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Tutorial on Sustainable AI for Multidisciplinary Applications

MIT ADT School Of Engineering MIT School Of Engineering, Loni Kalbhor, Maharashtra, Pune

About the Conference:    MIT ADT School of Computing International Conference aims to bring UG. / PG students, academicians, research scholars, scientists and industry persons to a common platform to share, discuss, and nurture recent trends in the domain of Artificial Intelligence roles and influences in the multidisciplinary approaches to various fields of AR/VR, Big Data, Blockchain, Cloud Computing Edge Computing, Cyber Security and develop working relationships to explore solutions to real-world problem. The MITADTSoCiCon 2024 was organized with the support of IEEE Pune Section with Dr. Reena Pagare Chair IEEE EMBS Pune Chapter, Professor - MIT ADT SoC, as the Convenor, Prof. Trupti Kudale as the Tutorial Head with the support of IEEE Volunteers Team as coordinators consisting of: Ninad Borawake, Samarth Dongare, Satyam Pathak, Prajwal Dukare, Akanksha Prasad and many more. Day 1, 25th April 2024 , Morning Session.  The First Tutorial session by Dr. Shivnarayan Khandre, Founder & Director, Divine Life Counseling Clinic, Pune, Clinical Psychologist, Senior Psychologist at Inamdar Multispeciality delved into the fusion of “Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Psychology”, focusing on the augmentation of psychometric tests through AI algorithms. The speaker highlighted the potential for increased accuracy and efficiency in psychological assessment, illustrating the transformative impact of AI on research and clinical practices within the field. This discussion emphasized the promising prospects for personalized intervention and mental health support, epitomizing the burgeoning synergy between technology and human behavior. Day 1, 25th April 2024, Afternoon Session The second speaker Dr. Sujit Jagtap, MD (Pediatrics), DM (Neurology) Fellowship in Epilepsy shed light on “Epilepsy Myths and Facts”, dispelling prevalent myths and elucidating factual insights. Through an engaging discourse, attendees gained a deeper understanding of the condition, its causes, and manifestations, while debunking misconceptions surrounding epilepsy. The speaker emphasized the importance of accurate information dissemination and destigmatization efforts, underscoring the role of AI in advancing epilepsy research and treatment modalities. This session not only fostered awareness but also catalyzed discussions on leveraging technology to enhance epilepsy management and improve the quality of life for affected individuals. Day 1, 25th April, Post-Lunch Session In the Third Tutorial Session the speaker, Dr. Harish Patankar, (Dr. & Director, Keshayurved and Kayayurved Pvt. Ltd) the spotlight shifted to the intersection of “AI In Ayurveda”. The speaker delved into the integration of AI technologies with Ayurvedic principles, elucidating novel approaches for healthcare and wellness. Attendees were introduced to innovative applications such as personalized medicine, disease prediction, and herbal drug discovery, leveraging AI's capabilities to analyze vast datasets and extract meaningful insights from ancient Ayurvedic texts. This fusion of traditional wisdom with cutting-edge technology showcased the potential for AI to revolutionize Ayurvedic practices, paving the way for a modernized approach to holistic healthcare. Overall Summary: Day 1 of the IEEE International Conference featured three tutorial sessions exploring the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into psychology, epilepsy, and Ayurveda. Attendees, comprising around 40-50 students per session, engaged in vibrant discussions and gained insights into how AI augments psychometric tests in psychology, dispels myths surrounding epilepsy, and enhances healthcare in Ayurveda. These sessions underscored the transformative potential of AI across diverse fields, sparking enthusiasm among attendees to embrace innovation and explore new frontiers in their respective domains. Attendance at the Tutorial sessions saw a consistent turnout, with approximately 40-50 students participating in each session. This robust attendance underscored the keen interest and enthusiasm among the student community to explore the diverse topics covered during the conference.  Throughout the sessions, attendees actively engaged in discussions, posed insightful questions, and exchanged ideas, contributing to a dynamic and collaborative learning environment. The notable turnout reaffirmed the significance of the conference as a platform for knowledge dissemination and academic discourse, fostering a vibrant community of young researchers and scholars eager to delve into the forefront of technological innovation.

