
An IEEE Student Branch provides IEEE Student members a networking opportunity to meet and learn from fellow students, as well as faculty members and professionals in the field to share their interests, future professions and ideas. In addition to improving their soft and hard skills. An active IEEE Student Branch can be one of the most positive elements in a department, offering programs in IEEE designated fields of Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology, as well as similarly related fields of interest.

The IEEE Computer Society has two types of chapters, Professional and Student Branch.
A Chapter is a geographical subunit of the IEEE Computer Society, established by petition to IEEE. Chapters represent and fulfill member needs in their specific geographical areas, allowing members to meet face to face at locally hosted activities.

IEEE Computer Society is a professional society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Its purpose and scope is “to advance the theory, practice, and application of computer and information processing science and technology” and the “professional standing of its members. The CS is the largest of 39 technical societies organized under the IEEE Technical Activities Board.

The IEEE Computer Society sponsors workshops and conferences, publishes a variety of peer-reviewed literature, operates technical committees, and develops IEEE computing standards. It supports more than 200 chapters worldwide and participates in educational activities at all levels of the profession, including distance learning, accreditation of higher education programs in computer science, and professional certification in software engineering.

The IEEE Computer Society sponsors more than 170 technical conferences each year and coordinates the operation of several technical committees, councils, and task forces.


To be a trendsetter among universities and build students who emerge as leaders with competence, conscience and compassion by empowering them with sound education and high standards of ethical and professional behaviour enabling them to build and promote a more humane, just and sustainable world for future generations.


Our mission is to provide an exceptional learning environment where students can develop and enhance their leadership and teamwork skills, creative and intellectual powers and passion for learning by providing an uncompromising standard of excellence in teaching; embodying the spirit of excellence to educate the citizen-leaders of society with distinction.

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