CREATING AND UPDATING IEEE SB Website on a Regular Basis
Session Title: CREATING AND UPDATING IEEE SB Website on a Regular Basis
Thursday, September 10, 2020, 02:00 pm to 03:00 pm
1. CEng. Nikhil Lilakar Kulkarni, IEEE Bombay Section SAC Nashik Region Faculty Coordinator
2. Ms. Apurva Makarand Somvanshi, IEEE Bombay Section SAC Nashik Region Student Coordinator
3. Mr. Tejas Vilas Zambre, IEEE SB STB20132 WebMaster
4. Mr. Pushkar Ashok Thakur, IEEE SB STB20132 WIE Affinity Group WebMaster
Google meet
Helping of newly formed Nashik Dist. Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj’s C.O.E. (STB65181) IEEE student branch to understand how to create and update the website on regular basis for better administration.
About Session :
A session on how to create as well as how to update IEEE student branch website for better administration was conducted on 10th of September 2020 for the newly formed SB of NDMVP. The entire student branch of NDMV along with the branch councilor were present.
The chair person welcomed the speakers and handled over the charge to Nikhil Kulkarni sir. What is IEEE and what are its administrative benefits were briefly told by sir. How one can be benefited being an IEEE member thought various activities and event was told to the attendees. A complete overview of IEEE was given by sir to the students.
What are different tools available and how they are used was explained. Tools like ieeexpore, ieeecollabratec, ieeeResumelab, IEEE job portal etc. were
discussed in detail. IEEE members can publish their research work and refer journals and research papers published by others on ieeexplore.
What values should SB follow for best functioning was also told to the members.
The event conducted by a SB can promote any of the following values:
Later the session was handed over to Ms. Apurva who particularly shared the benefits of a student as an IEEE member. She told the student members about scholarship, travel grants, free sessions and events and volunteering opportunities.
What factors will make an SB a vibrant one were told to the members-
The finally the session was handed over to Mr. Tejas and Mr. Pushkar who spoke on website creation and updating it on regular basis. Which are the basic plugins required and best suitable theme for WordPress website Contents that should be on the website was told to them. How to maintain traffic was also told. They gave a live demo of their SB website to the attendees.
There were lots of doubts asked and resolved. The session was very much satisfying and helpful. It ended with a vote of thanks by the chair person and the branch councilor requested for more such sessions.
Report on IEEEXtreme 13.0
IEEEXtreme is a global challenge in which teams of IEEE Student members – advised and proctored by an IEEE member, and often supported by an IEEE Student Branch – compete in a 24-hour time span against each other to solve a set of programming problems.
The international IEEEXtreme Programming Competition 13.0 took place on October 19th 2019. The successful event was open to IEEE members and it was organized on behalf of the IEEE Sandip Foundation Student Branch by our proctor Prof. Nikhil Kulkarni.The team “The coders” was formed with three members.
Every one hour, two algorithmic problems arise, one of which is characterized as very challenging. The students can write code in the programming language of their preference and are graded based on the validity and the efficiency of their solutions.
The SF team “The coders” ranked well among the worldwide participants.
The event was organised by CS Academy giving us a dynamic view of coding. This was a great opportunity for IEEE membership promotion and its benefits towards its members.
This event was the occasion to show programming skills, but also to be able to sustain for 24hr this task. Even after hours of programming the exhaustion didn’t demotivate the students, they just kept on programming. Only after the full 24-hours, the team called it a day with an amazing coding experience.
- Tejas Zambre (IEEE Member No. 95100143 )
- Shreya Joshi (IEEE Member No. 95051704 )
- Neha Adkar (IEEE Member No. 95055708)
Harnessing the power of AI to transform healthcare
The healthcare industry is changing every day; from best practices to technological advancements. The industry is seeing exponential growth in regards to virtual reality, 3D printing, and artificial intelligence. These advancements are giving healthcare practitioners the tools to provide next-level care to their customers. However, with all of these advancements, artificial intelligence is being welcomed and questioned.
However, according to experts with Becker’s Hospital Review, “The hospitals and health systems that are looking to optimize their AI efforts are focused on resolving burdens and optimizing data merges. Hospitals are using AI to unburden the physician and the caregivers, thus saving time, saving money. Second, starting to merge clinical and financial data together in massive amounts shows how AI help deliver meaningful information to the various different stakeholders to better inform care, which leads to better-informed documentation, which leads to better quality care and ultimately appropriate reimbursement. New technologies are amazing. Especially when the advancements make way for advanced new screening methods and proactive care possibilities for clients. Yet, no new technology gets to the top of the board without advancing over a few hurdles during its
creation and trial era.
