Sidra Naeem
Sidra Naeem is final year student of Telecommunication Engineering at The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. She has been serving the IEEE UCET Student Branch since 2020. Currently appointed as the Chairperson for the tenure 2023-24. She has been working with many organizations at national and international level. Her entire spectrum of experience is diverse as female emerging leader who aims create a dynamic & progressive image of Pakistan and work for the betterment of society through her leadership skills. A certified engineering student, has held large-scale IEEE conferences, got organizational partnerships and has been invited as keynote speaker at various events.
- Selected as Documentation lead in year 2020.
- Invited as guest speaker of international talk in India on “Women in Freelancing” 2022
- Organized more than 50 events including several Mega events IEEE Decade Celebrations, INMIC 2020, CONGRESS 2022 and ICES&T 2023 throughout her journey.
- Got approved international funding proposals as YP funding for Industry Panel Discussion, HAC for Bridging gaps for internet for villagers community.
- Hosted events including IEEE PED DAY, IEEE Orientaion 2022 and Equity in personlatity development by IEEE Comsoc.
- Secured first position in IEEE volnteer training officers Program 2022.
- Event Organizer for IEEE HAC Project Facilitating Internet: Channan Pir, A remote Area of South Punjab
- Served as Chaiperson of IEEE UCET Student Branch for the tenure 2023-2024.
- Served as Vice Chaiperson of IEEE UCET Student Branch for the tenure 2022-2023.
- Served as information secretary for the tenure 2021-2022.
- Served as volunteer in the tenure 2021 for IEEE UCET Student Branch.
- President of Information & Communication Engineering Club.
- Freelance Content writer at Upwork
- Social media handler Human Care Foundation
- Content Writer at
- Executive member of IUB Publication Society.
Research Interests
- Networks Engineering Enthusiast with extreme passion for computer networks.
- AI Robots truly fascinate her and she aims to exceed more in it.
Awards & Honours
- Awarded appreciation certificate as Logistic Team member in IEEE INMIC 2020.
- Awarded appreciation certificate as YP Event Chair of Industry Panel Discussion.
- Awarded appreciation certificate for serving as Vice Chairperson of IEEE UCET IUB Student Branch.
- Awarded certificate and shield as Organizing Head of Registration team, IEEE Congress 2022.
- Awarded appreciation certificate for organizing international conference IEEE ICES&T 2023.