About IEEE

IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through its more than 419,000 members in over 160 countries, and its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted “voice” for engineering, computing, and technology information around the globe. It is a leading developer of international standards that underpin many of today’s telecommunications, information technology, and power-generation products and services.

IEEE provides an opportunity to collaborate on world‐changing technologies, from computing and sustainable energy systems to aerospace, robotics, communication, healthcare, and more. All with strict guidelines for the development and delivery of continuing education materials, conforming to the highest industry practices for awarding continuing education units, professional development hours, and certificates of completion.

About Us

IEEE Student Branch of MIT ADT Univesity, Pune established in 2019 provides new opportunities to its students with proper guidance by experts from different fields and industries. It plans events and seminars throughout the year with industry-leading experts sharing knowledge on various topics.

Upcoming Event

Chapter Members

Prof. Dr. Reena Pagare
IEEE EMBS Chair Pune Chapter, IEEE Student Branch Counsellor and WIE Faculty Chair
Prof. Trupti Kudale
Vice-Chairman (EMBS Student Chapter)
Prof. Jyoti Gavhane
Treasurer (Student Branch)
Samarth Dongare
Chairman (Student Branch)
Ninad Borawake
Chairman (EMBS Student Chapter)
Satyam Pathak
Vice-chairman (Student Branch)
Prajwal Dukare
Social Media Head (Student Branch)
Rucha Urankar
Social Media Team (Student Branch)
Urja Barge
Social Media Team (Student Branch)
Vrushank Hole
Webmaster , Event Management Team (Student Branch)
Dhananjay Thakare
Event Management Head (Student Chapter)

Previous Chapter Members

Satyam Pathak            Chairman (EMBS Student Chapter)

Anvay Khedulkar         Vice-chairman (EMBS Student Chapter)

Samarth Dongare        Secretary (Student Branch, EMBS Student Chapter)

Prajwal Dukare            Social Media Head (Student Branch)
