Inauguration of IEEE CS ULAB Student Branch.

Date:08 July, 2019

Time: 2:00 PM

Description: IEEE Computer Society ULAB SBC started its journey

The ceremony was attended by more than sixty students including the Executive members of IEEE ULAB Student Branch and the Executive members of IEEE Computer Society ULAB Student Branch Chapter.


The welcome speech of this ceremony was given by Dr. Mohammad Shahriar Rahman, Head of the Dept. of CSE, ULAB where he said inspiring words to the members of IEEE ULAB Student branch and added that he would like to see more works, events and ceremonies being organized by this Student Branch so that all the Student Branch’s and Chapters of Bangladesh could stay connected and work collaboratively.


The speech was then followed by the guest of Honours Professor Dr. Md Abdur Razzaque. He shared his experience of being an IEEE member and added how IEEE SB and IEEE CS could be beneficial for every individual and for the development of the World.


After that honorable guest Professor Mohammad Shorif Uddin said about his expectations from the new generation of this era. He expects that IEEE CS ULAB SBC will arrange seminars, workshops and productive activities with complete support of the faculty members of ULAB.


Later on, the respected Professor Dr. KhondakarA.Mamun gave his speech and said about the importance of having an adequate CGPA and also being skillful. He said that he will prefer hiring skillful graduates for his company but at the same time in case of complex works he will want a graduate of fine CGPA.


At last respected Professor Dr. Celia Shahnaz said about the importance of participating in Conferences, Congresses and other primary and well-known flagship events organized by IEEE. She added that she and IEEE Bangladesh Section would love to work collaboratively with other Student Branch Chapters of Bangladesh.


Following the program, The Vote of Thanks was given by Dr. Muhammad Golam Kibria, the Advisor of IEEE CS ULAB SBC, Associate Professor Dept. Of CSE, ULAB.


The ceremony ended by handing over token of appreciation to the Honorable Guests by Dr Mohammad Shahriar Rahman and Dr. Muhammad Golam Kibria and a photo session.

The guest of honor of this ceremony were “Professor Dr. Celia Shahnaz, Chair of IEEE Bangladesh Section, Professor, Department of EEE, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET)”, ‘‘Professor Dr. Md. Abdur Razzaque, Vice Chair (Technical), IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter, Professor, Department of CSE, Dhaka University (DU)”, “Professor Mohammad Shorif Uddin, Chair, IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter, Professor Department Of CSE, Jahangirnagar University (JU)”, “Professor Dr. KhondakarA.Mamun, Founder and Chairman, CMED Health Limited, Professor, Department Of CSE, United International University (UIU)” and “Mr. Ahsan Habib Tareq”, Secretary, IEEE Computer Society Bangladesh Chapter, Associate Professor, ICT, MBSTU”.