaymi, with highly valued support from Dr. Fei Teng as the Academic Advisor.

We are looking to grow our team and are currently welcoming committee members that will lead the organization of events and/ or reach out to and liaise with industry, other universities, and IEEE sections.

Feel free to contact us at if you’re interested or with any questions!

Inaugural Event

We hosted our inaugural event on 25 November 2022. The event attracted the attention of Imperial academics, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, as well as Master’s students.

First, the mission and objectives of the PES Student Chapter were presented, followed by an address by Prof. Eric Yeatman, Head of EEE Department. He reaffirmed the Department’s commitment to supporting student initiatives and encouraged further IEEE opportunities outreach, at Imperial and beyond.

Then, we held a panel discussion titled 2051: a PES odyssey.

The title hints at the nature of the event – an exploration of the exciting prospects for the power & energy sector with a view toward 2050 and the means of getting there. Moderated by Stefan Borozan, co-chair of the IEEE PES Student Chapter, the panel presented the views of four highly informed speakers:

Prof. Bikash Pal, Professor of Power Systems at Imperial College London, IEEE PES Vice President of Publication and Distinguished Lecturer

Electrification of transportation is going to drive radically the electricity network infrastructure from the evolution of demand. Energy storage (battery and hydrogen) is going to address supply-side challenges. Grid-edge technologies will provide a pathway to this transformation.

Peny Panagiotakopoulou, Senior Manager of Energy market modeling & analysis at National Grid

The world’s actions today will be crucial to create a sustainable energy system. Net zero carbon emissions by 2050 means electricity demand are likely to double. As such a clean energy transition is the surest route to long-term security of supply, energy resilience, and affordability. Consumer behaviour – how we all react to and embrace smart technology, an evolving electricity network and technology innovation will be vital to meeting Net Zero.

Dr Fei Teng, Senior Lecturer at Imperial College London

In the power sector, I think the biggest changes are the massive transition from conventional thermal generators to inverter-based resources and the switching of the load from being passive to being active, which will fundamentally change the way we control, operate and plan the system.

Dr Tala El Samad, Lecturer in Thermo-Fluids for Energy Systems at City, University of London

The role of turbomachinery systems in 2050: with reference to conventional turbine engines that would continue to supply base load in the transition to net zero, the vision seems to be to deploy smaller, operational, and fuel-flexible systems for a distributed generation while improving energy efficiency. Advances in thermodynamic processes, for example in hydrogen combustion, energy storage, and low-carbon heating, will reinforce the shift to distributed resources – the optimal operation of which will be crucial in the future energy sector.

The speakers elaborated on their statements presented above and discussed various challenges and opportunities of the energy transition. They shared their own views and raised interesting questions worthy of further exploration. There was also active participation from the audience, notably from senior academics who contributed to the depth and significance of the discussion.

After the panel discussion, the attendees explored the ideas further and socialised over a celebratory drinks reception. Many of them expressed interest in further IEEE PES events at the College and their support for the Student Chapter.

 Queen Mother Dr Delois Blakely visits Imperial College London

On October 24th, 2022, the IEEE SB at Imperial College London had the great privilege of hosting Queen Mother Dr Delois Blakely. Queen Mother is an American former nun and current religious leader, pan-Africanist, writer, activist, and humanitarian. She is a goodwill ambassador to Africa at the United Nations and has published two books, “The Harlem Street Nun: Autobiography of Queen Mother Dr. Delois Blakely” and “Pilgrimage to Goree Island (The Harlem Street Nun)”, and many articles on self-reliance, education, recreation, and culture. In 1995, she was appointed “The Community Mayor of Harlem” and has been an “Ambassador of Goodwill to Africa” since the late 70s.

In her conversation with Imperial College students, Queen Mother discussed the importance of worldwide education, and the critical role of youth in the future development of science, technology, and social impacts. She also highlighted the importance of activism for positive change, like the role of women in decision and policy making positions. The students enjoyed their time with Queen Mother and were honoured to have her speak and converse with them.

IEEE Power & Energy Student Chapter

Us: hey! I have good news!

You: hey! Tell me what? 

Us: We, here at Imperial, officially have an IEEE Power & Energy Society Student Chapter now! Cheers!

We are pleased to announce that we officially started the IEEE Power & Energy Student Chapter. We are aiming to enhance the research experience, and provide professional opportunities and collaborations for the Power and Energy Community at Imperial College London. The IEEE Power & Energy Student Chapter will contribute to preparing students and early career researchers for their next steps through industry-led events that create opportunities to develop skills, gain insights, and establish new connections. It will also promote diversity and equal opportunities in power and energy engineering. 

