Our History
IEEE ÉTS Student Branch was created in 2018. It is currently in its fifth generation. Despite its recent creation, the IEEE ÉTS Student Branch has already gained considerable experience in event organizations and collaborations.
IEEE is the world’s leading professional not-for-profit association for the advancement of technology. Established in 1884, IEEE currently has more than 400,000 members in 150 countries, which surpassed 100,000 in 2010.

Message from the chair
It is an honor to serve as chair of the IEEE student branch at the École de Technologie Superiore and operate following the Constitution and Regulations of the IEEE. As a team of the IEEE ÉTS student branch, we have set out to disseminate knowledge of the theory and practice of all branches of engineering and related arts and with specific emphasis on aspects of electrical and computer engineering, electronics, and communications. To this end, we want to improve its members’ professional development through events and useful tools for the students. We are committed to creating strategic alliances with industry partners to foster personal and professional relationships among our members, other student branches, and the global technical community through the IEEE.