2013 – 14

Student Branch Counselors’ Meeting

  • IEEE Student Branch Counselors’ Meeting for the Nagpur Region
  • IEEE Student Branch Counselors’ Meeting for the Nagpur Region

IEEE Branch Counselors’ Meeting for the Nagpur Region was conducted on 24th April 2014 at Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur. Dr. Narendra Bawane, Principal, S.B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, and Executive Committee member of IEEE Bombay Section chaired the meeting. The IEEE Branch Counselors and representatives of various colleges were present at the meeting, the agenda of which was to strengthen local IEEE network and discuss the matter related to Student Branch formation and smooth functioning of the same. The Counselors deliberated over ways to accelerate IEEE activities in and around Nagpur.

Dr. Bawane pointed out the importance of forming a local network under IEEE so that the various student branches can support each other. The representatives of the newly formed branches were introduced and many new colleges expressed their willingness to join this professional network.
In the final segment of the meeting, Prof. (Mrs.) R. R. Khandelwal explained major activities conducted by IEEE Student Branch of the college. The website for IEEE RCOEM Students’ Branch was launched.

Talk on Undergraduate Research

IEEE RCOEM Student Branch organized a talk on  “Undergraduate Research”  for IEEE members on 17th February 2014.

Dr. Chandan Vichoray, Dean of the Research and Development Cell of RCOEM was the key speaker. The seminar covered the key points which need to be kept in mind while writing a technical paper. It included major points like the selection of the topic of one’s interest that forms the focus area, gap analysis, literature survey, structure or layout of the entire paper, references etc. He talked about the legal issues or rights that come with reviewing papers like ‘IPR – Intellectual Property Right’ or the ‘Plagiarism check’. He informed that technical papers, especially in the fields of engineering and basic sciences, must include certain mathematical models that support the paper’s topic. Also, the number of hypotheses or assumptions must be kept to a bare minimum. Students were encouraged to go for field research rather than table research.

In his explanation about Technical report writing, he emphasizes that the structure of report must bear an executive summary. The summary should be very appealing and crisp and it should provide the entire gist of the report. Students also informed about the various grants that are available for young researchers which may prove to be extremely beneficial for students.

SB Orientation Programme

  • Prof. Vinit Kotak addressing students
  • Inauguration Ceremony of Orientation Program
  • Branch Executive committee of 2014 with Past Chair and Vice chair

The IEEE RCOEM Student Branch organized an Orientation Programme on 30th January 2014 to acquaint the students with IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and the benefits of becoming a member of this esteemed organization. Prof. Vinit Kotak, Student Activities Chair of IEEE Bombay Section along with the Principal of RCOEM, Dr. V.S Deshpande, and Prof. Richa Khandelwal, IEEE Branch Counselor inaugurated the session by lighting the traditional lamp.

After this, Mrs. R. R. Khandelwal addressed the students and introduced the new executive committee of IEEE RCOEM Student Branch. The new committee members are Rachit Varma as Chair, Prasanna Hambarde as Vice-Chair, Radhika Bais as Treasurer, Paras Lohani as Secretary, Aman Tahanguria as Joint Secretary, Akshay Patil as Webmaster. This was followed by the briefing of the various activities in past under IEEE-RCOEM Student Branch. Prof. V. Kotak pointed out that by choosing to become IEEE members, students had placed themselves and their institution on the international map. Dr. V. S. Deshpande encouraged the students to be a part of IEEE, the world’s largest professional organization.

The inauguration session was followed by a talk by Prof. Vinit Kotak. He explained how IEEE has provided a platform for institute-industry interactions, soft-skills training programmes, internships, technical symposiums, international university fairs and many more activities for the benefit students.