What’s working?
- AI assists healthcare practitioners with routine screenings and procedures like cardiac
- care, precision medicine, and proactive care to get ahead of possible issues.
- AI will continue to deliver better patient care through customized treatment plans and sophisticated medication management tools. It will also help facilitate drug development.
- The first AI-powered diagnosis of images was approved by the FDA in October 2018.
- Look for the increased adoption and transparency with AI models, increased use of personal genomic data, and the use of advanced analytics to solve public health issues such as the opioid crisis.
- Hospitals use AI to test known cancer patients. A recent article by Fortune describes
- how future healthcare practitioners hope to have screened enough people to uncover
- new biomarkers that can help predict cancer before it develops
What needs help?
- Convincing the C-suite to try a test deployment of a new or perhaps overhyped technology.
- Maintaining an effective and analyzed electronic database to ensure numbers are precise and there is no overlap. Without accurate numbers, a doctor could possibly diagnose a patient wrong.
AI is gaining traction in healthcare, and has the potential to drive superior health outcomes in the near future. The opportunities that lie in AI for the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries, including the potential to transform trials, research, and clinical practice are monumental.
Written By: Bhumi Chauhan
IEEE Member No: 96138627
Best Web Frameworks

This information relates to those students who are the beginner to web developments or web designer. Beginners are unable to find those best options for web development which could help learn faster and easier. Here are those five best web frameworks which could help to make the website easier and fulfill all specific requirements of the website. These are all frameworks that I have worked with a bit and choices one of them is good to use.
List of Frameworks:
1) Laravel.
2) Django.
3) WordPress.
4) Angular.
Laravel is a free, open source PHP framework. This is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. They have already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things. Laravel is a Trademark of Taylor Otwell. It gives all packages for necessary work of website making like login, register, validation, chat assistance and so many options. To download it you need composer. Download this framework from this link Documentation.

Django is free and open source, a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design. Experienced developers developed this system, which takes care of all systems of Web development, so we can focus on writing our app and work on it seamlessly. You can view and add all parts of websites.

WordPress is not a web framework. It is a content management system (CMS) which we can access without any cost because it is free to use and available in open-source code. The complete WordPress system is written in PHP and paired with a MySQL or MariaDB database which work as similar to web frameworks. It is mostly useful for all bloggers. WordPress is of drag and drop type of system where you need not to write any kind of code.

Angular is a TypeScript-based system. Which is available in the form of an open-source web application framework. This system is developed by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations. Here you can find all details on how to start the web development using angular.

Writtrn By: Pratik Suresh Jadhav
IEEE Member No: 95095764
The Good And The Bad That Comes With Being Lockdown At Home
India has encountered a variety of epidemics and pandemics through time. Several accounts of influenza, cholera, dengue, smallpox and several others have been recorded throughout history.
1st cholera epidemic | 1817 |
2nd cholera epidemic | 1829 |
3rd cholera epidemic | 1852 |
4th cholera epidemic | 1863 |
Bombay plague | 1896 |
Influenza epidemic | 1918 |
Polio epidemic | 1970 |
Smallpox epidemic | 1974 |
Surat plague epidemic | 1994 |
Plague of north India | 2002 |
Dengue epidemic | 2003 |
SARS epidemic | 2003 |
Chikungunya | 2006 |
Dengue epidemic | 2006 |
Odisha jaundice epidemic | 2014 |
Nipah epidemic | 2018 |
COVID -19 | 2020 |
” A sizable outbreak can overwhelm the health system, limiting the capacity to deal with routine health issues and compounding the problem.”
Beyond shocks to the health sector, epidemics force both the ill and their caretakers to miss work or be less effective at their jobs, driving down and disrupting productivity.
India has economic opportunities in various fields like knowledge economy, holistic development, futuristic, resilient and digital infrastructure. The outbreak of COVID-19 has been an adverse effect on the Indian economy pillars. The lockdown has accelerated the adoption of digital technology.
