Women in Engineering

Formed in 2015, this chapter of the UCT IEEE Student Branch is all about promoting and encouraging women to become engineers. It falls under IEEE Women in Engineering which is the international station for this initiative. The best part about this is that you do not need to be a woman to promote this! Yes men, you are also free to join and help influence both current and future generations that engineering is for everyone and is not exclusive to just men.

Every year in Women’s Month (August), there is a big event held by the chapter to not only celebrate but also encourage women entering the field. In both 2018 and 2019, a panel discussion was held and open to University students to come and listen to top female minds imparting their words of wisdom as well as sharing their stories of how they got to the top of the ladder.

Other events include working with high school students to learn how robotics work and encouraging engineering itself as a profession for all.