Asia – Pasific R10 Region Student Activities Committee presented THE EXEMPLARY STUDENT BRANCH AWARD IN 2006 to IEEE SSGMCE students branch.


MEMBER AND GEOGRAPHIC ACTIVITES BOARD presented 2007 STUDENT BRANCH MEMBERSHIP GROWTH AWARD to IEEE students chapter SSGMCE for Outstanding Leadership and Result in IEEE Membership Development Activities for REGION 10 IEEE BOMBAY SECTION.


The Regional Activites Board and The Technical Activities Board of IEEE presented this certificate to Dr. D.G.WAKDE in recognition of outstanding contribution as Student Branch Counselor for 2004-05 acedemic year at IEEE STUDENT CHAPTER SSGMCE.


IEEE presented this certificate commemorating the formation of the Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering Women in Engineering Student Branch Affinity Group subjected to the IEEE Constitution,Bylaws and Standing Rules.


Drolia Shradha represented IEEE Students Chapter SSGMCE at Beijing,China and was awarded by Certificate for Dalegate in 2006


IEEE presented the certificate of Outstanding Branch Counselor in recognition and appreciation of valued services and contribution 2017


Chaitanya Gore of IEEE student chapter SSGMCE BOMBAY SECTION took part in IEEE REGION 10 CONGRESS Bengluru,India in 2016

IEEE Certificate - Page 84-1