Business houses, educational institutes, analytics, computer, data management methods, and online education solutions have been forced to work from home and improve in quality and delivery time to handle such situations which intern focusing on the use of technologies to connect over the globe. The use of technology in education is resulting in different concepts in the education system for a highly populated and diverse country like India. For instance, the move from teacher-centric education to student-centric education.
In the coming year, there will be a decrease in the number of tourist trips, declines in retail trade and hence will have a subsequent decrease in international trade and international capital flows. The Indian tourism and hospitality industry may see a potential loss of nearly 38 million, nearly 70 percent of the total workforce.
A sudden stop of urban activity could lead to fall in the consumption of non-essential goods. The impact could be even more severe if domestic supply chain disruption caused by the 21-day lockdown were to affect the availability of essential commodities. Supply chain restrictions and expected labour migration may be other impediments for the recovery of the petrochemical sector.
Among the major sectors, textile and apparel production is likely to fall by 10 percent to 12 percent in the April-June quarter of FY21. The sourcing of auto components may get costlier owing to a disturbance in the supply chain across the globe. The retail financing industry, one of the key drivers for credit growth in the banking and NBFC sector, will be impacted for at least two quarters.
Though coronavirus pandemic has brought chaos to lives and economies around the world, on the contrary, there has been a reduction in seismic noise because of changes in human activity which is a boon for geoscientists. Researchers who study Earth’s movement have reported that there is a sudden drop in seismic noise. The vibrations under the earth’s crust that could be the result of transport networks and other human activities being shut down. This could allow detectors to spot smaller earthquakes and vibrations under the earth’s surface so that can boost efforts to monitor volcanic activity and other seismic events. Data from a seismometer at the observatory show that measures to curb the spread of COVID- caused human-induced seismic noise to fall by about one-third. The measures included closing schools, restaurants, and other public venues and banning all non-essential travel. The current drop in seismic events has boosted the sensitivity of the observatory’s equipment, helping to improving its ability to detect waves and sudden changes taking place under earth crust.
While focusing more on, ‘development-driven’ lifestyle, we have altered the natural surroundings. Keeping our needs and desires as the priority and evading in the natures personal comfort we have a massive damage to their homes. With people in India and elsewhere locked down in homes due to the Ccovid-19, the peaceful comeback of public spaces by flora and fauna is teaching us important lessons.
As soon as humans emptied the streets, animals took over. And not just in India but from all over the world flora and fauna is flourishing it is a lesson in the human where the nature tells us how we have occupied their spaces and destroying their natural habitat. For instance, the abandoned city of Pripyat in northern Ukraine, the site of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. More than 30 years after the nuclear disaster, the place has now encountered about 200 bird species and other animals, including in the exclusion zone that humans had created after the explosion. Perhaps its nature’s way to bring balance in biodiversity.
Indians has stood strong through several epidemics and pandemics in past. Good medical care and efficient research have made it possible to fight infection. Many infections and diseases have become widespread due to the mere lack of sanitation and crowded environment.
“While doctors are fighting against the COVID-19 inside hospitals, it’s the police who have to enforce the lockdown outside. Being an Indian it is our responsibility to stay home and stay safe.”
Written By: Apurva Somvanshi
IEEE Member No: 96144523
Cybersecurity- Importance of anonymity on the Internet and how to make yourself completely anonymous in this digital age
Data leak, Hacking, Data Protection, Identity theft- just some of the many buzz words we hear these days on the news, social media. The unfortunate thing is that these are not just words and have significance in the digital world.
The major eye-opener for the public was the Facebook-Cambridge Analytical data scandal in early 2018.
which took society by storm and there are data breaches happening in the world every hour which can be said, is also kind of a virus targeting everyone who is on the internet and the only way out is Digital Distancing which can be maintained in the ways that we are going to tell you in this blog. Let us make this clear that there is no way that can guarantee you 100% privacy it’s just that you need to use all the tools at your disposal to be as anonymous as possible.
- Use of VPN(Virtual Private Network)
The most popular and mainstream method of data protection and anonymization is VPN. Although the notion that the use of a VPN makes the user invincible on the internet is flawed. VPN only routes the traffic from your ISP to its server which means that the data is still getting stored somewhere which makes it kind of unreliable. That’s why it’s necessary to use a VPN service that has a no-log policy. Some of the best VPN services that are available are:
- ExpressVPN:A super secure VPN service that doesn’t compromise on speed and is recognized as the best.
