Poster competition for IJCCI 2019

Starting Date: 18-Apr-2019

EndingDate: 21 April 2019

Description: IEEE ULAB SB and WIE affinity group is organizing a poster competition for the upcoming IJCCI 2019. The winning poster will be used for the official call for papers on the IJCCI conference 2019.

Poster Topic: “Call for papers for International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2019)”

The poster must include the following details:

Topic of the paper:

neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, fuzzy systems, machine learning and optimization

Advisory committee:


H.M. Jahirul Haque, VC, ULAB

Farzana Islam, VC, JU

Kavita A Sharma, President, SAU

General chair

Mohammad Shahriar Rahman, ULAB

Mohammad Shorif Uddin, JU

Jagdish Chand Bansal, SAU


Organising chair

Sazzad Hossain, ULAB


Organising Co chair

Md. Imdadul Islam, JU

Deepa Sinha, SAU


Technical program chair

Nafees Mansoor, ULAB


Technical program Co chair

Mufti Mahmud, Nottingham Trent University

  1. Shamim Kaiser, JU

Kapil Sharma, SAU



Shahed Khan, ULAB