Muhammad Anas
General Secretary
Muhammad Anas is a student of Bsc Electronics Engineering from Islamia University of Bahawalpur he has been associated with IEEE since, 2017. Currently, he has the general secretary of IEEE UCET IUB student branch (B10) for the tenure 2020-21
- Former transportation and management team member of IEEE subsection student/ YP/ WIE congress, 2019 (BSSYWC19)
- Former general secretary of IEEE IAS (industrial Application society) UCET IUB
- Achieved strong organizational skills by successfully leading IEEE UCET IUB as general secretary
- Achieved strong leadership skills by managing a team of IEEE IAS UCET IUB
- Achieved strong leadership skills at 2020 IEEE 23 international multi- basic conference (INMIC) as head of the management team
- Achieved strong leadership qualities by participating at IEEE young professional leadership conference, 2020
- Member IEEE since 2017 till date
- Member IEEE young professional since 2020 till date
- Member of IEEE industrial application society since 2017 till date
- Member of IEEE BWP student branch since 2020 till date
- Member of IEEE BWP sub-section since 2017 till date
Research Interests
- His research interest include: PLC programming, Antonio programming, Industrial and home automation electronics
- The final year project and research area PLC-based industrial manufacturing work cell (unit) and automatic robotic conveyer
Awards and Honors
- General secretary, IEEE UCET IUB student branch
- General secretary, IEEE IAS (industrial application society) UCET IUB
- Certificate of attending YPLC,20
- Certificate of attending a hands-on workshop on IoT, 2018
- Get 3rd position in IEEE SMCS Quiz competition, ( Dec 2018)