- NordVPN: Well implemented encryption and a large choice of superb privacy features, a close second.
- PrivateInternetAccess: Extremely well-implemented OpenVPN and a no-logs policy at a low price
- CyberGhostVPN: is an easy to use and robust service for anyone new to VPNs
- AirVPN: is a VPN for expert VPN users with excellent security features and implementation.
2. Tor project:
Tor is free and open-source software for enabling anonymous communication. The name is derived from an acronym for the original software project name “The Onion Router”. Tor directs Internet traffic through a free, worldwide, volunteer overlay network consisting of more than seven thousand relays to conceal a user’s location and usage from anyone conducting network surveillance or traffic analysis. You can also use the Tor browser directly which is officially available for android and unofficially available for iOS.
3. Use of Secure Encrypted Mail:
Industry 4.0 is here which means the Data is the new fuel and is going to run the whole industry. The mail services like Gmail, Hotmail, Rediffmail tracks e-mail and all of its content. Big data companies like these provide you with their free service which you actually pay by giving them your data which is far more expensive; And if these companies can track your data so can the government. Therefore you should use the secure mail which does not keep the log files of the account to ensure complete privacy.
One of such secure mail service is Proton Mail. ProtonMail’s servers are locked down under 1,000 meters of solid rock, in a Swiss bunker that can survive a nuclear attack. And its digital security is about as impressive. It began development by a team of CERN Large Hadron Collider scientists in the wake of the 2013 Snowden leak and has since become the #1 most-used secure email service with over five million users.
ProtonMail is designed with the principle of zero access and zero-knowledge, which means that the email servers and staff that work with them have no way of reading or sharing your emails.
Regulating App Permissions:
Regulating app permission is a major part of privacy protection and so permission should be granted carefully because malicious installed on the phone can leak the data causing privacy concerns. This is the list of data that your phone can leak to the companies:
- Body Sensors – allows access to your health data and step count, from paired heart-rate monitors, fitness trackers, and other sensors.
- Calendar – allows apps to read, create, edit, or delete your calendar events.
- Camera – taking photos and recording videos.
- Contacts – read, create, or edit your contact list, as well as access the list of all accounts used on your device.
- Location – access your location using GPS for high accuracy, and cellular data and Wi-Fi for approximate accuracy.
- Microphone – used for recording audio, including for video.
- Phone – access your phone number and network info. Required for making calls and VoIP, voicemail, call redirect, and editing call logs.
- SMS – read, receive, and send MMS and SMS messages.
- Storage – read and write files to your phone’s internal and external storage.
Avoid Social Media:
I know this is cliche advice. But its a cliche for a reason. Privacy is about autonomy, the notion that you choose to share what you want to share and to keep private what you want to keep private. If there’s something going on in your life you don’t want the entire world to know about, then posting about it on social media — for the entire world to see — may, ergo, not be the best idea.
There’s a striking generational gap on this topic. Older generations cringe at the idea of airing their dirty laundry in public, while the generation that grew up with a cell phone welded to their palm thinks over-sharing is normal. There are a time and place for everything. Deliberate sharing of things you want to the world to see clearly has value.
Consider also that sharing a particular detail about your life may not appear sensitive on its own but taken in aggregate with many other shared personal details can build up a picture that you might hesitate to put onto a hostile internet.
Use of AdBlock extension:
Tracking your every move online and, increasingly, in meatspace, is the business model of huge chunks of Silicon Valley. Google and Facebook are two of the largest players in this space, and they track you all across the web and into meatspace, even if you don’t have an account with either (though most of us do), and even if you aren’t logged in.
Installing an ad blocker is no magic cure, but a paper-mache sword is better than nothing at all when the enemy hordes invade. The Brave Browser blocks ads and trackers by default. AdBlock has a good reputation, and other extensions are worth exploring, such as the Electronic Frontier Foundation’s excellent Privacy Badger extension.
You can also sinkhole ad network DNS requests at your local router level.
One can never be completely safe online but with proper measures and tools, one can minimize the threats. Use of proxychains, tor-browser, VPN can add many security layers that can be okay for people with most general use cases. With proper censoring of content before posting also goes a long way.