The Inaugural Committee Members are Sai Pavan, Stefan Borozan, and Malek Alduahymi. Please get in touch with any of us if you would like to find out more or if you would like to get involved.

We are looking forward to meeting you all at the kick-off event which will be announced soon!

ACDS 2022

The Imperial College IEEE Student Branch is once again teaming up with the EEE PhD Student Representatives to bring you the 2022 IEEE Conference on Advances in Communications, Devices and Systems (ACDS), to be held on 5th of September 2022. 

The aim of the Conference is to bring together the Imperial community, to share outstanding research across different departments, and to connect with each other and our guests from industry. 

Date: 5 September 2022 

Venue: Room 305, level 3, Electrical and Electronic Engineering Building. 


10:30 – 11:00 

Registration and coffee / tea 

11:00 – 11:15 

Conference welcome 

11:15 – 12:15 

 Keynote presentation and Q&A 

12:15 – 13:30 

Lunch break 

13:30 – 15:00 

IEEE Local Student Paper Contest 

15:10 – 16:50 

PhD Research Presentations 

16:50 – 18:00 

Conference closing and refreshments 

Keynote speech 

AI in mission critical applications; How we use AI in Rolls-Royce, successes and failures 

Dr Muhannad Alomari (Mo) is currently the Head of AI across Europe for R2-Factory at Rolls-Royce plc, working on solving some of the most challenging engineering problems through the applications of AI. 




Dr Alomari is an Honorary Fellow at the Neuroscience Department at University College London, and at the Computer Science Department at City, University of London. Supervising a number of PhD and MSc students at both universities. He has a background in Autonomous Systems Engineering, and a PhD in AI and Machine Learning from the University of Leeds, where he was awarded the highly prestigious “Research Excellence award” and the “runner-up best PhD dissertation award” by the European Association for AI, among many other awards for his work in advancing the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Robotics. 

Mo speaks 2 human languages, and 7 computer languages; and he is an advocate for using AI for the good of humanity. 

IEEE Local Student Paper Contest 

We are hosting an IEEE Student Paper Contest, exclusively open to students at Imperial College. Join this part of the Conference to hear highly-driven students present their excellent projects as they compete for monetary prizes sponsored by IEEE and a chance to compete at the final IEEE Regional Paper Contest (Europe, Middle East and Africa). The selected presentations are: 


Decentralised and Privacy-Preserving Node Classification on Graph Neural Networks 

Raphael Bijaoui 

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering  


KDE-SSI: Knowledge Distilled Ensemble Model for sEMG-based Silent Speech Interface 

Wenqiang Lai, Qihan Yang, Ye Mao, Endong Sun, Jiangnan Ye 

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 


Coarse-Graining of Molecular Dynamics Using Neural Ordinary Differential Equations 

Jakub Lala, Shanil Panara, Stefano Angiolleti-Uberti 

Department of Materials 


Promoting democratisation with blockchain technology 

Alessandra Zanin 

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 


Automated Computational Design for Personalised Wearable Footwear Technology (online) 

Shafae Ali 

Dyson’s School of Design Engineering 

PhD research presentations 

Learn about the innovative work done by PhD researchers from the EEE and Materials Departments. The selected presentations are: 


Untangling the future of quantum communication via entangled quantum states 

Kuan-Cheng Chen 

Department of Materials 


Ultralow-cost Multispectral Spectrometer for Materials Analysis 

Saleh Komies 

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering  


The Effect of Social Influence on Aggregated Decision Making in Socio-Technical Systems 

Asimina Mertzani 

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering  


TBC (online) 

Aimon Mirza Baig 

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering  


The effect of COVID-19 on the home behaviours of people affected by dementia 

Alina-Irina Serban 

Department of Computing 

 Networking opportunities 

Use conference sessions and social receptions to connect with students, researchers, and academics at Imperial, as well as with external guests from the industry!

Advances in Communications, Devices and Systems 2022

The Imperial College IEEE Student Branch is teaming up with the EEE PhD Student Representatives to bring you the 2022 IEEE Conference on Advances in Communications, Devices and Systems (ACDS), to be held on the 5th of September 2022.  