IEEE has provided a platform for institute-industry interactions, soft-skills training programmes, technical symposiums, international university fairs and many more activities for the benefit of graduate and undergraduate students and other professionals. Sir even spoke about internship opportunities that IEEE provides. He said that there is a need for engineers to create problem questions and then find solutions to them. This will eventually generate the spirit of team work in students. Sir then told the students about the in-house projects which IEEE supports and how this adds value to the students’ profile. He mentioned that IEEE helps students with their final year projects and also promotes technical projects at all levels. Field trips and industrial visits are also planned by IEEE.

He later spoke about the media used by IEEE. The official magazines of IEEE are IEEE Spectrum and IEEE Potential. He even mentioned that students can take the help of IEEE TV to gain in-depth knowledge of certain subjects. He also informed the gathering about various awards and scholarships awarded to students and branches every year. He concluded by citing the benefits of IEEE and encouraged the students to join it.

Innovista 2014

IEEE students’ branch of RCOEM had its annual meeting INNOVISTA on 22nd Jan 2014 for acquainting its new members with IEEE body and activities and also for the election of its new committee members. The IEEE teacher-in-charge Mrs. R.R.Khandelwal briefed the new members about the activities carried out by IEEE throughout the year, which included the organizing of workshops like ROBOTICS, MATLAB and the international conference ICESC.

After the briefing was done, new committees were formed. This included the event management committee, media, web, publicity, and publication committee. Then the chair, vice-chair, treasurer, webmaster and the committee heads were chosen by the teacher-in-charge and the members by reviewing their performance and activeness in IEEE activities throughout the previous session. After the elections, all the respective committee heads described the jobs of their committees which helped the other members to choose the committee best suited to their potentials. Then the chair and the vice-chair discussed their plans about the future activities, which included an orientation session on ‘POWER OF IEEE MEMBERSHIP’ for the non-members as well as new members and the formation of a ROBOTICS CLUB.

Finally, Khandelwal ma’am asked for suggestions from the students for the improvement of the IEEE student branch as well as their expectations from it. INNOVISTA thus provided a platform for the technical minds to exchange knowledge and innovative ideas. It also served as a checklist for the endeavors of IEEE.

Participation in ICESC-2014

  • Inauguration of ICESC
    Inauguration of ICESC
  • Lecture
  • Dignitaries
  • Cultural Night
    Cultural Night
  • Inaugural Ceremony2
    Inaugural ceremony 1

The International Conference on Electronic Systems, Signal Processing and Computing Technologies (ICESC-2014) organized in association with University of Massachusetts Lowell, USA, University of the District of Columbia, Washington, DC, USA and American Society for Engineering Education.

The IEEE RCOEM Student Branch students participated in ICESC conference as volunteers.

The conference aimed to make the academic and scientific fraternity indulge in high-end research and discussion on the innovative and intelligent design of engineering products, processes, mechanisms, and other advanced systems in the field of Engineering and Technology. The conference provided opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and applications, establish research relations and to find global partners for future collaboration.

VENUE: Tuli Imperial

DURATION: 9TH TO 11TH January 2014

Workshop on Autobotz AVR

A workshop on Autobotz AVR was organized on 1st and 2nd October 2013 in association with Electrical Engineering Students Association. Mr. Kailash Rajan of Technophiliacs Workshop

Title – Robotics
Duration – 2nd-7th September 2013
Venue – Seminar Hall Electronics Department
Students from Electronics, Electronics, and Communication, Electrical, Electronic Design and Technology, Mechanical Engineering branches have participated in the Workshop. Organized and conducted by IEEE-RCOEM student branch.
Contents of the workshop – Evolution and Concept of Robotics, types of Robots, Basic Electronics, Introduction to C Language, Robot Dynamics, Sensors and Motors, Introduction to Micro-controller and Interfacing, Line Follower Robot, Robotic Vision and Scope of Robotics.
Resource Persons – Faculty members of our college Prof. A. Urade, Prof. P. B. Shiwalkar, Prof. R. V. Nandanwar, Prof. G. R. Nikhade, Prof. (Mrs.) R. R. Khandelwal and IEEE-RCOEM student members Diksha Khare, Prasanna Hambarde, Rachit Varma and Neha Gandhi.