2020 IEEE Xtreme 14.0

IEEEXtreme 14.0 was a 24-hour worldwide programming competition and started simultaneously around the world at 00:00:00 UTC 24th October 2020. IEEE Student Branch University Putra Malaysia (IEEESB UPM) sent two teams, which were Team PUTRA 1 and PUTRA 2 to represent the student branch to compete in IEEEXtreme 14.0. The teams were comprised of second and third year students from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Department of Computer and Communication System Engineering from University Putra Malaysia. The teams were supervised by the appointed proctor, Prof. Madya Dr. Noor ‘Ain Binti Kamsani and assisted by program director, Muhammad Syamil Aizat.

The objective of competing in IEEEXtreme 14.0 is to foster good programming techniques among undergraduates as well as to challenge them to think critically when solving real world problems using programming methods.

Due to the spread of Covid-19 and control movement order at some places, the competition was held online through online meeting platform at 8.00am. For each hour in the whole duration of the competition, new problems will be released on the competition website. Participants could solve any of the questions within 24 hours and will be graded according to the difficulty of each question. Both teams were challenged in their critical thinking and knowledge of programming language when faced with such questions. At the end of the competition, UPM teams succeeded in obtaining rankings as shown in table below.

Team PUTRA 1


1) Ahmad Qayyum Fikri Ahmad Jazimin

2) Aishah binti Abd Rahman

3) Nur Alifah Ilyana Mohd Sharihan

Malaysia Ranking: 12; Global Ranking: 1616

Team PUTRA 2


1) Muhammad Syamil Aizat bin Ahmad Zaidi

2) Norshalisa Alis binti Zuremi

Malaysia Ranking: 10; Global Ranking: 1468

Posted in 2020.

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