This year’s conference will host the first ever Imperial IEEE Student Paper Contest. This is an opportunity for undergraduate or MSc students to present their work and get a chance to win an all-expense-paid trip to EUROCON 2023 in Turin, Italy! Further details are below. 

The conference is a great way to showcase your work to the Imperial community and to train your presentation skills. Events throughout the day will include poster presentations, keynote speeches and networking events, so don’t miss out! 

To register your interest, please submit an abstract (~200 words) before the 8th of July 2022 via this link. Submitted topics can cover any topic in engineering that the IEEE is concerned with and could be part of your research or related to other interests. Upon notification of acceptance, students will be asked to present their work in the form of a poster or a traditional oral presentation on the day of the conference. 

Imperial IEEE Student Paper Contest [BEng, MEng, MSc only] 

  • Two winning papers will be selected and submitted to the Region 8 IEEE Student Paper Contest to get a chance to win a cash prize of $800/$500/$200 for first, second, and third place, respectively, plus publication of the winning papers in the proceedings of IEEE R8 EUROCON 2023 and funded travel to the conference. 
  • The student contest is open to undergraduate students (BEng, MEng, MSc) only. 

ACDS Prizes [BEng, MEng, MSc, PhD] 

We are delighted to be able to offer the following awards:  

  • Best presentation prizes worth £200 for first place, £100 for second place, and £50 for third place.  
  • First 10 submitted (and accepted) abstracts will receive £20 gift cards. 
  • Topic/paper exposed on the IEEE UK and Ireland web page and on the Imperial EEE webpage and social media. 

The selection of topics and best presentations will be made based on expert evaluation and popular vote.  



Abstract submission deadline: 08.07.2022 

Notification of acceptance: 22.07.2022 

Full IEEE student paper contest submission deadline: 22.08.2022 

Presentation/Poster submission: 22.08.2022 

Conference date: 05.09.2022 


Feel free to get in touch with the ICL IEEE Student Branch with any further questions you may have.  

We are looking forward to receiving your submissions and hosting you on the 5th of September! The full conference programme, including social and networking activities will follow soon. 

Women in STEM -Roundtable Discussion

The Imperial College IEEE Student Branch is delighted to invite you to its annual event that celebrates the role of female researchers and professionals in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.

The aim of the event is to facilitate a conversation on the current role and future perspectives for Women in STEM. We hope to achieve that via a roundtable discussion with four guest speakers from diverse fields and unique professional experiences, as well as audience engagement.

We invite you to participate in this event online, share your personal experiences and thoughts on the topic, and join in the discussion with our panellists.

Our guest speakers are:

Dr Jelena Ponocko

Lecturer in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at The University of Manchester, UK. Her research focuses on demand-side flexibility and demand-side management in distribution and transmission networks. Jelena has been an active IEEE PES member since 2015. She is the IEEE PES Women in Power representative for Region 8 (Europe, Middle East and Africa) and has recently received the IEEE PES Outstanding Chapter Volunteer Award by the IEEE PES UK and Ireland Chapter.

Dr Yaprak Eminaga

Field Application Engineer at Intel, who specializes in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) processors, digital signal processing, algorithm development and implementation in various market segments including but not limited to healthcare and life sciences, video and broadcast, and finance. She holds a PhD degree from University of Westminster (2014-2018) with a thesis concentrated on the design and implementation of biomedical signal processors, an MSc in Biomedical Engineering from Imperial College London (2011-2012) and a BEng in Electronics Engineering from University of Westminster (2008-2011).

Alicia Blatiak

Final year PhD researcher at Imperial College London, working on the value of Electric Vehicles with Vehicle-to-Grid technology. She’s also CEO of a start-up, Intelliflex, which makes software for predicting Electric Vehicle driving patterns. As an ex-Physics Teacher, she’s passionate about promoting STEM education for female students.

Dr Aizaan Anwar

UKRI AI4Health PhD Candidate in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, working on using AI to diagnose disease progression in brain tumours from speech data collected from a mobile app developed by The Brain Tumour Charity. She’s a Malaysian-born, British-trained physician with previous experience in neurology, medical education, epidemiology, and public health. In September 2021, she was selected as a Data Science for All/ Women (DS4A) Fellow.

Date and Time

  • Start time: 09 Mar 2022 11:00 AM
  • End time:   09 Mar 2022 12:30 PM
  • All times are Europe/London

Location and Registration

Online registration link available here.

The event will be hosted at Imperial College London, EEE Department, with limited seating.