15th IEEE International Conference On Emerging Technologies
IEEE FAST NUCES Peshawar Student Branch is going to host ICET Conference in FAST NUCES Peshawar Campus.
So mark your calendars as International Conference on Emerging Technologies 2019 is coming to FAST-NUCES Peshawar on December 2019 !!!
It is a flagship conference of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Islamabad Section, Pakistan. The conference was first launched in Pakistan in 2005 through auspices of the IEEE-Islamabad section and has been conducted every year for the past one and a half-decade. FAST-National University has the honor of hosting the prestigious conference for the fourth time in its history and will be bringing the conference to Peshawar.
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Given your interests and contributions to research and academia, we invite you/your research students to submit papers to 15th International Conference on Emerging Technologies 2019 (ICET-2019) which will be held on 2nd-3rd December 2019 in Peshawar, Pakistan
It is a flagship conference of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Islamabad Section, Pakistan. The conference was first launched in Pakistan in 2005 through auspices of the IEEE-Islamabad section and has been conducted every year for the past one and a half-decade. FAST-National University has the honor of hosting the prestigious conference for the fourth time in its history and will be bringing the conference to Peshawar.