2015 – 16

Robotics Workshop 2015


The IEEE-RCOEM student branch conducted a Robotics workshop on the 5th and 6th of September 2015. It was a very unique workshop where various teams got an opportunity to not only understands the theoretical concepts of Robotics but could actually implement them using a kit provided to every team. The workshop started with an introduction to Robotics explaining the current trends and the research areas that are currently being explored. This helped all teams to really understand what was going to happen over the next two days. The teams then started with the actual activity wherein they learned the nuances of Robotics using the kit provided to them. Over a course of two days, all students interested in Robotics were exposed to it starting from the basics such as sensors and microcontrollers and going right up to the final assembly of a robotic kit. This was followed by a competition amongst the participants. The entire workshop was appreciated a lot by the participants for its simplicity which let students totally unaware of Robotics built a Robot all by themselves.

IEEE Xtreme Programming Competition

IEEE Xtreme Programming competition is a global challenge in which teams of student members compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems. Two teams of our college have participated in the programming competition on 24th October 2015.

IEEE Day 2015

  • volunteers at ICESC
    volunteers at ICESC
  • IEEE DAY Event
  • ieee rcoem student branch logo
  • Annual group photo

IEEE Day Celebration at Orphanage

IEEE RCOEM Student Branch has organized IEEE Day event at Shradhanandpeth orphanage.
Following activities have been covered during the programme:

  1. Presentation on the importance of Technology.
  2. Talk on Women in Technology
  3. Motivational Video
  4. Distribution of snacks

IEEE student branch also participated in Photo Contest.
Using IEEE visuals during the IEEE day celebration was the main criteria when participating in the Photo contest.

SKEP Sessions

SKEP sessions are typically held in the lecture-cum-demonstration format and are intended to be highly interactive. The platform provided is expected to be a perfect avenue for industry-institute-academia interactions with ideas, opinions, and visions being exchanged freely. Active participation of the audience during the sessions is highly desirable. They are usually 2 hours in duration and are held on Saturday afternoons. The venues of SKEP programmes span colleges and other institutions spread over length and breadth of this Section’s geography. Professionals are expected to benefit from continuing education and skill upgradation. In addition, this program seeks to motivate and inspire the young student community and endow them with a rare insight into what the industry has to offer and its expectations, thus helping them ease their entry into corporate life.

Speech processing and neural networksNarendra Bawane, S B Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur2016/01/1509:30AM
Machine learning and satellite image processingAnand N Khobragade, Maharashtra Remote Sensing Applications Centre, Nagpur2016/01/1511:30AM
Trends and Technologies of VLSI devicesB.Satyanarayana, TIFR, TIFR2016/01/1609:30AM
Smart Cellular Handset AntennasAshwini Kotrashetti, Don Bosco Institute of Technology, Mumbai2016/01/1611:30AM

Branch Counselors’ and Students Chair Meet 2016

IEEE Branch Counselors’ and Students Chair Meet for the Nagpur region was organized on 5th March 2016 at Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur. Prof. Kiran Talele, Student Activity Chair of IEEE Bombay Section and Mr. Gandhar Suryavanshi, the young professional member of IEEE Bombay Section presided over the meeting. The IEEE Branch Counselors and representatives from various colleges were present at the meeting, the agenda of the meeting was to strengthen local IEEE network and discuss a matter related to Student Branch formation and smooth functioning of the same. The Counselors deliberated over ways to accelerate IEEE activities in and around Nagpur.

Prof. K. Talele pointed out the importance of forming a local network under IEEE so that various student branches can support each other The representatives of the student branches were introduced. He also asked them to indulge WIE (Women in Engineering) which includes technical workshops, managerial planning, and humanitarian projects. To make IEEE renowned, supervision and constant work is required. The topics included by the dignitaries in their lectures were:

  1. The dynamic role of branch counselor in making IEEE student branch vibrant by Prof. K. Talele.
  2. Effective planning and organizing student-centric technical events by Dr. R. R. Khandelwal.
  3. Opportunities for Student Branches by Mr. G. Suryavanshi.
  4. Internship and Entrepreneurship development by Prof. K. Talele.
  5. Demonstration of online tools by Prof. K. Talele and Mr. G. Suryavanshi.

Also, the presentation of achievements by each IEEE Student Branches was presented by office bearers of respective branches. The event was highly interactive and was a direct communication between the section and student branches.

In the final segment of the meeting, certificate of participation was distributed to the participants.

Akansha conducted the proceedings and Student Chair Bhavesh Chordiya proposed the vote of thanks. Student Coordinators Bhavesh Chordiya, Kritika Joshi, Prerana Shrivastava, Simran, Surbhi, Swapnil, Vinay, Pratik, Faiyaz, Santosh, Tanmay, Sumedh, Aditya coordinated the event successfully.

Guest lecture on Technical Paper writing and Patent filing

A Guest lecture on “Technical Paper writing and Patent filing” by Dr. P. R. Gandhi was Organized on 29th July 2016 at Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur by IEEE-RCOEM student branch. Around 126 UG and PG Students of various branches like Electronics, Electronics and Communication, EDT, Electrical and Civil Engineering attended the program. Some faculty members also attended the lecture. In his lecture, Dr. Gandhi described the procedure to file a patent and explained how to write a technical paper.

Guest Lecture by Thai research scholar

IEEE RCOEM Student Branch in association with IEEE Bombay Section organized a guest lecture of renowned research scholar Dr. Monai Krairiksh from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Bangkok, Thailand on 24th August 2016. Shri Ramdeobaba College of Engineering and Management as a part of its commitment to provide world-class technical education organized Dr. Monai Krairiksh’s guest lecture on “Remote Sensing of the Physical Qualities of Fruits.”

In his lecture, Dr. Monai said that non-destructive determination of dielectric properties of materials is essential in various applications to monitor the nature of an object. Apart from many techniques like near infrared (NIR), X-ray, ultrasonic, and so on, a microwave-based technique is of interest due to its low cost, high accuracy, and small size. In his talk, he further explained the various ways and modern techniques of ripening of fruits and their application in real time. While felicitating the guest speaker on this occasion, Dr. R.S.Pande, the Principal of the college reiterated that college leaves no stone unturned to provide the latest and contemporary technical knowledge to the students developed in any corner of the world. Dr.(Mrs.) R. R. Khandelwal introduced the speaker.

Dr. Bawane from S.B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management & Research, Nagpur and Shri Anand Khobragade from Maharashtra State Remote Sensing Centre, Nagpur were present during the program. The program concluded with the distribution of badges to the Executive Committee of IEEE RCOEM student branch. The faculty members and students of RCOEM attended the program in large numbers. Faculty members and students from S.B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management & Research, Nagpur also attended the program. Mr. Pratik Baheti, Chair, IEEE RCOEM Student Branch proposed the vote of thanks.