Nowadays we are suffering from the biggest pandemic of coronavirus. It a disease that is spreading 
through the physical interaction of people while they don't maintain social distancing. Now the 
world is developing so fast that we cannot stop working and stay at home for a long time, the only 
way through which we can save ourselves is by considering SOPs and Social distancing. So for this 
purpose, we planned Virtual Awareness Seminars and introducing a project regarding the social 
distancing alert devices. which are now installed at the Admin Offices of Faculty of Engineering,
 The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. This device will alert students/faculty to maintain the 
proper social distance from the clerical staff. In our university students visit the clerk's office 
during the whole day, which means there a massive interaction among Clerical Staff and students/
faculty. So, to save our faculty, clerks, and students from this virus we needed to install such a 
project at Admin Offices.