Written By: Abhishek Patil
IEEE Member No: 96143309
Data Science
As we all know that, when the world has entered the era of big data, the question raised was “Where to store this huge amount of data”. It was the concern and big challenge to the enterprise and many other industries until 2010. The only solution to this problem was to build frameworks that can store this data. Then Hadoop and other frameworks came into the picture and so the problem of storing large data was solved. Now the problem was how to process this large amount of data. Data Science is the secret sauce here.
Therefore it is important to understand what Data Science is and why people are crazy after Data Science.
Data Science in simple words is the study of data. Data Science is the process through which you can convert raw data into knowledge to support decision making. It involves developing methods of storing and analyzing data effectively. Then through this data, you
can extract useful information from scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems. The main goal of data science is to gain insights and knowledge data that can be both structured and unstructured.
Why Data Science?
➢ Industries require accurate data to help them and make careful decisions.
➢ Data Science churns raw data into meaningful insights and provides it to
➢ Companies use data or meaningful insights to analyze their marketing strategies and make better advertisements.
➢ Improves business, society or performance by gaining knowledge from data.
➢ Take real-time decisions.
➢ Make each dollar count and increase the return of investment.
➢ Builds confidence in business decisions.
Life Cycle of Data Science
Phase 1: Define Problem
Data Scientists do not start with the Data. They start with the problem. You should well- defined problem which contains its solution within it and it makes the problem easier to solve. If you define a problem effectively then it will help you in saving your time and your resources.
Phase 2: Collect Data
Data Collection is the process of gathering information on variables which are data requirements. You have to emphasis on ensuring accurate and honest collection of data such that the related decisions are valid. You should gather and scrap the data which is necessary for your project.
Phase 3: Data Cleaning
The data collected may be incomplete and may contain errors. The duplicate values should be discarded from the data. For data cleaning, you should fix the inconsistencies within the data and handle the missing values. Data cleaning helps you in making the data effective and accurate.
Phase 4: Analyze Data
You can analyze data through various techniques. The analyzed data will help you to understand and interpret the data efficiently. Through analyzed data, you can derive conclusions that will be required in further phases. The best way to analyze data is through data visualization which can be in the graphical or in chart format. Statistical data models can also be used which includes regression analysis and correlation. It includes methods like logistic regression, decision trees, random forest, and neural networks.
Phase 5: Interpret Result
The results which came through analyzing data are to be reported in a particular format as required by the industry person. The interpreted results can be in the form of data visualization through charts and graphs. Through these charts and graphs, you can get insights and will help you in marketing strategies.
What skills need to be a DATA SCIENTIST?
➢ Strong knowledge of Python, SAS, R.
➢ Hands-on experience in SQL database coding.
➢ Knowledge of machine learning.
➢ Ability to work with unstructured data from various sources like video and social media.
➢ Understand multiple analytical functions.
Data Scientist is a person who is a part analyst who makes the use of his technical and analytical abilities to extract meaning and insights from massive data sets.
Data Scientist helps in increasing data accuracy, reducing costs and developing strategies.
Python VS R for Data Science
Python is great for Machine Learning and Deep Learning. R is good for statistical analysis of data.
The fact is that learning both tools Python and R, and using them for their respective strengths can only improve you as a data scientist. Versatility and flexibility are traits of a data scientist in their field. The python vs. R debate makes you stick to one programming language. You should look beyond it and learn both tools for their respective strengths. Using more tools will only make you better as a data scientist.
Top Application Areas
➢ Digital advertisements
➢ Internet Research
➢ Real-Time Predictive Analytics
➢ Recommendation Engines
➢ Cyber Security
In the end, it won’t be wrong to say that the future belongs to the Data Scientists. It was predicted that there will be a need of around one million Data Scientists. Working on more and more data will provide you with opportunities to solve problems and make accurate decisions. And hence Data Science will fulfill all your dreams once you become a successful data scientist.
Written By: Mansi Mahajan
IEEE Member No: 96171462
Indian TB Management System
Introduction :
This blog is to make you familiar with the disease which was once considered as one of the most dreadful diseases, Tuberculosis. Before Talking about Management Systems and Data Handling of Tuberculosis(TB), first it’s important to know about Tuberculosis.
So starting from the root, Tuberculosis (TB) is a dormant dreadful infectious bacterial disease caused by MTB(Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Bacteria) that most often affects the lungs. However, it’s not only restricted to lungs, but it may also affect the brain, spine, kidneys, pleura (the covering of the lungs), in the bones, the urinary tract and sexual organs, the intestines
and even in the skin.