Poster Making Competition organized on the occasion of international women’s day

MIT ADT School Of Engineering MIT School Of Engineering, Loni Kalbhor, Maharashtra, Pune

Under the guidance of Branch Counsellor Prof. Dr. Reena Pagare, on the occasion of International Women’s Day Poster Making Competition was hosted on 12th march 2024 at 12 PM by IEEE Student Branch MIT ADT in collaboration with IEEE EMBS Pune Chapter. The event aimed to celebrate the diverse experiences of women from around the world. Through this platform, we sought to amplify the voices of women, allowing them to express their unique journeys, through the medium of art. Targeting young girl students, it took place at MIT ADT in online Format. The competition received an overwhelming response with a significant number of submissions from participants. Utilizing online submission methods allowed for broad participation, enabling women from various backgrounds and geographies to share their stories visually. The posters showcased a wide array of themes, including empowerment, and gender equality reflecting the diversity of women's experiences. Engagement throughout the event was vibrant and dynamic. The competition fostered a sense of community as participants engaged in dialogue, supported each other's artwork, and celebrated the stories being shared. Additionally, the judging process involved careful consideration, with a panel of experts evaluating the artistic merit and creativity of each submission. One key takeaway from the event is the power of storytelling as a tool for women’s empowerment. Through their posters, participants not only shared personal narratives but also contributed to larger conversations surrounding women's rights and social change. The competition served as a platform for amplifying diverse voices and fostering solidarity among women worldwide. Moving forward, the event's success underscores the importance of creating inclusive spaces where women can express themselves freely and contribute to meaningful dialogue on gender equality and empowerment. In conclusion, the Poster Making Competition was a resounding success, highlighting the creativity and diversity of women's experiences. By providing a platform for women to tell their own stories through art, the event contributed to a broader conversation on gender equality and empowerment, inspiring participants and viewers for positive change in their communities. The event was made possible with support from IEEE Pune Section, with support received from IEEE EMBS Pune Chapter and MIT ADT University. Additionally, efforts were made to ensure Accessibility and Inclusivity, allowing all attendees to participate fully. The event was recognized with the Appreciation Certificate and Participation certificate. Evaluation is done by the experts.


TATA CENTRAL ARCHIVES Plot No 1, Tata Management Training Centre Campus, Mangaldas Road, Pune

The industrial visit to Tata Central Archives (TCA) was orchestrated to offer students a firsthand encounter and practical insights into the rich heritage and operational ethos of the Tata Group. This report provides a concise overview of the key activities, notable observations, and significant takeaways from the visit to TCA as follows Key Activities: 1. Tour to Tata Central Archives (TCA) located inside the premises of Tata Management Training Center Campus off Mangaldas road. 2. Visit to Tata office replica on the first floor of TCA. 3. Quiz competition organized for participants. 4. Winners awarded with goodies from TCA. Notable Observations: 1. TCA serves as a treasure trove for museum enthusiasts, showcasing the rich history and contributions of the Tata Group. 2. Archives feature infographics, rare letters, and antique artifacts, highlighting Tata's significant role in education, industries, and other sectors since its inception. 3. The replica of Tata office in Mumbai on the first floor adds to the historical ambiance and significance of the archives. 4. Participants received informative leaflets, postcards, and a newsletter as souvenirs, enhancing their experience and understanding of Tata's legacy. Significant Takeaways: 1. The visit to TCA provided a profound insight into the illustrious journey and contributions of the Tata family. 2. Participants gained valuable knowledge about Tata's legacy and its impact on various sectors in the country. 3. The experience at TCA was enriching and highly recommended for anyone interested in exploring the remarkable history of the Tata Group