1. Technovision 12.0
We have always strived to foster technical expertise among students. Technovision has always been a front-runner in achieving this motto since its inception. Technovision has always achieved huge feats with unparalleled figures. It has consistently grown in stature in terms of its content, infrastructure and logistics through the years. It attracts enthusiastic students.
Technovision 12.0, organized by IEEE-RCOEM student branch and Technical club of RCOEM, was inaugurated on 29th August 2019 by Mr. Nirmal Kumar Bhandari, ADRM, (Operations), Central Railway, Nagpur Division, as the chief guest of the event. Mr. Bhandari urged the students to view the engineering domain as a means to make the society more comfortable and liveable. Delivering a presidential address, Principal Dr R.S. Pande gave an excellent insight into the concept of Technovision and its evolution over the years. After the student convenor welcomed the gathering, Dr. Richa Khandelwal, faculty convenor Technovision 12.0, gave information about the various technical events as well as the workshops being organised. Dr Gaurav Goyal formally introduced the chief guest to the audience. During the event, Workshops on diverse topics like Machine Learning, Air Conditioning, Solar Power, and others were held.
2. Workshop on ‘Arduino’
This workshop outlines the participants, Basics of the Arduino ,types of Arduino , its pin out and its Interfacing with LEDs, Switches ,Ultrasonic Sensors, Motor Driver, etc. Also various applications and future scope was told to the participants. Participants performed Hands-on on interfacing arduino with LCD display, motor & bluetooth devices. The Workshop was organised by a motto to help students get acquainted with arduino which will help them in making bots.
The Hands on Workshop on “Arduino” was driven by the students Mr. Abhishek Agrawal, Ms. Monika Bhole , IEEE SB Chairperson, RCOEM along with Prithvi Jaiswar and Shivam Joshi.
The Workshop started at 10:00 am at EN Seminar Hall, RCOEM which witnessed 34 participants.
A vote of thanks was given by Dr. (Mrs.) Richa Khandelwal, Branch Counselor, IEEE Student Branch RCOEM to audience for their active participation.
3. IEEE student branch organized an expert talk on ‘Automotive Electronics’for the students.
The keynote speaker for the session was Mrs. Apoorva Kakde who’s an System Engineer at TCS, Nagpur.
Dr. (Mrs.) Richa Khandelwal Branch Counselor of IEEE Student Branch RCOEM introduced the speaker of the session by making the welcome remarks and the objectives of the session. The session was then handed over to Ms. Apoorva Kakde.
She started the session by introducing the concept of ‘Automobile Electronics’ to students. She told them how the field has evolved over the past years and other relating things such as basics of different automotive components, their development and future aspects. She explained in detail the working of and interaction of these systems to improve the vehicles and consumer safety and satisfaction is given priority in this industry.
In second half of the session she explained what future holds in Automobile Electronics like Advanced Driver Assistant Service (ADAS), Cruise Control and Automation. She elaborated one ADAS related systems in detail and explained how they will be driving the future of this field.
At the end, she spoke about counters, timers in Automotive Electronics & suggested students to keep an eye in this area to enhance their skills and be updated about the new innovations.
The session was then open to student audience for a Q&A part of the event. Students actively participated and all the doubts were satisfactorily answered by the speaker. A vote of thanks was given by Branch Counselor to audience for their active participation.
4. Workshop on Industrial Automation
IEEE-RCOEM Student Branch organized Workshop on Industrial Automation: PLC & SCADA on 20th March 2019 for the final year students. Workshop was conducted by Dr. (Mrs.) R. R. Khandelwal, Akshay Paunikar, Vitthal Atpale and Arpit Chaudhary. Contents of the workshop were PLC architecture, basics of ladder programming, LADSIM: Ladder Logic Simulation Software, Demonstration of Siemens PLC, Applications of PLC and SCADA in industrial environment.
5. Orientation programme
An orientation Programme on 4th February 2019 was organized to aware students about IEEE activities and the benefits of IEEE membership. The orientation program was organised for the students of first year and it covered various aspects of IEEE such as basic volunteering, the opportunities available for getting sponsored for various international conferences, the award, scholarships available for the students.
Sessions were conducted by Dr. Richa R. Khandelwal (IEEE-RCOEM student branch counselor), Shubham Gupta (Active volunteer at IEEE Bombay section), Anurag Jain (Student Chair, SBJITMR Student Branch), Savneet Kaur (Student Chair IEEE CS Chapter, GHRCE), Geetika Mohabe (Student Chair IEEE-RCOEM student Branch).
Mr Shubham Gupta highlighted the complete framework of IEEE and his journey in IEEE till now. Anurag shared his experience of conference attended at BALI, Indonesia for which he was sponsored by IEEE Nagpur subsection. Savneet, recipient of IEEE Richard E Mervin scholarship from IEEE CS discussed the details of scholarship. Geetika is a recipient of Lt. Shri Hemant Sonawala scholarship for promising women engineering student from IEEE Bombay section, enlightened the scholarship opportunities available for IEEE student members. Dr. Richa R. Khandelwal highlighted the awards, grants and scholarships available to the IEEE student members.
6. Bombay Section SB Leadership Conclave – Nagpur
IEEE Nagpur Subsection in association with IEEE Region 10 Student Activities Committee and IEEE Bombay Section hosted R10 Leadership Training and Membership Development Program – SB Leadership Conclave on the 5 th of October, 2019 at Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur. The event witnessed a total participation of 100+ delegates including the Executive Committees of all the SBs and Young Professional Members from within and beyond the Geography. Event is well drafted to target the Student Branch Leadership to orient and channelize them properly in order to develop a proper understanding and details of Student Branch operations such as plan of operations, leadership and team management, officer and activity reporting and scaling the membership benefits properly.
We invited leaders forum from Bombay Section and Nagpur Subsection, who briefed networking insights along with giving the clear understanding of organizational stuff, also disseminated and shared their knowledge and experiences through interactive sessions, IEEE Awareness programs, Case studies, Networking exposure, Games and Activities, Student Branch Competitions. This helped Student Branches, student members and branch counselors as they got a better understanding on leadership and team management, officer and activity reporting and to run membership drives aiming to enhance student membership number and its retention. The initiative also acted as a platform that brought together youth with professionals and experts with their ideologies tallying up to be the best exchange of wisdom and acuity. It also trained the IEEE volunteers and made them aware of the various awards, scholarships and funding opportunities and perks provided by IEEE.
7. PES Zero Hunger Day and IEEE Day Celebration by IEEE SB RCOEM, Nagpur
The volunteer team visited BALSADAN, an orphanage in Nagpur and donated food packages. Also, there was IEEE Day celebration with them as a part of which there was a cake cutting ceremony.
The few hours that we spent with those innocent hearts made them feel that they are not alone in this world and there are so many people out who care for them.
Spending the day with these children was an eye-opener for both, the children and the IEEE members.
This visit proved to be a source of motivation to volunteer more for the society.