Types of TB :
- Latent TB :
It is the condition when a person has TB infection but the bacteria remain inactive
in their body and shows no symptoms. Latent TB is not contagious. But it has a chance of
becoming active. - Active TB :
It’s a condition when the TB bacteria multiply in the patient’s body, causing them to develop the symptoms of tuberculosis. If one’s lungs get infected with active TB, he/she can easily spread the disease to others. TB is a contagious disease; i.e. it’s spread from person to person through the most common medium as air. When a patient with lung TB coughs, sneezes or spits, he/she propels the TB germs into
the air. A healthy person needs to inhale only a few of these germs to get infected.
Symptoms :
● A persistent cough of more than two weeks that brings up phlegm and blood at
● Breathlessness, mild at beginning and gradually gets worse.
● Lack of appetite and weight loss.
● Fever with a high temperature of 38ºC (100.4ºF) or above.
● Extreme tiredness or fatigue.
● Night sweats.
● Chest pains.
Causes and Risk Factors:
Other factors include:
● Tobacco use
● Malnutrition
● Alcoholism
● Diabetes
● End-stage kidney disease
● Certain cancers
● Cancer treatment, such as chemotherapy
● Immunosuppressive drugs taken to prevent organ transplant rejection
There are a number of TB tests currently available for diagnosing TB. Three of these are now recommended in the new National TB Plan to be used for adults in India who might have pulmonary TB.
The three tests for Pulmonary TB(TB in Lungs) are
- Sputum Smear Microscopy : Samples of mucus and phlegm are checked for the
presence of bacteria. - Chest X -ray : This uses radiation to create an image of lungs. Few changes in the
structure of lungs, which of lungs are visible on the X-ray. - Drug Susceptibility Testing: It provides a definitive diagnosis of drug- resistant TB.
- CB-NAAT test : CBNAAT (Cartridges Based Nucleic Acid Amplification Test) is
used to diagnose of MDR-TB and TB in high risk populations such as presumptive TB
cases in PLHIV (people living with the HIV), EP-TB (extra-pulmonary TB) and pediatric
populations. The CB NAAT machines are placed at most of the districts in the country.
Tests for TB of extra pulmonary sites(TB in other parts or Organs) includes :
● Computerized Tomography (CT) scan: A series of X-rays of the body is taken at
slightly different angles and a computer puts the images together to create a
detailed picture of the inside of the body.
● Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan: A magnetic field and radio waves are
used to produce detailed images of the inside of the body.
● Ultrasound scan: High-frequency sound waves create an image of part of the
inside of the body.
● Urine tests
● Biopsy: Small tissue sample is taken from the affected site and tested for the
presence of disease.
TB Management System in India:
RNTCP takes necessary measures for initiation of proper anti-TB treatment in
both, public or private health services and sustaining all TB patients on complete
treatment with a patient friendly system and social support.
All health care providers, both public and private providers, laboratories and
chemists have to notify the TB cases to local government health authorities. Notification
of cases is done with the case-based web-based TB surveillance system called
“NIKSHAY” for both government and private health care
facilities. Enhancements under NIKSHAY are for adherence support, logistics
management,patients support, direct data transfers, and to support interface agencies.
Free Drugs and Health Schemes :
Free TB drugs or medications are provided under the TB programme in form of
daily fixed dose combinations (FDCs) for all TB cases on the strategy of Directly
Observed Therapy (DOT).
DOT is a strategy, to improve adherence by any person observing the patient
taking medications in real time. The treatment observer could be a friend, a relative or a
lay person who works as a treatment supervisor or supporter and needs not to be a
healthcare worker. If treatment remains incomplete, patients may not be cured and drug
resistance may develop.
For new TB cases, the treatment in intensive phase (IP) consists of eight weeks
and in continuation phase, drugs are continued for 16 weeks.
For previously treated cases of TB, the intensive phase (IP) is 12 weeks. In the
continuation phase, drugs are continued for another 20 weeks as daily doses.
The continuation phase may be extended by 12-24 weeks for both new and
previously treated cases in certain forms of TB like skeletal, disseminated TB based on
the clinical decision of the treating physician.
