Two-day workshop on 24-25 August, 2015
Two-day workshop on “VLSI and nano-electronics” and Hands-on training on “FPGA programming ” by Berryline Labs Jointly Organized by IEEE EDS Student Branch Chapter, KGEC and Department of ECE, KGEC with Patronage from IEEE, Kolkata Section
on 24-25 August, 2015
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ED KGEC Student Chapter, Kalyani
* by Dr. Angsuman Sarkar, Branch Counselor, IEEE EDS SB KGEC
The IEEE ED Kalyani Government Engineering College SB chapter organized a two day workshop on “’VLSI & Nanoelectronics” August 24-25, 2015 at Language laboratory of Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani, India. The objective of the workshop was to present the topics on Nanoelectronics and Nanodevices for providing great opportunity for the students and faculty members to be updated with novelties in the modern scientific field in order to enhance their research activities.
The event started with a welcome and opening address by principal, KGEC. The opening address was followed by a technical talk delivered by Dr. Prasanta K. Basu of University of Calcutta. In his talk on “From Valve to Present Day Nanoelectronics and Beyond” he discussed the basic concepts and evolution of nanoelectronics from valve tubes.
On August 25, 2015, Dr. Chandan K. Sarkar, Chair IEEE, Kolkata section delivered a technical talk. In his talk on “Advanced MOS devices” he discussed the about advanced nano-scale MOSFET devices and their applications to create a new horizon for electronic industries.
The technical talks was followed by hands-on training on “FPGA programming” delivered by Berryline Labs, Kolkata and was held at CAD Laboratory, KGEC.
The workshop was very well received by more than 65 students and 10 faculty members. The lectures and hands-on training were interactive with lively participation by the attendees.

Prof. P.K. Basu, University of Calcutta delivering lecture on “From Valve to Present Day Nanoelectronics and Beyond”