For the longest time, our society did not utilize this platform for the better and after hours of work being poured in, it’s here! All the information is up and ready for viewing but there still remains the job of bettering the sites functionality but it is very usable.

There was an old website? What happened to it?

Indeed the old website existed and still exists even today(check it out here). Initially, attempts were made to resuscitate it but that proved too costly. All the articles from there have been successfully brought to this site. These have been allocated the category “old” to denote the fact that they are from the old website (check those articles out here). Please please take note of the header of the post, it will show the true author as well as a link to the original article.

So what's different?


This new site will feature upcoming events, links to all sorts of media that the society will publish and much more. We will have featured articles from around IEEE as well as from students on campus. All important VULA announcements will also be available here.

Well personally, I don't like the site much, you clearly need my help

Indeed we do need your help!

Any active member of the UCT IEEE Student Branch is allowed to come on board and help out with the website. We are more than willing at this point to build the sub-committee and have this website be as active as possible. All you need to do is get in touch with us on our contact page. There is still lots of design work that can be done as well as SEO (Search Engine Optimization). [This website mainly uses WordPress and no prior knowledge is needed.]