Nikshay Poshak Yojana:
To encourage good nutrition during the TB treatment period, the financial incentive of Rs.500/- per month is provided as a nutritional support to each TB patient for the duration for
which the patient is on anti-TB treatment. These incentives are delivered through direct benefit transfer (DBT) scheme to bank accounts of the beneficiaries.
Public-Private Partnership:
For proper TB prevention and care, private providers are provided incentives for
TB case notification, and also for ensuring treatment adherence and treatment completion. The incentives are provided through direct beneficiary transfer.
The Incentives given to the Private Sector TB Care Provider are as follows:
● Rs 250/- on notification of each TB case diagnosed as per Standards for TB Care in India (STCI).
● Rs 250/- on completion of every month of treatment for each patient.
● Rs 500/- on completion of the entire course of TB treatment for each patient.
● Rs 2750/ for notification and management of each drug-sensitive patient over 6-9
months as per STCI.
● Rs 6750/-for notification and correct management of each drug-resistant case
which is over 24 months as per STCI.
TB was considered to be one of the most dreadful diseases over a decade ago, but now due to the developing awareness, public health schemes, science and technology it’s easily preventable and curable.
Written By : Samruddhi D. Borse
IEEE Member No. 96155271
Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp For Higher Secondary School Students of Government High School, Gonde, Tal. Mokhada, Dist. Palghar
Date: 23rd and 24th December 2019
Time: 10 am.
Place: Sandip Incubation Center.
Ms.Kavita Patil (SF SB IEEE WIE Affinity Group Counselor)
Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps was designed to align the curriculum with necessary outcomes to create awareness among students of Engineering and Science courses about various facts of entrepreneurship as an alternative career choice.
Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp was scheduled on 23rd and 24th December 2019 for Students of Tribal area Government School Mokhada. All the Students and their staff arrived at 10:00 am at the Sandip Incubation Center. At 10:05 am followed by inauguration and felicitation the pleasant morning started with a small prayer.
Miss Shreya Ahirao conducted session on Green skills. Green skills aim to balance economic development with environmental conservation so that the needs of the society, economy and environment can be balanced efficiently. She cheered up the students in great Enthusiastic manner
Followed by green skills session, Miss Snehal Savant (SF SB IEEE WIE Treasurer) conducted a session on Basic ICT Skills. The session was about understanding and applying a range of computer programmes, software and other applications. In between all the sessions coordinators conducted various small activities which cheered up the students.
Miss Apurva Somvanshi (SF SB IEEE WIE affinity group vice chairman) conducted session on Entrepreneurial Skills .How entrepreneur is different form a businessman and why entrepreneurship should be chosen as a carer option was discussed.
Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is often initially a small business the people who create these businesses are called Entrepreneurs.
With the end of three successful sessions a small brunch was arranged for the students.
In the second half session, three successful women entrepreneurs were introduced-
• Toshvi Thakur (Chief Operating Officer) “Anand Naturals”
• Sujata Kharat (Owner ) “Tasty Bites”,
• VedantiSorte (Founder & Chief Design Officer) “CreHa Gifts” (Connecting hearts through gifts)
These three women entrepreneurs brilliantly guided students regarding entrepreneurship, and their current business, and how they overcome difficulties in their life.
Mr Devesh Jha and Mr Abhishek Patil conducted session on Basics of Electrical and Electronics components. They both briefly explained about Electrical components and their working. Various electronic equipment were arranged for students, just like Ardino, ultrasonic sensors, spanners and many more etc.
Mr Pratik Jadhav conducted session on ‘Health &Safety’ and ‘Decision making ’. Health& Safety are important parameters to be considered while working on any task. Mr Sanket Gite introduced the students to the maker space, various components of maker space. He also showed a prototype model that he had made using the tools.
Mr Kiran jamkar& team conducted session on installation of water purifier, its repairing and maintenance. Old practices of water purification vs. new practices were discussed. At the end of all the entire session all the SF SB IEEE WIE coordinators conducted one activity for the students.
This activity aimed at brings out the real time problems that the students faced in their village .Students were told to come up with solution to those problems. This activity gave them an idea for their own start-up. They were told to design a prototype model of their solution on a chart paper and present the idea in front of other teams. It was a fun learning activity.
Great feedback was received from all the students. The Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp ended with good Enthusiasm. The entire event was a fun learning for Students, organizer, IEEE speakers, and coordinators who helped to make this event successful.